
雀屏中选  què píng zhòng xuǎn







  • 在就读大学戏剧系一年级时,吴兴国在云门舞集的角色试镜会中雀屏中选
    During his freshman year studying drama at university, Wu auditioned for a role at the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre and landed the part.

  • 美国耶鲁大学医学院雀屏中选,并在1999年时确认PPA有引发出血性中风的危险。
    They chose the Yale University School of Medicine; in 1999 the study confirmed that PPA causes hemorrhagic stroke.

  • 并不是在你觉醒的那一天,老天为「你」颁布一道特赦令,你因著这一恩典雀屏中选而觉醒。
    It is not that on the day you wake up , God will sign the divine decree for you and , by His grace , you will be the one at that moment to wake up .

  • 小型望远镜不容易观测的马头星云,最近在网际网路的票选中雀屏中选,被推举为哈伯望远镜的观测标的。
    Explanation: Difficult to see in small telescopes, the Horsehead nebula was recently selected by internet voters as a target for the Hubble Space Telescope.

  • 它描述的只是许多看似合理的未来,所以持怀疑态度者永远可以质疑:为什麽其中某些少数决策能够雀屏中选
    It addresses no more than a handful of the many plausible futures, so skeptics can always question the choice of the highlighted few.

  • 虽然每年只有少数雀屏中选的人可以加入常春藤盟校成为其中一员,美国人仍拥有无人能比的世界级高等教育体系。
    Though only a select few can join the ranks as Ivy Leaguers each year, Americans are endowed with a world-class tertiary educational system second to none.

  • 参赛者因具备流利的英语能力及有趣的个性而雀屏中选。参赛者可得到一张地图、一本词组书、一支手机及一台相机。
    In every locale, participants, chosen for their English fluency and interesting personalities, are given a map, a phrase book, a mobile phone, and a camera.

  • 李凯文是90多位雀屏中选的音乐家之一,他是靠面试甄选在乐团赢得一席之地,但他并非亲自面试而是透过网路影带甄选。
    Lee was one of more than 90 musicians who earned a place in the orchestra by auditioning -- not in person but through Web videos.

  • 雀屏中选造句相关
