
叶公好龙  yè gōng hào lóng







  • 嘴里天天说 “唤起民众”, 民众起来了又害怕得要死, 这和叶公好龙有什么两样!
    To talk about “arousing the masses of the people” day in and day out and then to be scared to death when the masses do rise -- what difference is there between this and Lord Ye's love of dragons

  • 上周五的股市再次上演叶公好龙一幕。
    The stock market last Friday double scene again.

  • 秦兵认为,这种人属于典型的叶公好龙者。
    Shih believes that such people who profess love of what is typical.

  • 后来人们用“叶公好龙”来比喻喜欢空谈而不敢面对实际。
    Later, people use "Yegonghaolong" to describe like empty talk and dare not face reality.

  • 中国人很早就对莎朗·斯通这样的人有个概括,叫做“叶公好龙”。
    Chinese people very early on she smiled and such people have a general, called the "Yegonghaolong."

  • 后人就用“叶公好龙”来比喻对某一事物只是表面上的喜欢而非真的爱好。
    As a result, the saying "Lord Ye loves dragons" is used to describe someone who insincerely professes affection for something.

  • 潘公好蛇明白人一看就明白,《潘公好蛇》这题目是借力《叶公好龙》而来。
    Pangong good snake understand that people see on that one, "Pangong good snake" take history is the subject of "profess love of what" it.

  • 不要重复叶公好龙那个故事,讲了多少年的社会主义,临到社会主义跑来找他,他又害怕起来了。
    The story of Lord Yeh who professed to love dragons should not be repeated, one must not just talk about socialism for years and then suddenly turn pale when socialism comes knocking at the door.

  • 叶公好龙”这个成语比喻表面上爱好某种事物,但实际上并不真正爱好。或者假装爱好,实际惧怕。
    This idiom satirizes those who profess to like or support something, but are aerse to it in actual practice.

  • 叶公好龙”这个成语比喻表面上爱好某种事物,但实际上并不真正爱好。或者假装爱好,实际惧怕。
    This idiom satirizes those who profess to like or support something, but are averse to it in actual practice.

  • 叶公好龙”“这个成语比喻表面上爱好某种事物,但实际上并不真正爱好。或者假装爱好,实际惧怕。
    This idiom satirizes those who profess to like or support something, but are averse to it in actual practice.

  • 也许我这是叶公好龙的想法,让我真正去做学问我也未必能塌下心来,但我确确实实是在朝着这个方向努力了。
    Maybe it is an idea of " Lord She loves dragons", however, I am making myself to the direction by studying hard.

  • 成语“叶公好龙”说的是一位名叫叶高的人,非常喜爱龙,无论是身上穿的、还是家里的陈设,处处都有龙的形象。
    An old story relates that Ye Gao was a high official who loved dragons. His clothing and home were all decorated with images of dragons.

  • 很多经销商清楚自己必须加强学习,但在现实中,经销商组织却普遍存在学习心态不正的情况,难免有“叶公好龙”的嫌疑。
    Though many dealers understand clearly they must strengthen learning, they have bad attitude to learn commonly in fact.

  • 只是“小资”女人对蜡烛的喜爱属于叶公好龙型,只许摆着――看,不能点燃,似乎是“怜香惜玉”怕“蜡炬成灰泪始干”。
    Only "C" women belonging to profess love of what type of candle of love, only allowed to see me -- not lit, seems to be "Lianxiangxiyu" fear "wax wiped tears before Ju dry.

  • 叶公好龙的续集很容易写。叶公对众人如此解释自己对“龙来了”的恐惧,“房梁上画的才是真龙,进得我屋来的乃是冒牌的假龙”。
    Master Ye explains his fear of "the arrival of dragon" in this way: "Only the dragon painted on the roof beams is the true dragon and any dragon coming into my house must be a fake.

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