
欢声雷动  huān shēng léi dòng








  • 人们欢声雷动地迎接那位宇航员。
    The astronaut was welcomed with joyous, resounding acclaim.

  • 工人们听到这消息时都欢声雷动
    The news was greeted with roaring cheers among the workers.

  • 戴维斯第三次得分,观众欢声雷动
    When Davis scored for the third time the crowd erupted.

  • 控制室顿时欢声雷动,大家互相拥抱。
    The control room became a blur of cheering and hugging.

  • 爱尔兰队一入场,全场立刻欢声雷动
    There were loud cheers as the Irish team took the field.

  • 让在场听众欢声雷动
    Huanshengleidong so that the presence of the audience.

  • 我军所到之处,敌人望风披靡,人民欢声雷动
    Wherever our troops go, the enemy flees pell-mell before us and the people give thunderous cheers.

  • 人们欢声雷动,汤普森在空中挥动着拳头,在场内跳跃。
    Thompson pumped his fist in the air and danced on the infield as the crowd roared.

  • 正当观众开始非常提心吊胆,胡迪尼现身了,众人欢声雷动
    Just when they begin to get really worried, Houdini emerges, and everyone cheers.

  • 中华台北、中国香港、中国澳门等入场时,赢得现场欢声雷动
    Admission and so on when Chinese Taibei, Chinese Hong Kong, Chinese Macao, wins the scene thunderous applause.

  • 航天飞机拖着掀起的细尘滑行3公里以后停了下来,数千观众欢声雷动
    Thousands of spectators cheered as the space plane rolled 3 kilometers before halting , trailing a curtain of fine dust.

  • 电视画面显示他的竞选总部里欢声雷动,人们欢呼并燃放烟花庆祝胜利。
    Television images from his campaign headquarters showed jubilant supporters waving flags, cheering and setting off celebratory fireworks.

  • 我在加州波林纳斯一家酒吧眼看著他辞职下台,至今彷佛还可以听到欢声雷动
    I watched him quit in a bar in Bolinas, Calif. ; I can still hear the cheer.

  • 当马小哈就要完成最后一圈的冲刺时,全场欢声雷动,观众们纷纷拥向终点等待这个冠军。
    When Ma Xiaoha is about to finish last sprint, full-court cheers resound like rolls of thunder, audience people embrace in succession await this champion to terminus.

  • 随之而来的是教堂里唱起了有关即将熄灭的火光仍在闪耀的歌曲,一些不能自持的人又被救赎了。整个教堂欢声雷动……
    And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved. And the whole building rocked with prayer and song.

  • 人们挥舞着代表梵蒂冈的黄白两色的手绢,欢声雷动,表达他们对教皇的赞赏。这种现象通常只有在摇滚音乐会上才能见到。
    The crowds waved handkerchiefs of white and yellow, the Vatican colors, and roared their approval with the sort of noisy enthusiasm that is usually reserved for rock concerts.

  • 当全场欢声雷动他的队友们欣喜若狂的时候,科比仍然静静的站在那里,看着欢闹的人群,竖起的他食指放到嘴边,做了一个噤声的手势。
    As the building erupted and his teammates exploded into the air, Bryant stood perfectly still, looked into the crowd. With a calm expression on his face, put his finger to his lips.

  • 我急盼着快点拿到我的球票,我期待着火箭队所有的季前赛,我渴望着看到丰田中心首场比赛的欢声雷动,我热切地盼望能着到场内高呼而自豪的狂欢者。
    I cant wait for my tickets to come. I cant wait for all the Rocket season previews. I cant wait to see the Toyota Center rocking on the first nite. I cant wait to see the Rowdies loud and proud.

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