
沆瀣一气  hàng xiè yī qì








  • 你同毒药、争战和疾病沆瀣一气
    And does with poison, war, and sickness dwell.

  • 母熊是沆瀣一气的基层地面。
    Mother bear is wallowing in the grass-ground.

  • 那些人沆瀣一气做坏事。
    Those people collaborated in evildoing.

  • 所以更大的灾难性损失他们也是沆瀣一气的。
    Catastrophic losses bigger than that are all the same to them.

  • 我不信任那两个人,他们沆瀣一气,勾结在一起。
    I don't trust those two, they are hand and glove together.

  • 在过渡期间,布什总统说北朝鲜和伊拉克、伊朗一样沆瀣一气
    In the interim, Mr. Bush designated North Korea as a member of an axis of evil along with Iraq and Iran.

  • 这是马来西亚与中国共舞的(或者容我翻译成“沆瀣一气”?)
    Kenneth Pao: This is one example of Malaysia dancing to the Chinese tune aimed at the US.

  • 一位长辈抱怨这次危机是奶制品公司和当地政府沆瀣一气造成的。
    One grandparent blames the scandal on corrupt collusion between dairy businesses and local officials.

  • 其结果是车辆感觉它吸收到地面而不是沆瀣一气的道路弯道附近。
    The result is a vehicle that feels like it sucks to the ground instead of wallowing its way around a curve.

  • 因为虽然自己并没有动手做什么坏事,可其实自己的冷漠正在与邪恶沆瀣一气
    For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

  • 你不能再任意地与那些旧有界定、旧有观念与旧有诠释或习惯性的对应沆瀣一气
    And you are not free to engage with the old definitions , the old concepts , the old interpretations and the habitual responses to them .

  • 这些新公司之所以能够生存和发展,是靠钻法律空子,而顾客又与它们沆瀣一气
    The new firms owe their very existence or growth to the fact that they are willing to violate the law;

  • 民主党阵营要想得到更多选票的前提是他们首先要沆瀣一气。但是这需要相当的时间。
    So a Democrat may yet impress us more, but first they must put their own house in order.

  • 西方媒体的沆瀣一气更加表明了在西藏的事件是由华盛顿精心组织的又一次颠覆活动。
    The western media complicity simply further underlies that the actions around Tibet are part of a well-orchestrated destabilization effort on the part of Washington.

  • 你‘不想’在讯问跟伏地魔沆瀣一气且有着多重谋杀嫌疑的犯人时,按照魔法部的惯例来吗?
    You 'couldn't bring yourself' to adhere to Ministry regulations regarding the questioning of a prisoner suspected of multiple murders and collusion with the Dark Lord himself?

  • 马份先生财势雄厚,人脉又广,他想联合沆瀣一气的同道,来改变霍格华兹的入学许可政策。
    Because of his money and pure wizarding lineage, Lucifer Malfoy wanted to form a cabal of like-minded wizards to force a change in the admissions policy at Hogwarts.

  • 牛奶中毒事件中地方政府官员沆瀣一气,其中很多人被免职或勒令辞职。看起来会对中央有所帮助。
    The milk poisoning disaster, in which regional officials have been complicit, with many already sacked or forced to resign, would appear to provide support for the zhong yang.

  • 这样就是泄露了计划,因而会导致“为自我服务”的外星人“为自我服务”的人类联合起来沆瀣一气,形成干扰。
    This is giving away the plot, and thus inviting interference by Service-to-Self aliens working in conjunction with Service-to-Self humans.

  • 非犹太人波兰人通常被人们认为喜欢幸灾乐祸,同纳粹沆瀣一气,或在他们的犹太同胞被大规模消灭时袖手旁观。
    And gentile Poles are typically imagined to have rejoiced, collaborated or simply stood by as their Jewish compatriots were exterminated.

  • 非犹太人波兰人通常被人们认为喜欢幸灾乐祸,同纳粹沆瀣一气,或在他们的犹太同胞被大规模消灭时袖手旁观。
    When nationalist thugs beat up a Jewish friend, she defaced her grade card, crossing out the stamp that allowed her to sit on the "Aryan" seats.

  • 相反,有极大影响力的官僚们与“族”议员沆瀣一气,为那些道路营造商、建筑商、农场主以及其他利益集团提供保护。
    Rather, influential bureaucrats have worked with "tribes" of politicians to protect the interests of road builders, construction companies, farmers and other lobbies.

  • 但一旦出现故障,冷空气热空气就沆瀣一气,集于一处,不冷不热的,弄得我的黄油化了,牛奶臭了,冻起来的蔬菜也烂掉了。
    Once it broke down the warm and cold mixed into a lukewarm mess that allowed my butter to melt, my milk to rot and my frozen vegetables to decay.

  • 据说,麦凯恩是直爽的喜欢独树一帜的人。但在国内政策上,他既不直爽也没创新,相反,他不知耻地与右翼空想家沆瀣一气
    Mr. McCain, we're told, is a straight-talking maverick. But on domestic policy, he offers neither straight talk nor originality; instead, he panders shamelessly to right-wing ideologues.

  • 一些鉴定、评估、拍卖机构与法官、律师内外勾结、沆瀣一气,搞虚假鉴定、虚假评估、虚假拍卖,把打官司变成“打关系”。
    Some identification, assessment, auction agencies and judges, lawyers collusion, futilely pursuing false identification, false assessments, false auction, the court into "a relationship."

  • 我纳闷是否他不喝酒这个事实有助于把他跟他的客人们截然分开,因为我觉得随着沆瀣一气的欢闹的高涨,他却变得越发端庄了。
    I wondered if the fact that he was not drinking helped to set him off from his guests, for it seemed to me that he grew more correct as the fraternal hilarity increased.

  • 既然幻境是因为两人沆瀣一气地沈溺于白日梦中,且相信这个白日梦比实相还要真实,那麽,是没有任何一人能够为此幻象负责的。
    No one individual can be accountable for illusion if illusion has arisen out of a mutual agreement to indulge in fantasy and believe that the fantasy is more real than Reality .

  • 我纳闷是否他不喝酒这个事实有助于把他跟他的客人们截然分开,因为我觉得随着沆瀣一气的 欢闹的 高涨,他却变得越发端庄了。
    I wondered if the fact that he was not drinking helped to set him off from his guests, for it seemed to me that he grew more correct as the fraternal hilarity increased.

  • 他让他自己和那些民主党强硬派“政客”们沆瀣一气,如他的白宫办公厅主任拉姆•伊曼纽尔,他的竞选智囊出身的高级顾问大卫•阿克塞尔罗德。
    He has surrounded himself with hardened Democratic "pops" such as Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff, and David Axelrod, his campaign strategist-turned-senior adviser.

  • 沆瀣一气造句相关
