
故态复萌  gù tài fù méng








  • 现在他停止吸毒了,但他可能故态复萌
    He's stop take drug now, but he may revert to take them again.

  • 现在他停止吸毒了,但他可能故态复萌
    He's stopped taking drugs now, but he may revert to taking them again.

  • 时隔不久,他故态复萌了。
    At a subsequent time he relapsed.

  • 小偷出狱了,但他故态复萌在市场上盗窃。
    The thief was out from the jail but returned to his old habit to steal in the market.

  • 他酒戒了两三个星期,可是现在故态复萌
    He kept off drink for a few weeks, but now he has relapsed.

  • 你现在工作的很好,我希望你不会故态复萌
    You're doing excellent work now, I hope you won't backslide .

  • 他是个经过改造的罪犯,然而仍有可能故态复萌
    The transformation of that project has been finished.

  • 他是个经过改造的罪犯,然而仍有可能故态复萌
    He's a reformed criminal who may yet backslide .

  • 他是个经过改造的罪犯,然而仍有可能故态复萌
    He's a reformed criminal who may yet backslide.

  • 不幸的是,他们中的大多数人故态复萌,又纵酒了。
    Unfortunately, most of them relapse to alcohol abuse.

  • 他已经好几年没有酗酒,我担心他最近又故态复萌了。
    He kept away from strong drinks for years, but recently I'm afraid he's begun to backslide .

  • 他有好几年没有酗洒了,但我担心最近他又故态复萌了。
    He kept away from strong drink for years, but recently I'm afraid he' begun to backslide.

  • 翠莎:你上次也是这麽说的,但三天后你就故态复萌了。
    You said that the last time, and you went back to your old ways after three days.

  • 我设法戒了三个月的烟,但是最近我恐怕又开始故态复萌了。
    I managed to keep of cigarettes for three months, but recently I am afraid I've begun to backslide .

  • 过后难免又故态复萌,损害消费者权益的人和事又不断涌现。
    After it will relapse and damage the interests of consumers and the persons involved are constantly emerging.

  • 陈嘉上如同第六代的故态复萌一样,也和很多香港导演一般令人无言。
    Gordon Chan as the sixth generation of relapse, and also the director general of Hong Kong is a lot of words.

  • 虽然短期效果不错,但整顿期过后,故态复萌,又陷入了重复或低水平管理的状态。
    Although short-term effects good, but the rectification period, from relapsing into the midst of a duplicate or low management state.

  • 在伦敦,他童年性格中的敏感犹豫故态复萌,或许是因为遭到房东太太的女儿冷落。
    There, a prickly instability, characteristic of his childhood, re-emerged, perhaps brought on by a rebuff from his landlady's daughter.

  • 她是个故态复萌的异端分子,顽固不化,不可救药,完全不配享受咱们恩赐给他的仁慈。
    She is a relapsed heretic, obstinate incorrigible, and altogether unworthy of the mercy we have shown her.

  • 一名空服员要求他们停止。他们一开始配合,但在飞机从凤凰城飞往莱里市途中又故态复萌
    A flight attendant asked them to stop. They obeyed initially but resumed the behavior during the flight from Phoenix to Raleigh.

  • 自我入书店以后,对于书的贪念也已消除了不少,可不免要故态复萌,想买这种,想买那种。
    Since I went into the bookstore, my aspiration for book has weakened. Unavoidably, I might want more books the moment later.

  • 渴望与故态复萌是成瘾的关键要素,我们已能利用不同方法,在饮糖的大鼠身上证明这些行为。
    Craving and relapse are critical components of addiction, and we have been able to demonstrate these behaviors in sugar-bingeing rats in a number of ways.

  • 自我入书店以后,对于书的贪念也已消除了不少了,可不免要故态复萌,想买这种,想买那种。
    Likewise, ever since I began to work in a bookstore, my obsession with books has been very much on the decline.

  • 应该有为习惯性绝对禁酒主义者而设的收容所,虽则他们在走出来之后不久,可能又会故态复萌
    There should be asylum for habitual teetotaler, but they will probably relapse into teetotalism as soon as they come out.

  • 自我入书店以后,对于书的贪念也已消除了不少了,可是仍不免要故态复萌,想买这种,想买那种。
    After I started working in a bookshop, my desire for books has declined. However, it still resumes now and then, driving me to purchase② this kind of books or that.

  • 到2003年,他因以迷乱颓废、衣冠不整的形象从宾馆或他人的家中出来,成了一位不可信任、不断故态复萌的“名人”。
    By 2003 he was an uninsurable serial relapser famous for being pulled out of hotels or other people's homes in an addled, disheveled state.

  • 开放标记实验终了时,有25名病患表示,其妄想症及幻觉现象已完全消失恢复;19名病患于停药一个月后,病徵故态复萌
    At the end of the open period, 25 patients had completely recovered from delusions and hallucinations, and 19 patients experienced a relapse within one month after clozapine washout.

  • 现在的任务是要百尺竿头,更进一步,而又不给标准掺水……不从当地社区手中夺取控制权……也不故态复萌,并称之为改革。
    Now the task is to build on this success, without watering down standards … without taking control from local communities … and without backsliding and calling it reform.

  • 我们的黄金时期是否将结束,我国是否会故态复萌,倒退到人类大多数一贯而且至今仍然处于其中的专制和苦难的境况中去呢?
    Will our golden age come to an end in a relapse into the tyranny and misery that has always been, and remains today, the state of most of mankind?

  • 应该有为习惯性绝对''。'禁酒'。''''。'主义者'。''而设的收容所,虽则他们在走出来之后不久,可能又会故态复萌
    There shall be asylum for habitual teetotaler, but they will probably relapse into teetotalism as soon as they come out.

  • 故态复萌造句相关
