
麻痹大意  má bì dà yì






  • 不能因为没发生什么问题就麻痹大意起来。
    We can't get unwary just because nothing unusual has cropped up.

  • 疏忽[麻痹大意]是最大的敌人。
    S- is the greatest enemy.

  • 这种麻痹大意的心理是要不得的。
    This paralysis or psychological effect that is unacceptable.

  • 事故往往起因于麻痹大意
    Accidents often arise from carelessness.

  • 麻痹大意是最大的敌人。
    Security is the greatest enemy.

  • 那种麻痹大意的想法,差点让我失去一切。
    That kind lowers one's guard the idea, almost lets me lose all.

  • 不能因为没发生什么问题就麻痹大意起来。
    We can't get unwary just because nothing unusual has cropped up .

  • 如果麻痹大意地自诊为痔疮,就很可能酿成大患。
    If lowers one's guard from examines for hemorrhoids, very possibly breeds the big trouble.

  • 麻痹大意是大敌!
    Security is the greatest enemy.

  • 她所说的话听起来很真诚,但我们切不应该麻痹大意
    What she said rang true, but we should not drop our caution.

  • 对于后者也不要麻痹大意,因为温和面孔的背后常常是一把利剑。
    Do not lower ones guard regarding the latter, because the temperate faces behind is a sharp treasured sword frequently.

  • 由于几十个国家的首脑将出席奥运会开幕式,没有一个政府会麻痹大意
    With dozens of heads of state due to come to the opening ceremony, no government would be taking chances.

  • 这也许会造成决策失误,例如采取麻痹大意的货币政策以及进一步造成非理性繁荣。
    That can lead to policy mistakes, such as a lax monetary stance, and further irrational exuberance.

  • 我把爸爸的表拿走,看他会不会察觉,怎么样?然后让他知道麻痹大意的后果,好吗?
    I will take my dad's watch away whether he can notice or not. And then he will know the consequence of careless, ok?

  • 其实我们谁也不忍心看到这一幕,毕竟这些鲜活的生命是因无知或麻痹大意而遭受灾难。
    Frankly speaking, none of us would have the heart to witness this catastrophe, since these loving kids suffered only because of their ignorance or negligence.

  • 看来这并不是一次工作失误,而是餐厅利用客户节前消费麻痹大意的特点,设下的支付圈套。
    It appears this is not a work of mistakes, but the restaurant customers before consumption negligent use of the characteristics of the payment set a trap.

  • 海蛇咬人无疼痛感,被海蛇咬伤后30分钟甚至3小时内都没有明显中毒症状,容易使人麻痹大意
    If you are bitten by sea snake, in the first 30 minutes or even 3 hours, you may feel nothing. But it will hurt your life.

  • 简单的规则和无数的道具使得玩起来很容易。但是你要是麻痹大意想要轻松过关也不是容易的事情。
    Simple rules with a myriad of combinations make these puzzles easy to play and yet they manage to preserve a challenge to casual players.

  • 当一切都进行顺利的时候,正是麻痹大意自我满足的时候,也正是忽视自己真正的实力和潜能的时候。
    Times of great difficulty and challenge are also times of great opportunity. When there are problems in every direction, there is also much value waiting to be created.

  • 积分低的时候,你的斗志肯定会高昂很多,积分高了,自信心是增强了,但麻痹大意的事也一定会出现。
    The integral lowers, your fighting spirit definitely soaring many, the integral has been high, the self-confidence strengthened, but will lower one's guard the matter certainly will also appear.

  • 最终,整个工业体系内大量的不安全行为是由于在思想上对已经熟知和固定的安全工作行为的麻痹大意
    Finally, within the industry too many unsafe acts are committed due to intentional disregard for a known and established safe work practice .

  • 如果你这样做,你的论文可能会缺乏应有的丰富信息和平衡,而且,你有可能会麻痹大意,去剽窃原材料。
    If you do, your paper may be less well-informed and balanced that it should be, and moreover you may be lulled into plagiarizing the source.

  • SARS的爆发与流行性警示我们今后在一个相当长的时间内对于各类传染病决不能麻痹大意,必须警钟长鸣。
    The outbreak and spread of SARS warned us to be constantly on our guard against various contagious diseases in the years to come.

  • 如此这般思索或许不是个好主意,因为其引出的问题比能够回答的问题更多,我也可能反而因为自我反省而麻痹大意
    This kind of speculation probably isn't a good idea, because it raises more questions than it answers, and I'm liable to find myself paralyzed by self-conscious introspection .

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