
根深叶茂  gēn shēn yè mào







  • 根深叶茂舒新枝,满园芳菲又一春。
    Shu and is deeply rooted the new branch, another Fangfei spring garden.

  • 风雨使树木根深叶茂
    Storms ([ make ] trees) ([ take ] deep roots).

  • 并送给大学生们32个字:基础坚实,根深叶茂
    And gives the university student 32 characters: The foundation is solid, deep-rooted and flourishing;

  • 根深叶茂快成才。
    Be  deep  rooted , flourishing  and  growing  quickly.

  • 这是槐荫树。根深叶茂,它是森林公园的树中之王。
    This is a pagoda tree with deep roots and flourishing leaves, the king of trees in the woods park.

  • 中国民间美术蕴藏着中华民族千年的历史文化积淀,根深叶茂,源远流长。
    The Chinese folk fine arts contain the Chinese people head of the clan to reach the historical culture to accumulate, deep-rooted and flourishing, well-established.

  • 称奇的是街中路西有一株根深叶茂的槐抱柳,相传植于宋代,给古堡增添了情趣。
    Are amazing Middle Road West Street has a deeply rooted hold Goesan Liu, word-sik in the Song Dynasty, to the castle added delight.

  • 所以在第一棵苹果树枝叶凋闭,形将枯朽的时候,这棵数呢是清香远溢,根深叶茂
    Therefore, when the first apple tree had withered an dried up, the second one was well-established an flourished with the faint scent floating in the air.

  • 一般来说,工业是根,根深叶茂,造船基地形成一批高收入群体,就地购房力量形成。
    In general, industry is the roots, leaves, shipbuilding base to form a number of high-income groups, local housing forces formed.

  • 庆阳的皮影艺术,是与陇东道情并蒂绽放的“姊妹花”。它与陇东道情共生共荣,根深叶茂
    Qingyang art of shadow play is bloomingbing di Longdongdao qing "Sisters. " It is symbioticdao qing Longdong is deeply rooted.

  • 据专家测定已生长2800多年,气势雄伟,挺拨高大,根深叶茂,虬枝如龙,冠盖似云,蔚为壮观。
    According to experts the growth of 2800 has been measured for many years, magnificent momentum, ting bo tall, and is deeply rooted, such as Qiu Chi-long, crown-like cloud cover, a magnificent view.

  • 他对伦理学中的共同自由研究的成果是:个人自由必须植根于社会全体人自由的土壤之中才能根深叶茂
    The result of his study of such mutual freedom for his ethics is the recognition that individual freedom has to be rooted in the soil of freedom for all.

  • 然而,考虑到微软在计算机领域根深叶茂的地位,大多数分析师认为,谷歌会发现要推翻微软是一件难事。
    Given Windows's deeply entrenched position in computing, however, most analysts said that Google would find it hard to unseat the software group.

  • 根深叶茂造句相关
