
汗牛充栋  hàn niú chōng dòng








  • 科沃德创作的戏剧、台词与音乐汗牛充栋
    Coward turned out plays, lyrics and music in volume.

  • 汗牛充栋-凯恩在一生中被无数本书包围着。
    MY LIBRARY - Deckard Cain has amassed many books in his life.

  • 迄今,关于英语动词时态的论著可谓汗牛充栋
    There are cartloads and housefuls of books about English verb tenses as yet.

  • 历代学者对《诗经》的研究可谓汗牛充栋,不胜枚举。
    All previous dynasties scholar to "Poetry" research huge collection of books , too numerous to cite individually.

  • 它是许多人谈论的焦点,描绘领袖人物的书籍也是汗牛充栋
    There is an enormous amount of talk about it, and an enormous number of books are written on the charismatic leader.

  • 要完成任务,还得把汗牛充栋的,仍在不断增加的材料进行压缩。
    The crowning task would be to condense these voluminous still-accumulating materials.

  • 我亲自给他上课,我还允许这小家伙进入我那汗牛充栋的书房里。
    I tutored him myself, and allowed the boy access to my study, where numerous tomes were kept.

  • 就此而言,无论世界还是中国当代艺术,此类作品可谓汗牛充栋
    In this way, there is a large amount of works in either world art or Chinese contemporary art.

  • 关于这一主题的作品汗牛充栋/数不胜数,我自己的可能会湮没其间。
    Countless others have written on this theme and it may be that I shall pass unnoticed amongst them.

  • 目前,有关求职的专业书籍汗牛充栋,内容涉及准备简历、面试技巧等;
    There are numerous "how to"books on job application and career pursuit, explaining the techniques of resume preparation, interview techniques and so on.

  • 关于这一主题的作品汗牛充栋/ 数不胜数,我自己的可能会湮没其间。
    Countless others have written on this theme and it may be that I shall pass unnoticed amongst them.

  • 依靠学问的传承,大书的读者本身也成了写书人,他们的研讨著述汗牛充栋
    In the tradition of learning, they have been most discussed by readers who have also been writers.

  • 有关评述如汗牛充栋,却未有中国学者依托本土资源对这一概念提出一得之见。
    There are myriads of reviews and interpretations of it in China, but few have come up with any domestic insights into it drew on Chinese intellectual resources.

  • 期间人们对经济危机的研究成果汗牛充栋,其中欧文·费雪和凯恩斯贡献卓越。
    During the period, an immense number of books had been pubhshed on economic crisis, the greatest contributions being made by Irving Fisher and Keynes.

  • 上帝观念的讨论在国内外在神学和哲学领域举目滔滔,著作汗牛充栋,一言难尽。
    The definition of God is a extremely tough topic in overseas and homeland where there are too many books and articles having been discussing the core of religions.

  • 那时美学专题充斥于各种学术刊物,美学专著层出不穷,美学译著也是汗牛充栋
    At that time full of aesthetic themes in a variety of academic journals, monographs aesthetic styles, aesthetics is a translation of Hanniuchongdong.

  • 晋隋唐将近600多年的历史,留给我们的外感病资料不是汗牛充栋而是屈指可数。
    History was nearly more than 600 years in the Jin Dynasty , Tang Dynasty and Sui Dynasty, Leave us the materials for diseases caused by external factors not many books but very few.

  • 有关魏玛的文献汗牛充栋,但我们依然可以编一册权威易懂的单行本,汇集所有的线索。
    The literature on Weimar is immense, but we could well do with a single, authoritative, jargon-free volume that pulls all the strands together.

  • 人类裸体形象所具备的意义,历来是不可忽视的,对人体见仁见智的表达,在历史上早已汗牛充栋
    The significance of human nudity could never be neglected, and there have been an enormous amount of various opinions about human body in history.

  • 该书对汗牛充栋的经济学文献的处理极为高超,让人们觉得去图书馆查文献并不是一种迫不得已的任务。
    The book surveys shelf after shelf of the economics literature but in such skilful hands it does not feel like a dutiful trip to the library.

  • 题材也引人注意:以卡莫拉为主题的著作很少,数十年来,和西西里黑手党有关的书籍和电影却汗牛充栋
    The subject was notable: little has been written about the Camorra, whereas books and films about the Sicilian Mafia have flourished for many decades.

  • 但中国古代的典籍汗牛充栋,无论怎样精赅的索引,难免沧海遗珠,一些极微的问题往往会引来烦复的考订。
    But the voluminous books in ancient China, no matter how fine Gai index, it is inevitable talent left unrecognized, some extremely rare and usually lead to too cumbersome to examine and correct.

  • 在这类型汗牛充栋的研究中,这份报告预估出来的未来趋势似乎言之有理,不过这数字的精准度还有待商榷。
    As in so many reports of this kind, the trend looks plausible, but there seems little basis for the exact numbers.

  • 几十年来,研究界对鲁迅、胡适的思想及作品的研究可谓汗牛充栋,但对二人的比较研究相对较少,还有待深入。
    For recent decades, there have been thousands of research articles on Luxun or Hushfs thoughts and works.

  • 中医药学有两千多年历史,千百年来积累下来的中医药典籍汗牛充栋,流传下来的中药方剂(固定处方)多达数十万首。
    Two thousand years' history of TCM has left us a great number of classics and several hundred thousand of formulae.

  • 随着小说的日益壮大发展,小说理论也雨后春笋般的发展起来,特别是19世纪以来,小说理论可谓汗牛充栋,蔚为壮观。
    With the development and grandness of novel, the novel theory has greatly come forth, especially since the 19~(th) Century. The amount of novel theory is tremendous.

  • 自1958年在维格摩尔音乐厅初露头角以来,他凭着汗牛充栋的唱片赢得了空前的欢迎,这些唱片既包括古典音乐曲目,也包括他参与创立的天空摇滚乐队的曲目。
    since his debut at the Wigmore Hall in 1958, he has attained enormous popularity with his voluminous recordings in both the classical repertoire and with his rock group, Sky.

  • 但是无论如何,只要能有所贡献,把世界上最伟大的国家的故事记入史册,即使默默无闻,我都会感到满足。关于这一主题的作品汗牛充栋/数不胜数,我自己的可能会湮没其间。
    But however that may be, I shall find satisfaction in contributing, not, I hope, ignobly, to the labor of putting on record the story of the greatest nation in the world.

  • 上帝观念的讨论在国内外在神学和哲学领域举目滔滔,著作汗牛充栋,一言难尽。可以说神或者上帝的观念就是神学最核心的内容,而理解上帝观念对于不同的人也就有不同的含义。
    The definition of God is an extremely tough topic in overseas and homeland where there are too many books and articles having been discussing the core of religions.

  • 要说此人在其40年的人生历程中的成就,就得一提他所撰写的那些可谓汗牛充栋并引人入胜的书籍与学术论文,他因此让世人得以善行善举而处事,经济得以人性化而自居,道德价值观得以与真实生活相溶而造福万代。
    In a dauntingly impressive flow of books and papers over 40 years he has done much to change both disciplines for the better, humanising the one, bringing content from the real world to the other.

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