
名利双收  míng lì shuāng shōu







  • 网路影集是通往名利双收的捷径!
    The web series is a lead to the shortcut of gaining both fame and wealth!

  • 哪种职业可确保你名利双收
    Which career will ensure both fame and wealth for you?

  • 当上培养师可谓名利双收
    When the division is training at fame and fortune.

  • 许多歌星和影星可以在一夜之间名利双收
    Many pop stars and film stars can rise to fame and affluence overnight.

  • 每一个人想要名利双收
    Everyone want to be famous and have lots of money.

  • 他的目标是名利双收
    My ambition is to be an English teacher.

  • 这次音乐会后,她已稳步踏上了名利双收的道路。
    After this concert she was firmly on the road to fame and fortune.

  • 留人,发展事业,稳定骨干,物质精神,名利双收
    Keep, their career, the spirit of the stability which substances, fame.

  • 对某些青少年而言,热爱拼字可能会让他们名利双收
    A love of spelling can lead to riches and fame for some teenagers.

  • 出版者:别担心,马克斯。相信我。你不想名利双收吗?
    Publisher: Stop worrying, Max. Trust me. Don't you want to be rich and famous?

  • 我知道大多数名利双收的人会变得自以为是、骄纵傲慢。
    I know that most men in the hour of success and prosperity become exalted in spirit and feel excessive pride and haughtiness.

  • 她希望她在美国的首次演出将是她走上名利双收之路的第一步。
    She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune.

  • 由橙天日本合作伙伴艾回,也因此项目赚个钵满盆满,名利双收
    Orange days by the Japanese partner Ai back, thus making the project a full bowl full basin, fame and fortune.

  • 如何名利双收,不仅需要承担风险的勇气,更要一种权衡和机智。
    How to gain both honor and money, need to assume the courage of the risk not only, more want a kind of balance and resource.

  • 他是一个白手起家的人:一个依靠狡猾和自私而名利双收的典型。
    He was a self-made man: an example of what may be accomplished by cunning and selfishness.

  • 尽管几米近来名利双收,但他还是喜欢静静呆在家里创作,陪伴妻女。
    Despite his newfound fame and wealth, Jimmy prefers working quietly at home with his wife and daughter.

  • 这巨大的名利双收,让我不仅在所在的学校,而且在整个地区都声誉鹊起。
    This gains both honor and money tremendously, let me be in the school of the place not only, and be in whole area since fame magpie.

  • 尽管那需要冒极大的风险,有时甚至还颜面尽失,但也可能为你带来名利双收
    It's a tough, risky, possibly humiliating grab at the big brass ring of money, fame and fortune.

  • 福尔韦尔先生是最典型的美国人:他出身贫苦,但入世的施恩布道使之名利双收
    Mr Falwell was a quintessentially American type: a poor man who won fame and fortune by preaching the Word.

  • 华莱士已经意识到下一个大机会:积累庞大的自然标本收藏,希望能够名利双收
    Wallace was already on to his next big thing: amassing huge collections of natural specimens in hopes of winning both fame and fortune.

  • 当年邓,潘二人携手做完新世界广场,邓智仁光佣金就进帐一个亿,可谓名利双收
    When Deng, together with Pan-New World Plaza, Dengzhiren-ray commission on a 100 million revenue, which could be gained much acclaim.

  • 只有把握需求,锐意进取,跟上新技术的步伐,专利才能转变成商业行为,做到名利双收
    It is their reduction to commercial practice, either through necessity or dedication, or through the availability of new technology, that makes news and money.

  • 正所谓新年新愿望,大家都对新的一年充满期待——身体健康、合家平安、名利双收等等。
    As they say, new wishes for the new year, everyone is filled with hope and anticipation for the new year - good health, family's safety and well-being, fame and fortune and other receiving s.

  • 年纪轻轻的波曼就已名利双收,但这位女演员说她更注重探察什么才是生命中最重要的东西。
    Fame came early for Portman, but the actress said she's gained insight into what's important in life.

  • 我是个佛教徒,并且我相信我目前已经是名利双收了,所以我想把我的余生奉献回报给社会。
    I am Buddhist and believe I have accomplished a lot in my life so far. So, I want to dedicate the rest of my life to the world.

  • 恶艺术被大量炮制,一是因为它的震撼与吸引能为艺术家带来名利双收,二是艺术家迷信道成肉身的救赎功能。
    As a result, their shock and attract can take fame and gain for the artist, so ugly art is made up a great quantity.

  • 梅斯说,他读八年级时即告诉友人,有朝一日,他要靠拍电影名利双收,而且他的第一部电影会在满18岁前完成。
    When he was in the eighth grade, Mr. Mays says, he told his friends he would become rich and famous making movies one day and that he'd have his first movie out before he turned 18.

  • 四年前雅典一役刘翔的胜利预示了跨栏选手无限的机遇。现在他已经名利双收,成为了最受欢迎的广告代言人和富豪。
    Liu's Olympic victory in Athens four years ago heralded unbridled opportunities for the hurdler and he has cashed in on his fame to become a popular pitchman and a millionaire in his own right.

  • 虽然在米奇老鼠诞生之前,迪斯尼已制作过其它一系列的黑白短片,不过让迪斯尼真正尝到成功、名利双收却是大家熟悉的米奇老鼠!
    Although the birth of Mickey Mouse, Disney has produced a series of other black and white film, but has tasted success for Disney really, Minglishuangshou everyone is familiar with the Mickey Mouse!

  • 地产“大佬们”除了依靠开发楼盘获取丰厚的“真金白银”以外,还赚足了公众的眼球,把自己当着明星来包装,可谓是“名利双收”,风光之极。
    Property "big brothers who" rely on development projects to huge "cash", it suggests the public eye, in front of their stars to packaging, it is "gained much acclaim, " The scenery is.

  • 名利双收造句相关
