
层峦叠嶂  céng luán dié zhàng








  • 七峰罗列,摩天最高,层峦叠嶂,气势壮观。
    Peak out seven, and skyscraper highest peaks overlapping range upon range of hills, spectacular momentum.

  • 群山连绵,层峦叠嶂,关隘众多,古道险阻。
    Fell across the mountains, range upon range of hills overlapping peaks, pass many obstacles Road.

  • 大多数人认为见到了层峦叠嶂的山就认为是火山群。
    Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes.

  • 这就是蒙大拿地区典型的夏日景色,层峦叠嶂,一片翠绿。
    This view is typical of a Montana Summer, green and mountainous.

  • 湖岸边层峦叠嶂,松、杉、翠竹、鲜花倒映水中,相映成趣,水天一色;
    Cengluan stacked嶂lake shore, pine, fir, Tsui Chuk, flowers Daoying water, Xiangyingchengqu, Shuitianyise;

  • 雏鹰,头顶着层峦叠嶂——光秃秃的峭壁没有一丁点儿的地方可避风遮雨。
    Above the young eagle's head rose rock upon rock——steep bare stone walls without a single shelter from the wind.

  • 整座山峰林木荫郁,层峦叠嶂,故有“鸡峰耸翠”之美称,列为成县八景之首。
    Yin Yu whole mountain forests, range upon range of hills overlapping peaks, it is "chicken Tsui-feng Song, " the name, as eight of the first into the county.

  • 层峦叠嶂的陷路中有一条解脱的路,像这个一样,在世界上不存在不能解决的事情。
    As you can find a way out even when lost in the midst of deep-layered mountains, there is no such a case in worldly affairs that does not have a method for it to be resolved.

  • 作品的主体色为黑白色,作者巧意设计,黑色部分巧雕为层峦叠嶂的山群,巍峨大气。
    The main works of the black-white color, the author skillfully Italian design, the black part of the incredible artistic Permian stuck to the cliff towering atmosphere.

  • 这里北依层峦叠嶂的永宁山,南傍蜿蜒东流的易水河,青草萋萋,古木参天,景色清幽。
    Here the north in accordance with the endlessly rising peaks of Yongning Hill, meandering river flows south of the Yi River waterfront, the grass luxuriant, magnificent old trees, quiet scenery.

  • 第二天,当我们逐步深入那层峦叠嶂的山脉中时,我们很轻易的就发现了那个地方的主要社会问题。
    As we drive deeper into the terraced mountains the following day, it is easy to identify the region's main social problems.

  • 达沃斯--欧洲最高的阿尔卑斯山度假胜地,掩映在未受破坏的自然美景中,层峦叠嶂,嵯峨壮观;
    Davos~~the highest Alpine resort in Europe~~offers all the amenities of a small town, while nestling in landscape of unspoilt natural beauty and marvellous mountain splendour.

  • 层峦叠嶂的山峰垂直挺立,山峰斑驳的黑影围绕着我们,只有在房间里点满蜡烛时,黑影才消失。
    I noticed the jagged mountains towering above us, blanketing us in dark shadows broken only by the candles we placed around the room.

  • “巫山云雨”本是上好的自然景观,在挺拔青翠的巫山十二峰层峦叠嶂之中,云腾雨落十分美丽壮观。
    "Wushan Cloud" This is a good natural landscape, tall and straight in the green of the Wushan twelve peaks feng overlapping range upon range of hills, Yuntengyuluo very spectacular and beautiful.

  • 寒冷的空气渐渐变暖,层峦叠嶂刹那间投下铅笔一样细长的黑影,山下的松林郁郁葱葱,远望去象一堆堆阴森恐怖的孔雀石。
    The cold air sweetened, banded pebbles and crumbs of soil cast sudden pencil-long shadows and the rearing lodgepole pines below them massed in slabs of somber malachite.

  • 当您进入56层中庭酒吧,更是别有洞天,抬头仰望世界独一无二的酒店中庭,扶摇直上152米,迷人的光环,似层峦叠嶂
    When you enter the 56 storey atrium bar, is Journey Into Amazing Caves, looked up a unique hotel atrium, and rose through 152 meters, charming aura, may range upon range of hills overlapping peaks.

  • 在美丽的大自然中,令人心旷神怡的一类景色便是“层次美”了,如“层峦叠嶂”、“层林尽染”、“层层梯田”、“层云缭绕”等。
    in beautiful nature, It is relaxing and the scenery category "level America", If "several overlapping cliff, " "slopes do Dyeing, " "terraced fields have", "clouds wind around.

  • 在美丽的大自然中,令人心旷神怡的一类景色便是“层次美”了,如“层峦叠嶂”、“层林尽染”、“层层梯田”、“层云缭绕”等。
    in beautiful nature, a matter of relaxing and the scenery is the category "level the U. S. ", such as "several overlapping cliff, " "slopes do Dyeing, " "terraced fields have", "clouds wind around.

  • 达沃斯--欧洲最高的阿尔卑斯山度假胜地,掩映在未受破坏的自然美景中,层峦叠嶂,嵯峨壮观;城镇虽小,可各种舒适便利一应俱全。
    Davos--the highest Alpine resort in Europe--offers all the amenities of a small town, while nestling in landscape of unspoilt natural beauty and marvellous mountain splendour.

  • 森林公园内气候温和湿润,空气清新,奇峰林立,层峦叠嶂,密林覆盖,鸟语花香,溪水潺潺,是“陇上江南”——天水一处不可多得的天然氧吧。
    " Forest Park mild moist climate, clean air, Lin Qi, range upon range of hills overlapping peaks, dense forest cover, Jade, gurgling streams, "on southern Long" - a rare Tianshui Tianranyangba.

  • 公司主要产品为玉簪茶、惠明茶、惠明白茶,惠明茶产区层峦叠嶂,常年云雾缭绕。惠明茶以条索细紧、色泽翠绿、白毫显露、无污染、耐冲泡、香高味醇深受各地消费者青睐。
    Hui Ming Tea is Paris green by the luster, the pekoe revealed that does not have the pollution, to bear swells, fragrant high Flavor Pure the depth to favor the regional consumers.

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