
完事大吉  wán shì dà jí






  • 把烤箱的电源接通,转动旋钮,完事大吉
    To switch the oven on, tun the knob, and bob's your uncle!

  • 把烤箱的电源接通,转动旋钮,完事大吉
    To switch the oven on, turn the knob, and bob's your uncle!

  • 提出问题,不意味完事大吉,只是希望更深入的思考。
    Asks the question, did not mean finishes up the extraordinarily good luck, only hopes a more thorough ponder.

  • 结果就是把瓶药、盒药、罐药开给看病的人而完事大吉
    the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost always granted them.

  • 大多数零售商认为,只要确定了重点团体和进行了调研,就算完事大吉了,但乐购走的更远。
    Most retailers would think they had done their homework after the usual focus groups and surveys, but Tesco went much further.

  • 搞传统企业不仅要雇人,还要做固定资产投资,仅仅处理固定资产也不是光关掉就完事大吉的。
    In traditional businesses to hire, but also so fixed asset investment in fixed assets is not only handle light switch on the walk down.

  • 对于该作者来说,有了这个场景,便完事大吉了,余下只消第一幕为它做铺垫,第三幕耗尽它的余波。
    Once this scene was invented, nothing remained for the author to do except to prepare for it in a first act, and to use up its backwash in a third.

  • 他知道,那个动物要么会咬死亨利爵士,要么会重伤他,而那么一来就可以轻松地将谋杀完事大吉了。
    How would he explain that to the police, if after Sir Henry's death he then inherited the Baskerville lands and fortune?

  • 他知道,那个动物要么会咬死亨利爵士,要么会重伤他,而那么一来就可以轻松地将谋杀完事大吉了。
    He knew that the animal would either kill Sir Henry or would hurt him so badly that it would be easy to complete the murder.

  • 他知道,那个动物要么会咬死亨利爵士,要么会重伤他,而那么一来就可以轻松地将谋杀完事大吉了。
    He knew that the animal would either kill Sir Henry or would hurt him so badly that it would be easy to complete the murder. "#39;"

  • 注重饮食、生活有规律,需要克服坏习惯等等,结果就是把瓶药、盒药、罐药开给看病的人而完事大吉
    diet right living and the need for abandoning bad habits etc. the bottle the box and the jar are almost always granted them.

  • 注意饮食、生活有规律,需要克服坏习惯等等,结果就是把瓶药、盒药、罐药开给看病的人而完事大吉
    diet, right living, and the need for abandoning bad habits etc. , the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost always granted them.

  • 如注意饮食、生活有规律,需要克服坏习惯等等,结果就是把瓶药、盒药、罐药开给看病的人而完事大吉
    As diet , right living, and the need for abandoning bad habits etc. , the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost always granted them.

  • 她象匹马似的吃着,直到把最后一只盘子里的东西吃了个精光,这才摆出一副完事大吉的样子放下手中的银质餐具。
    She ate like a horse until the last plate was clean, and then she placed her silverware down with an air of conclusion.

  • 不过,在亚洲地区,许多有线电视企业都是夫妻店式的小公司,他们要做的就是将电缆连到订户住宅里就完事大吉,在这种环境下,对盗版问题很难做出全面考察。
    But in a region where many cable-TV systems are mom-and-pop companies stringing cable connections to homes, piracy can be a murky problem.

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