
如鲠在喉  rú gěng zài hóu







  • 你可曾体会如鲠在喉和唾面自干的滋味?
    Do you know what it feels like to be spit on your face and have trash shoved down your throat?

  • 法庭上的种族歧视和不公令卡梅隆如鲠在喉
    Court on the racial discrimination and injustice such as the Cameron stuck in throat.

  • 对于美国来说,一直以来,种族关系恰似如鲠在喉
    Race relations in the USA continue to be a thorny problem.

  • 每当我阅读这篇演讲词的时候,总感觉心情激动,如鲠在喉
    As often as I've read this speech, getting a lump in my throat every time.

  • 但是让麦凯恩如鲠在喉的是,水暖工工会却是支持奥巴马的。
    One hiccup for McCain is that the plumbers' union has endorsed Obama.

  • 它被华盛顿视为最重大的地缘政治成就,莫斯科却如鲠在喉
    It regards as by Washington the most significant geopolitics achievement, the Moscow actually like fishbone in the throat.

  • 作为亲历者,回忆起这段尘封的往事,该权威人士仍如鲠在喉
    As Qin Lizhe, recalled during the dust-laden past, such as the authoritative source is still stuck in the throat.

  • 然而,在这大好的形势下,还是有许多问题让人如鲠在喉,不吐不快。
    However, in the excellent situation, or are there so many problems such as fish bones in the throat, was first published.

  • 已经过会尚未发行的准上市公司,IPO的持续暂停,仿佛如鲠在喉
    Has been issued yet to be quasi-listed companies, IPO's continue to be suspended, as if stuck in the throat.

  • 他也承认,美利坚对黑人的剥削总让他如鲠在喉,心结“从未解开”。
    The exploitation of blacks was something he admitted he had "never got over".

  • 你可曾体会如鲠在喉和唾面自干的滋味?你知不知道自掘坟墓的感受?
    down your throat? Do you know what it feels like to dig your own grave?

  • 为此我如鲠在喉,不得不写这篇文章,提出一个问题:「你为谁祷告?」
    I felt impelled to write an article on the question: "For whom do you pray ?"

  • 他也承认,提及美利坚对黑人的剥削,他便如鲠在喉,心结“从未解开”。
    The exploitation of blacks was something he admitted he had "never got over".

  • 最后我强调的是:淘宝卖家们,面对中差评不要怕,不要如鲠在喉,该做什么就做什么去。
    Finally, I emphasize is this: the seller who, in the face of negative feedback should not be afraid, do not like a fishbone stuck in the throat, what to do on what to do to go.

  • 与朝鲜周旋,也不是第一次了。事后,朝鲜那些令人愤怒的行为总是如鲠在喉,越积越多。
    Not for the first time, engaging with North Korea after yet another of its provocations will now stick in the craw for many.

  • 因此,一个扰人的一直悬而未决的问题可以称做“鞋里的小石头”,比喻意义就是如鲠在喉
    From that, an unresolved problem that keeps annoying us is sometimes referred sa a stone in the shoe.

  • 周黎明说自己最害怕碰到不好不坏刚刚及格的电影,夸也不是,贬也不是,真正的如鲠在喉
    The week daybreak said that he most is afraid the movie which bumped into mediocre just passed an examination, praised is not, censured is not, genuine like fishbone in throat.

  • 曼联本赛季的主场习惯性的胜利,但失败——1-4输给我们的死敌——还是令我们如鲠在喉
    United have become accustomed to having things their own way at Old Trafford this season, so defeat – and 4-1 to our fiercest rivals – sticks in the throat.

  • 回想起自 己多年的工作生活经历,酸甜苦辣一下子 全涌上心头,有些话如鲠在喉,不吐不快。
    After-thought removes his old work life to experience, joys and sorrows of life emerges completely at a draught mind, if some words fishbone in larynx, do not spit discomfort.

  • 奥巴马也应该告诉巴勒斯坦以及他们的阿拉伯支持者们,为什么他们要做这样一个如鲠在喉的决定。
    Mr Obama equally needs to tell the Palestinians and their Arab backers why they, too, have to take decisions that will stick in their gullets.

  • 对我个人来说,我对35岁的自己依然有信心,我想坚持踢到2010年世界杯,错过欧洲杯让我如鲠在喉
    To me, I still has the confidence to 35 year-old, I want to insist that kicks to 2010 the World Cup, misses the European Cup to let my like fishbone in the throat.

  • 每当我的孩子们看着一处豪宅、一辆疾驰而过的法拉力(Ferrari)惊叹不已时,总让我觉得如鲠在喉
    Whenever my kids swoon over a palatial home or a passing Ferrari, it always bugs the heck out of me.

  • 尽管我常常阅读这篇讲演词,而且每次总是觉得心情激动,如鲠在喉,可我却从未发现过有什么文体错误,更不用说有十三处之多了。
    As often as I've read this speech, getting a lump in my throat every time, I've never detected one stylistic problem, much less 13.

  • 不管怎样由于他在战术上不得不对他那装甲如同纸般薄弱的突击摩托在面对敌人的优势装甲与火力时总是占据不利地位而感到如鲠在喉
    However his tactics of taking the enemy head with armor and firepower on has had negative consequences with the paper thin armor of his Combat Bikes.

  • 我不能接受甜腻的历史,要不然就不要有历史,要不然就清淡一点。接受不了的我自己也无法妥协。那就是如鲠在喉的感觉,不舒服到了只能跑远点的地步。
    That's why I'm sure I don't love no one, 'cos none of them is perfect enough, but there's always a very people. I'm not worry at all, 'cos I'm too young to belong to someone.

  • 真是奇迹!每当我阅读这篇演讲词的时候,总感觉心情激动,如鲠在喉。我却从未发现过它有一处文体错误,更不用说它有13处错误了。这表明我的知识何等贫乏啊!
    That's something. As often as I've read this speech, getting a lump in my throat every time. I've never detected one stylistic problem, less 13. Shows how little I know.

  • 真是奇迹!每当我阅读这篇演讲词的时候,总感觉心情激动,如鲠在喉。我却从未发现过它有一处文体错误,更不用说它有13处错误了。这表明我的知识何等贫乏啊!
    That's something. As often as I've read this speech getting a lump in my throat every time. I've never detected one stylistic problem much less 13. Shows how little I know.

  • 真是奇迹!每当我阅读这篇演讲词的时候,总感觉心情激动,如鲠在喉。我却从未发现过它有一处文体错误,更不用说它有13处错误了。这表明我的知识何等贫乏啊!
    That's something. As often as I've read this speech, getting a lump in my throat every time. I've never detected one stylistic problem, much less 13. Shows how little I know.

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