
鬼斧神工  guǐ fǔ shén gōng








  • 好个人造的鬼斧神工
    All thing is being good.

  • 这个卵石嵌的漂亮!感叹大自然的鬼斧神工
    This scree is inlaided perfect! How great nature is!

  • 奔腾洪水的鬼斧神工造就了大陆上独一无二的地形。
    The surging waters carved landforms unlike anything else on the continent.

  • 景是自然的景,大自然的鬼斧神工,任意的花样光阴。
    King King is natural, natural springs, arbitrary figure time.

  • 远眺烂柯主峰,如一座巨大的石桥,鬼斧神工蔚为奇观。
    Black peak overlooking Ko, such as a huge stone bridge Superlative Craftsmanship become a spectacle.

  • 我确信这不是大自然的鬼斧神工,而是一个巨大的人工雕像。
    I believe this is not a mere freak of nature but a gigantic monument.

  • 《武山县志》载,相传鸠摩罗什运鬼斧神工,拉树梢成山,因有此名。
    "Wushan County Zhi" set, Legend has it shipped Guifushengong Kumarajiva, pull Shushao Chengshan, a result of this name.

  • 大自然的鬼斧神工远远超过人的想象,大脑的复杂程度同样也是这样。
    Mother Nature is far more than people imagine, the complexity of the brain the same as well.

  • 这些石头看上去像是有人精心雕琢出来的,其实,都是大自然鬼斧神工的杰作。
    These stones look like it was carefully crafted by the fact, are uncanny workmanship of nature's masterpieces.

  • 去云南旅游不能不去石林,那鬼斧神工、峭岩壁立的天下奇观,着实令人叹为观止。
    Tourism can not go to the Stone Forest in Yunnan, that gods, Qiao Yan steeply wonders of the world is, indeed, amazing.

  • 它们强而有力的山脊平静安稳的座落在这片大地上,我为大自然的鬼斧神工感到佩服。
    I did not want to move my eyes away from these beautiful landscapes. They are so powerful but lying on the ground so peacefully.

  • 鬼斧神工的雕刻下,展现各种奇特造型惟妙惟肖的冰雕让你仿佛置身于一个童话世界。
    In the sculpture show offers various peculiar modelling lifelike sculpture let you in a fairy tale world.

  • 妳长得国泰民安,妳长得用心良苦,妳长得鬼斧神工,妳长得劳苦功高,妳长得缺心少肺。
    You look to be tranquil and peaceful, you look good, you look uncanny workmanship, you Laokugonggao much longer, you lack the heart grow less lung.

  • 他那鬼斧神工般雕琢的脸庞是那么不可思议,但多年整容给他带来的苦痛也令人一声叹息。
    his face cut and polish as uncanny workmanship is so incredible, but brought him many years of plastic surgery is also painful sigh.

  • 在远处观望,你会忍不住感慨这些山峰的鬼斧神工,是否有些神秘的力量在保卫和祝福它们。
    A view from far away and you can't help but wonder if the mountain does indeed have some mystical force guarding and blessing its peaks.

  • 百里峡美丽的山水、宜人的原始生态环境,鬼斧神工的奇异之景,一定给您颇多启迪和感悟。
    Bai Lixia beautiful landscapes, pleasant the original ecological environment, strange gods of the King, will give you quite a lot of inspiration and insights.

  • 那磅礴向上的气势,向你展示着不屈不挠的精神,那鬼斧神工般的形态,更使你感到大自然的壮美。
    That Pangbo upward momentum, to show you the indomitable spirit of that Guifushengong-like shape, make you feel more natural sublime.

  • 联想到同时代都江堰、灵渠等同样有如鬼斧神工的水利工程,我对秦帝国建设者的高超智慧钦佩不已。
    Legend to enjoy Doujiang Weir, the Lingqu equally as hot water, I admire you greatly surpassing intelligence Qindiguo builders.

