
柳暗花明  liǔ àn huā míng








  • 也许,这是探索园区经营的一条柳暗花明之路。
    Perhaps, this is a when exploration garden area manages promising road.

  • 人生路上有甜也有苦,甜也会峰回路转,苦也会柳暗花明
    Everyone can meet with the path which may wind through high peaks and go smooth and steady.

  • 当然,放弃我们知道的东西令人恐惧,但柳暗花明又一村。
    Of course it's scary to give up what we know, but the abyss is where newness lives.

  • 纵使不能柳暗花明,也可为曾经的励精图治而道声无怨无悔。
    Can not even turn for the better, it's hard for once and no regrets Daosheng.

  • 传统的堪舆学中更强调曲线之美,“路要有柳暗花明之曲”。
    More emphasis on traditional learning curve benign beauty, "there must be a way out of the Road song."

  • 山重水复之后,内外资企业所得税法的合并似乎迎来了柳暗花明
    After being in the foreign and domestic income tax law, the merger will usher in a new vista.

  • 上海烂尾楼的“柳暗花明”得益于上海政府部门勇于破解难题的勇气。
    Shanghai uncompleted residential flats "way out" from Shanghai government departments to Solve Problems courage.

  • 谁也没有想到会有这一天,谁也没有想到他们的生活会出现柳暗花明
    But it was never thought about that there was one day, one day on which they would have their good luck in their life.

  • 常常会让人错觉“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”就是如此场景。
    Often make the wrong impression, "a basket case today have no doubt, new vista" is such a scene.

  • 话虽如此,但这是否为事关朝鲜近期核武器试验的外交关系柳暗花明之征兆?
    Might it nonetheless herald a breakthrough in the diplomatic confrontation over North Korea's recent bomb and missile tests?

  • 我们为之高兴和振奋,‘柳暗花明又一村’,中国打火机产业前景依然灿烂。
    We do it glad to mix hearten, ' promising another village ' , foreground of Chinese lighter industry still bright.

  • “山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的奇松竹海,构成了天柱山的隽隽秀色。
    "Another Day in the suspect failed, the prospect of" Qi-Song of Zhuhai, constitute the Tianzhushan Jun Juanxiu color.

  • 当我遇到了挫折,想要放弃的时候,我想到了山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。
    When I met with setbacks, you want to give up, I thought the mountain heavy water complex have no doubt, new vista.

  • 你甚至可能发现自己是如此地乐在其中,你那陷入危机的婚姻也会变得柳暗花明
    You might even find you enjoy it so much that this troubled marriage perks up.

  • 初春时桃李争艳,花香饮醉,新荫匝地,烟光杳蔼,如剑南诗云:柳暗花明又一村。
    Zhengyan early spring when the peach, floral drunk, the new Yamza di , smoke-ray disappeared Ai, such as Shiyun Jiannanchun: new vista.

  • 人生路上有甜也有苦,甜也会峰回路转,苦也会柳暗花明。——张文凯(高一·四班)
    Everyone can meet with the path which may wind through high peaks and go smooth and steady. ------ Zhang Wenkai (Class Four, Senior One.

  • 如果你和你的另一半愿意采取这些步骤,你们会在爱情的道路上遭遇冲突和柳暗花明
    If you and your partner are willing to take these steps, then expect bumps and turns in the road.

  • 如果你的公司曾濒临破产,但终于得到一份订单或注资,让公司柳暗花明,这样的细节要放在高潮部分。
    The order or capital injection that saved your business should materialise, like the Ninth Cavalry, at the last gasp.

  • 昨天脸上刚挨了一巴掌,现在,这些想法看上去有些一厢情愿,但是有时山穷水惊疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。
    After yesterday's slap in the face this may sound like wishful thinking, but sometimes bad turns have positive unintended consequences.

  • 通道的尽头是一座橡木色实木楼梯,顶面相间的橡木条有韵律地排列着,楼上“柳暗花明”地藏着偌大的空间。
    Access is the end of a oak color wood staircase, the oak alternate with the top face of a man in the sequencing, upstairs, "a way out" to how big the space.

  • 有了财富我们就能随时应用,在“山穷水尽疑无路”时,“眉头一皱计上心来”,当然也就“柳暗花明又一村”了。
    With the wealth, we can apply at any time in the "failure looms", the "brow Yizhou total body center to", of course, be "vista" of the.

  • 然而,乔依旧留在了厄普顿公园,在因大腿骨折而被迫停止训练之前,他迫切期待的职业生涯在那里变得柳暗花明
    However Joe remained at Upton Park where his much awaited career began gently before being brought to a halt altogether by a broken leg.

  • 人们在生活中的种种不顺,并不见得是件坏事,他没准会让你在某个方面,获得某种感悟,某种灵感,让你柳暗花明又一村。
    people living in the various unfavorable, and not necessarily a bad thing, perhaps he will let you in a certain context, to obtain some insight, some inspiration, so that your prospect.

  • 赖四这个人物的确比较精明,比较幽默,很有计谋,总能够在“山穷水尽疑无路”的时候,使自己“柳暗花明又一村”,在事。
    Laisi is a canny person, and he is also very humorous and smart. He can always find ways to get through difficulties and improve himself.

  • 实现梦想得要千辛万苦,这一点 神也知道。但是,千万不要因为任何人而放弃初衷。坚持住!任何时候,总有柳暗花明的希望!
    Lord knows dreams are hard to follow. But don't let anyone tear them away. Hold on! There will still be tomorrow in time you'll find the way.

  • 做学问也用得上陶渊明的一句诗“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”,只要功夫精神用到,自然会豁然开朗,有所发现,有所发明的。
    Show how hungry you are. Not to take academic too serious. Relax yourself once in a while. Go swimming, go to the beach, go to everything inspiring and refresh your mind.

  • 其实,倒也感谢这场突如其来的大雨,让我享受了一段清静,修身养性的时光…或许,失去的背后总会有另一种风景:柳暗花明又一村!
    In fact, it is also thanks to the sudden heavy rain, let me enjoy a quiet, self-cultivation time … Perhaps, there will always be behind the loss of another landscape: new vista!

  • 只要有坚强的意志,才有可能让我们在“山穷水尽疑无路”时,通过努力看到“柳暗花明又一村”的美景,收获“咬定青山不放松”的喜悦。
    As long as there is a strong will it be possible to let us in the "failure looms", through the effort to see the "vista" the beauty of the harvest, "Yao Ding Aoyama do not relax, " joy.

  • 2006年在萨拉·波利的加拿大影片《柳暗花明》中扮演一个饱受阿兹海默症折磨但仍然吸引到一段新爱情的女人,并荣获奥斯卡最佳女演员。
    and she took the Best Actress award for Sarah Polley's 2006 Canadian drama, where she played a woman who is suffering from Alzheimer's but still manages to attract a new lover.

  • 在园中行游,或见“庭院深深深几许”,或见“柳暗花明又一村”,或见小桥流水、粉墙黛瓦,或见曲径通幽、峰回路转,或是步移景易、变幻无穷。
    Bank of China in the garden tour, or see "Shen Shenshen yard dash, " or see "vista", or see the small bridges, powder wall Daiwa, or see its winding, winding paths, or walking the scenes the walls.

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