
步调一致  bù diào yī zhì







  • 你必须与内心希望与热情步调一致
    You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirati**.

  • 与他人步调一致有规则、有节奏地行走。
    walking steadily and rhythmically and in step with others.

  • 与他人步调一致有规则、有节奏地行走。
    Rhythmically significant stress in a line of verse.

  • 无法在战略框架内步调一致地,协调发展。
    it is hard to develop corresponded and consistently within the strategic frame.

  • 然而最近这六国却试图言行统一,步调一致
    Yet the six have nonetheless managed to keep in step.

  • 奥巴马和议会的作为是否与美国步调一致呢?
    But are Mr Obama and Congress in tune with America?

  • 名义利率的调整与通货膨胀率是步调一致的。
    Fisher effect: the one-for-one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the inflation rate.

  • 师徒二人步调一致,一方掩护同时另一方进攻。
    They moved in the same rhythm, ready to cover each other, knowing when the other would go on the offense.

  • 他们与地球步调一致,并致力于使它健康和安全。
    They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

  • 这一复杂的组织结构使得形成和实施步调一致的战略特别困难。
    S. and Afghan forces. The complex structure makes the job of developing and implementing a coherent strategy particularly difficult.

  • 还有些人步调一致地跳来跳去,旁边还有个人对着他们大喊大叫。
    Still others jump around in unison as someone yells at them.

  • 爱的最高形式理所当然是完全自由的选择而不是步调一致的行动。
    The highest forms of love are inevitably totally free choices and not acts of conformity.

  • 去年,我们在防守上可谓密不透风,大家步调一致,那是一件非常美妙的时间。
    Last year, we in defense airtight, everybody marches in step, that is very wonderful time.

  • 学校和学生们似乎都在努力让时间来到这一时刻,而且还差不多是步调一致的。
    We all do seem to have made it to this point — more or less in one piece.

  • 你必须与内心希望与热情步调一致。建立自信,敢于与困难短兵相接,而非绕道而行。
    You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations, Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them.

  • 当欧盟想要在对穆加贝或巴希尔的暴政上有所强有力的共同影响,它确实还需要步调一致
    When the EU wants to make a powerful collective point—about the depredations of a Mugabe or a Bashir—it should certainly speak with one voice.

  • 根据我们的经验,通常员工们都会围绕计划,对所有人最终都步调一致而热情高涨或深感安慰。
    In our experience, it's common for the staff to rally around the plan, expressing enthusiasm—and sometimes relief—that everyone is finally in synch.

  • 通常而言,我们的信息是关于让他们在提升的个人剧本和梦想中,保持在步调一致与神圣时间中的;
    Generally our message communicated to stay in step and in divine timing with their personal script and dream for ascension;

  • 各国央行真正做到了步调一致,联手降息之举是1987年以美元为名进行戏剧化干涉后的第一次。
    The central banks have actually acted in a concerted fashion to lower interest rates for the first time since their dramatic intervention on behalf of the dollar in 1987.

  • 如果更多的人都能以这样的思维方式来考虑问题的话,9+2的各个地区才真正能够达到步调一致
    If more people were to start thinking along these lines, then 9+2 could really start to add up.

  • 市场经济表面杂乱,背后有一种平衡的规律,而整齐、步调一致是单调的,无法产生平衡力量,最终会走向死亡。
    Under the chaotic surface of market economy lays the law of balance. On the contrary, unity is monotonous, without balancing power, and will ultimately die.

  • 以军事训练学校为例,这里,从重要性上讲,选择的自由已让位于学会步调一致地行动,无论情况如何均是如此。
    One example would be that of the military training schools, where freedom of choice is secondary in importance to learning to behave in the same manner, no matter what the situation is.

  • 当我回来的时候,我想回到与Jackson步调一致的状态——他那时还不大确定Susan敞开心扉的态度。
    And when I came back, I wanted it to be in the same frame of mind as Jackson—not exactly sure how open the door is to Susan.

  • 国王的在场使得阿普舍龙兵团的官兵感到激动和兴奋,他们步调一致,雄赳赳地、轻快地从两位皇帝及其侍从身边走过去。
    The Apsheron men, roused by the presence of the Tsar, stepped out gallantly as they marched by the Emperors and their suites.

  • 一个新的全球气候方案必须是持久的——自身具备与时俱进的能力——与科学知识、技术突破和经济社会发展保持步调一致
    A new global climate deal must be durable - with in-built capacity to evolve over time - to keep up with scientific knowledge, technological breakthroughs, and economic and social development.

  • 戈登·布朗在今天晚上号召世界上实力最强的工业国家立即同意一项步调一致的减税计划以防止世界经济陷入进一步的衰退。
    Gordon Brown tonight called on the world's most powerful industrial nations to agree a programme of immediate and coordinated tax cuts to prevent the global economy sliding deeper into recession.

  • 在10位市民代表的遴选中,尼共()分考虑到他们曾经积极参与了反贾南德拉政权的人民运动,不强求他们与尼共()持步调一致
    The10 MPs have been chosen by the Maoists for their participation in the Jan Andolan; they are not obliged to follow the party whip .

  • 到那个时候,如果中国和印度能够在世界经济规则的设定上步调一致(也可以直译成“以同一个声音说话”),将没有人敢于忽视它们。
    By then, if China and India could speak with one voice in the enactment of rules for the world economy, nobody could afford not to pay serious attention.

  • 一些人紧贴着疯狂旋转的单车轮。一些人使足吃奶的力气免得铁棍把自己压扁。还有些人步调一致地跳来跳去,旁边还有个人对着他们大喊大叫。
    Some folks are attached to madly spinning wheels. Others are straining to keep metal bars from crushing them. Still others jump around in unison as someone yells at them.

  • 如果各经济体继续步调一致,那么停止注资将较容易。如果一些经济体──特别是中国──比其他国家反弹得更快,各国央行可能会过早停止注资。
    Stopping will be easier if economies continue to move in tandem. If some -- particularly China -- rebound faster than others, central banks might relent prematurely.

  • 步调一致造句相关