  • 这些大自然的杰作,堪称鬼斧神工,奇妙无穷,让人佩服得五体投地,令游人流连忘返,更引起无限遐思。
    These masterpieces of nature, can be uncanny workmanship, endless wonderful people admire a five-way vote, so that visitors away, but caused Xiasi unlimited.

  • 以石门立、石洞开、石太平、石笋拔、石屏障、石床稳、石井真等以单个岩石鬼斧神工地构成了石头阵地。
    To the Shihmen legislation, Dandong open, stone of peace, pulling stalagmite and stone barriers, Shi Chuang Wen, Ishii true, and so on to a single rock Guifushengong to constitute a stone positions.

  • 贾斯珀国家公园内之佩投湖、弓湖、巫药湖、派翠西亚湖、金字塔山、玛琳湖及玛琳峡谷鬼斧神工美丽如画。
    Jasper National Park of Peyto, Bow Lake, witch-Lake, Patricia Lake, Pyramid Hill, Maligne Lake and the Maligne Canyon Guifushengong beautiful.

  • 还有虎头崖,锥子山,龙潭瀑布,神龟探水,九龙脊,二龙戏珠等鬼斧神工的自然景观,更有许多迷人的传说故事。
    Have hookerianum cliffs, awl Hill, Longtan waterfall, turtles into the water, Kowloon ridges, such aser long xi zhu uncanny workmanship of the natural landscape, there are many fascinating legends.

  • 放大后会发现,眼睛是被农民修剪掉枝杈留下的树干,而嘴巴则是块天然的草丛,不得不赞叹大自然的鬼斧神工啊。
    After magnifying, her eyes were the branch left by peasants and her mouth a natural bush. It is amazing work the Nature done!

  • 游花莲一定要游太鲁阁,山中大自然的鬼斧神工,真系好美。由于太鲁阁冇公共交通工具,我晌酒店订咗一日游嘅巴士。
    Taroko is a must visit place for Hualien, it is just beautiful. As there is no public transportation to Taroko, I booked a one day tour at the hotel.

  • 曾经遇到过一只小鸟,羽毛很漂亮,心灵很纯洁,思路更是异常的清晰,这多少让我感到安慰,感叹造物主的鬼斧神工
    Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice.

  • 或许以下艺术品所展现的设计与图案最能表达这个理念。如果我们把这些设计与图案称为大自然鬼斧神工之作会更恰如其分!
    This notion seems to be finding its best manifestation through designs or shapes depicted in the images. It would be much better if we call them designs or shapes carved by nature!

  • 大自然鬼斧神工的杰作,不仅留下了使人们产生无尽畅想的自然奇观,也记录了让我们捕获生物演变和人类活动踪迹的珍贵信息。
    It is the daedal hand of nature that not only leaves endless imagination to people, but also records precious information related to biological evolution and human activities trace.

  • 建立与1964年的大峡谷国家公园是一座天然的雕像馆。有着悦目颜色的侵蚀砂岩在大自然的鬼斧神工下,有的像在流动,而有的又摩天而立。
    Established in 1964, Canyonlands National Park offers a landscape of natural sculptures. Vibrantly colored, eroded sandstone has been crafted into fluid rock formations and sky scraping butts.

  • 孤傲高峻耸立好象直接天宫。登上雁塔绝顶仿佛离开尘世,沿阶盘旋攀登有如升越太空。高耸宏伟似乎压盖神州大地,是峥嵘崔嵬简直胜过鬼斧神工
    Reaches to the very Palace of Heaven…Climbing, we seem to have left the world behind us, With the steps we look down on hung from space.

  • 它以其独特的方式,在生死历程之中承受了大自然鬼斧神工的精雕细琢,使之一形一态,无不穷揽天物,一神一奇,无不幻化玄妙,一怪一异,无不倾绝想像。
    In a particular way, ebony bears the delicate carving of the nature and its form and its peculiarity are both full of imagination as well as creativity.

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