
婆娑起舞  pó suō qǐ wǔ






  • 水中倒映的树影婆娑起舞
    The trees reflected in the water are dancing.

  • 似乎她在舞会上婆娑起舞已经是很久以前的事。
    It seemed so long since she had been in a flutter at a ball.

  • 2快活的百灵一向早起,在枝条间婆娑起舞,向太阳娇啼婉啭,唱着颂歌。
    The merry larks, habitual early risers, dance from twigs to twigs, warbling out ode to the sun.

  • 佛经故事。一仙女身系佩饰腰鼓,在天空翩翩起舞婆娑矫健,栩栩如生
    story from buddhist scriptures; a young fairy girl with a waist drum dancing in the skies.

  • 里克搂着我的腰,开始随着音乐婆娑起舞,我的朋友们也成双成对跳了起来。
    My friends coupled together as Rick wrapped his arms around me and began to sway to the music.

  • 她的环海沙滩延绵千里,海滨浴场洁净开阔,蓝色的大海碧波万顷,茂盛的椰树婆娑起舞
    She Yanmian a thousand miles of sea beach, Beach clean open, blue sea Bibowanqing, lush palm Posuo dance.

  • 麦秆在他头上高高地支起一片金色的天空——那天空总在不停地婆娑起舞,闪闪发光,细语绵绵,有时被过路的风刮得歪歪斜斜,风一过,它又把头一昂,开怀大笑,恢复故态。
    Here he often loved to wander, through the forest of stiff strong stalks that carried their own golden sky away over his head—a sky that was always dancing, shimmering, softly talking;

  • 婆娑起舞造句相关
