
月黑风高  yuè hēi fēng gāo








  • 一个月黑风高的夜晚,他抓住风筝。
    One dark windy night he caught hold of the kite.

  • 同一个月黑风高的夜晚。
    The same the moon reshahar is high night.

  • 请问『在一个月黑风高的晚上』,该怎麽翻译啊?
    It was a dark and stormy night.

  • 请问『在一个月黑风高的晚上』,该怎麽翻译啊?
    how about "in a moonless windy night"?

  • 在一个月黑风高的夜晚……一个身影悄悄张开双手……
    in a black, moonless night, a dark figure held out its hands stealthily……

  • 这部电影的译名有三个:《月黑风高》,像一部悬疑恐怖片!
    This movie translated name has three: "Month Violent wind filled with dust Is high", likes to hang doubts the horror film!

  • 现在,他们只须等待一个月黑风高的晚上,好协助他们逃亡。
    They had now only to wait for a night dark enough to help their escape.

  • 每个月黑风高的晚上,他就藏在猪圈里,一边看着嫦娥一边流哈喇子。
    Every night, he would hide inside the pig sty, drooling all over his shirts while watching her.

  • 夜深了,大坝上继续腐败,月黑风高夜,杀人游戏开始,一杀就是两点多!
    Late at night, the dam continues to corruption, high on Heifeng night, killing game, a killing that is more than two points!

  • 这让我联想到:月黑风高夜,他们手持机枪,隐藏在树丛中,保护我的安全。
    I had visions of people hiding behind bushes holding machine guns guarding my security at night.

  • 一个月黑风高的夜晚,一个人偷偷的溜进了他邻居家的菜园,挑了个最大的西瓜偷回家。
    On a moonless night, a man entered into his neighbour's garden and stole the largest melon , he find and brought it home.

  • 为了进一步强化时间的戏剧性效果,午夜不能是平凡的午夜,不是雷电交加,必也月黑风高
    In order to further enhance the dramatic effect of time, midnight is not unusual midnight, not lightning Cross, will also Heifeng month high.

  • 月黑风高的晚上,在恐怖危机的大厦里,充满了僵尸,鬼魂,煤泥,蜘蛛和其他海洋生物。
    On Heifeng high in the evening, the terrorist crisis in the building, full of zombies, ghosts, slime, spiders and other marine life.

  • 在一个月黑风高阴森恐怖的晚上我是至尊宝你是白晶晶,奇妙的爱情就从桥头上这一点火开始的。
    At a pitch-park night, I'm Joker, you're Pak jingjing, fantastic love starts from a fire at the bridge.

  • 在一个月黑风高的夜晚,一只吸血蝙蝠全身沾满了血飞了回来,它停在了洞穴的顶端,要睡一会。
    A vampire1 bat came flapping in from the night, face all covered in fresh blood and parked himself on the roof of the cave to get some sleep.

  • 试想一下,半夜三更,月黑风高鸦雀无声,如有小偷正在撬保险柜,忽然一声雷霆巨喊会是什么样子?
    Just think, in the depth of night, lunar black wind is tall, silent, if thief is in prize safe, is thunderbolt suddenly gigantic what appearance can crying be?

  • 在一个月黑风高之夜,小偷握紧风筝,同伙将风筝放入空中,然后将风筝拽至古塔附近,以便偷取黄金。
    One dark windy night , the thief caught hold of the kite. his friends raised the kite into the air. Then they moved the kite near the top of the to steal the gold.

  • 月黑风高的一夜,令人毛骨悚然的咆哮声再次划破黑夜长空,而一名女子的平静夜晚,随即变成无限噩梦。
    In a sleep-stilled dead of night when the moon is high, a bone-chilling howl pierces the subdued night air, and one woman's tranquil dreams are exchanged for terrifying nightmares.

  • 让我们在黑漆漆的阴谋中为他唱响生日快乐,饱含我们鲜为人知的情真意切,趁着月黑风高,顺手把蛋糕砸在一张微笑的脸上。
    Let us in the dark conspiracy to sing happy birthday to him, and very few people unknown our true feeling, take advantage of the dark night, easily smashing the cake at a smiling face.

  • 话说2005年5月的某一个月黑风高的晚上,行会老大无双燕手持怒斩,独闯龙潭,只身杀入皇宫,掀起了行会攻沙战役的序幕。
    In May 2005 saying that a one-month high evening, the boss will be angry unique hand-held cut-yan, the Longtan alone reached the palace, setting off a battle line will be a prelude to attack sand.

  • 东奔西跑了很多天,搞定了诸多啰里八嗦的事情,终于在光棍节的前一天,一个月黑风高的夜晚,带着简陋的行李,手里捏着一张火车票,奔向了车站。
    it took me many days to prepare the travel, and in the eve of 1111, a windy night without moonlight, I rushed to the railway station with some simple baggages and a ticket.

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