
风调雨顺  fēng tiáo yǔ shùn








  • 假如风调雨顺,今年农民将获丰收。
    Assuming that the weather is favourable, Farmers will have a bumper harvest.

  • 一个是八卦图形阵,寓意风调雨顺
    One is the gossip graphics array, meaning favorable weather.

  • 早晨人们争相打水,意示风调雨顺
    People water in the morning with each other, meaning that weather conditions.

  • 假如风调雨顺,今年农民将获丰收。
    Farmers will have a good harvest, assuming(that)the weather is favorable.

  • 创会原意为驱雹祛灾,祈求风调雨顺
    Founder original intent was to drive hail Qu disaster to pray for fine weather.

  • 农民们正在祈求风调雨顺
    The farmers are blessing propitious winds and rains.

  • 拥有三个阶层的圜丘坛是皇帝祈祷风调雨顺的地方。
    The three-leveled alter -- the Earthly Mount, is where the Emperor prayed for favorable weather during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

  • 坎坷自然也就不用说了,没有谁的一生是风调雨顺的。
    Rough nature also say, no one's life is the good crop weather.

  • 风调雨顺时,实施局部自由市场经济体制并不困难;
    It's easy to have a partially liberalized market economy when times are good.

  • 人们用唱歌来表达爱情,结交朋友,祈求风调雨顺,五谷丰登。
    Through these songs, people express love, make friends and pray for good weather and a good harvest.

  • 法国人认为元旦的天气预示着年景:刮南风,预兆风调雨顺,;
    France people think that New Year's Day weather presage year: scratch southerly omen favorable weather, ;

  • 祝愿非洲能风调雨顺。需要花一些时间做一些我们从未做出的事。
    bless the rains down in Africa. Gonna take some time to do the things we never have.

  • 您佑助我们重建家园,您恩慈我们收获庄稼,您给我们风调雨顺吧!
    You Youzhu we rebuild homes, your mercy we harvest crops, you give us Fengtiaoyushun!

  • 奇妙的是,玉带云会预兆农业丰收:它出现次数多,当年就风调雨顺
    Wonderful, Yudai clouds will sign agricultural harvest: It appears more often, was on Fengtiaoyushun.

  • 它是一座空阔的圆形平台,建于三层大理石上,皇帝在这祈求风调雨顺
    It is an empty circular platform on three levels of marble stones, where the Emperor prayed for favorable weather.

  • 通过各种祭祀形式,祈祷神灵消灾免难、风调雨顺,是黄河民俗文化的典型。
    Through various forms of worship, praying hard to god disaster-free, fine weather is typical of folk culture of the Yellow River.

  • 在有些地区人们沿袭过去祭祖敬神活动,祈求新的一年风调雨顺,平安、丰收。
    Follows the ancestor worship in some local people to make sacrifices to a god the activity, implores the new year good crop weather, safe, abundant harvest.

  • 在祖国六十周年到来之际,聊城恒博物资祝我们伟大的祖国风调雨顺、繁荣富强。
    In the eve of the sixtieth anniversary of the motherland, Liaocheng Tsunehiro material I wish our great motherland good weather and prosperity.

  • 民间寺庙择日建醮,给神祇们焚烧金纸箔,迎吉避邪祈福降民,永保国泰民安、风调雨顺
    An auspicious day was chosen on which to conduct this temple ceremony of burning paper money for the gods' blessings.

  • 如果每一个人都能彰显其原始的德性,自然的运作就会正常,人们就能享受风调雨顺之赐。
    If everyone could highlight his original virtue, the operation of Nature would be set on right and smooth path.

  • 这两点关键帮了小王子很大的忙,他平安地做了五年国王,这五年国家风调雨顺、国泰民安。
    Keys gave the little prince a lot of help, he had done king safely for five years, this five-year national weather prime minister.

  • 于是,为了求龙王保佑,风调雨顺,五谷丰登,人们就制作了一条龙,龙内燃灯,起名“龙灯”。
    Thus, in order to seek blessings Longwang, favorable weather, wu gu feng deng , people on the production of a one-stop, the dragon within ran deng , named "dragon."

  • 我们人类在对抗天候上受到良好保护,然而却使植物受到户外气候的严酷考验,只能期盼风调雨顺
    We humans are protected against the elements, yet we subject our plants to the rigors of the outdoors and hope for a good weather year.

  • 祈年殿是一个建在三增大理石底座上的三重顶的圆柱形建筑。每年明清皇帝都要来此祈祷一年中风调雨顺
    The Hall of Annual Prayer is a triple-gabled circular building, built on three levels of marble stone base, where the Emperor prayed for good harvests each year during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

  • 石雕、木雕、浮雕精雕细刻,玲珑剔透,山门四大天王(又名四大金刚)威武巍然挺立山门左右,象征风调雨顺
    Stone carving, wood carving, relief Jingdiaoxike, Delicate Titou, Shanmen Four Heavenly Kings (also known as the four King Kong) mighty Weiran stand upright gate around symbol Fengdiaoyushun.

  • 法会所有功德回向法界一切众生离苦得乐,世界和平,国泰民安,风调雨顺,人民安居乐业,可谓冥阳两利,存没沾恩。
    The merits accrued will be transferred to both our living and departed parents, relatives and friends as well as for world peace, well being of the people and the country, and all sentient beings.

  • 如果不想达成『风调雨顺,国泰民安』的远大目标,意识能量是可以从宗教里头切割出来单独作业,成为一种新兴的产业。
    If we can put aside the grand goals of "fair wind and national prosperity" for the time being, it is possible to take mental energy out of religious context and turn it into a new industry.

  • 修持本尊可解脱过去、现在、未来的迷结,平息一切争端,促进和平与安宁,使风调雨顺,国泰民安,修行者直接往生香巴拉国。
    Practicing the Dharma of Kalachakra can help avoid wars disasters and kalpa and promote peace and harmony in a believer's inner mind so that the follower will be reborn in Shambhala (the pure land).

  • 平安县张家寨村马社火中的表演者主要扮演秦琼、敬德等戏剧人物,以保佑村民风调雨顺、五谷丰登为主旨,具有深厚的历史文化内蕴。
    The performers usually poses as theatrical figures of history, especially door-god, Qin Qing and Jing De. Mashehuo in Zhangjiazhai Village of Pingan County has rich historical connotation.

  • 自此,不论风调雨顺还是硝烟弥漫,都无法阻挡全人类四年一次的等待…奥运盛会是一株橄榄树、是一只和平鸽,意喻着团结、和平与希望!!!
    Since then, regardless of weather or smoke floated over the last four years, mankind can stop waiting… Olympics Games is a strain of olive trees, a dove of peace, symbolize solidarity, peace and hope!

  • 风调雨顺造句相关
