
打得火热  dǎ dé huǒ rè






  • 李与购物袋公司的人打得火热
    Lee goes down well with the carrier bag people.

  • 咱们看到工会领导人和资本家们打得火热
    We see the union leaders cheek by jowl with the capitalists.

  • 两人昨晚打得火热,他的手腕都被磨伤了。
    It seems that they played it rough last night, there are some abrasions on his wrist.

  • 十年前的进口家具市场并不像如今这般打得火热
    Ten years ago, imported furniture market is not as is now so Dadehuore.

  • 吉姆跟他的新上司打得火热,这回他吸取教训了。
    Jim hits it off with his new superior, and he draws the lesson this time.

  • 不是故意的只是当时打得火热…我以为你是别人…
    I was in the heat of battle, and I thought you were someone else…

  • 你没看到我正和一个12分的打得火热,我赢回来了。
    Are you blind, I'm making out with a 12, I am winning.

  • 对于孩子来说,在几分钟之内打得火热并不是一件难事。
    It is so easy for children to break the ice in several minutes.

  • 玩伴女郎肯卓拉·威尔森则与美式足球明星汉克巴斯杰迪打得火热
    The playmate girl is willing Zhuo La· Willson to be thick as thieves with American football star hank Buss Jiedi.

  • 男人和女人邂后,互相吸引,打得火热,未必就可以进入相爱的阶段。
    Man and girl, they meet, being attracted , getting closer, but maybe they wont fall in love each other.

  • 在最近几周,有报道指出风投们正为了几个赤手可热的新兴企业打得火热
    In recent weeks there have been reports of venture capitalists bidding up valuations of hot start-ups in order to get a stake in them.

  • 几年前,他与一名美国妇女打得火热,几年来,他一直跟这个女人在网上聊天。
    A few years ago he became heavily involved with an American woman he had ent a couple of years chatting to.

  • 田纳西与我一见如故,很快打得火热,火到有一次他的香烟差点把房子给烧了。
    Tennessee and I got on like a house on fire – and he nearly burnt the house down once with his cigarettes.

  • 几年前,他与一名美国妇女打得火热,几年来,他一直跟这个女人在网上聊天。
    A few years ago he became heavily involved with an American woman he had spent a couple of years chatting to.

  • 然而继父带来的儿子布莱德却带女友回家打得火热,导致唐儿守贞路途更形艰难。
    Her task is made even more difficult by her bad boy stepbrother Brad's increasingly provocative behavior at home.

  • 9看笑话: 厂办公室老冯近来和车间的小花打得火热,厂里上下传沸沸扬扬。
    9 see joke: Plant office old Feng Jin comes and the floret be on terms of intimacy of the workshop, the fluctuation in the factory is passed bubbling with noisily.

  • 他很自然地开始猜疑,然后几乎确信她正和几个或许甚至许多个比他年轻的男子打得火热
    Not unnaturally he began to suspect, and then to be practically certain, that she was supplementing her love life with several—or possibly even many—other and younger men.

  • 在保险公司工作的查理,怀疑妻子不忠,派私家侦探调查,发现妻子真的和作家皮嘉那打得火热
    Suspecting his wife Helene of an affair, insurance executive Charles hires a private eye to track down the lover. He then confronts the man, a writer called Victor Pegala.

  • 路透社现在报道说,若贝尔在国民议会发表了一篇尖锐的批评性演说,攻击美国同此人打得火热
    speech by Jobert in the National Assembly attacking the United States for fraternizing with that man.

  • 在保险公司工作的查理,怀疑妻子不忠,派私家侦探调查,发现妻子真的和作家皮嘉那打得火热
    Suspecting his wife Helene of an affair, insurance executive Charles hires a private eye to track down the lover.

  • 路透社现在报道说,若贝尔在国民议会发表了一篇尖锐的批评性演说,攻击美国同此人打得火热
    Now Reuters reported a highly critical speech by Jobert in the National Assembly attacking the United States for fraternizing with that man.

  • 六道骸笑的风轻云淡然后接招,两个人打得火热直到把彭格列大宅捅了几个窟窿依旧也没分出胜负。
    Mukuro smiled peacefully then took it. The two men fought excitedly and they didn't stop until that several holes appeared on the wall of the house of Vongola.

  • 马多夫正和一个“同性恋团体”打得火热,虽然据线人们说他和该团体成员的关系纯粹是柏拉图式的。
    Madoff is hanging out with a 'homosexual posse, ' although the relationships are reportedly purely platonic, say sources.

  • 近两年大陆流行韩潮,韩国的歌手和电影等也在中国打得火热,妈妈说,这跟中韩友好有很大关系,哇哈哈。
    Korean trend is fashion in China recent years, meanwhile Korean singer and film are still popular in China. Mama said, it is related to Sino-Korea's friendship, haha.

  • 两年前,维拉莱戈萨跟电视台新闻主播婚外情,导致婚姻破裂。如今他正与一位前美国小姐在一起,打得火热
    Having wrecked his marriage by having an affair with one attractive television newscaster two years ago, he is now seen enjoying the company of another, a former Miss USA.

  • 在那里,他开始同苏珊娜·华代尔调情;而他自己的妻子却和拉罗哲·马底欧打得火热,丝毫也不掩饰他们的交情。
    There de Cantel began a flirtation with Suzanne Walter; his own wife and Laroche-Mathieu had become intimates without attempting to conceal their friendship.

  • 他很自然地开始犯嘀咕,进而简直就是确信她为了替补爱情生活的空白,正在和几个甚至是很多个比他年轻的男子打得火热
    Not unnaturally he began to suspect, and then to be practically certain, that she was supplementing her love life with several—or possibly even many—other and younger men.

  • 他们为同卵双胞胎,遗传基因十分相似,而且生活在同一家庭,但两人性格迥异。一个颇具男子汉气概,整天和一群男孩们打得火热
    One is full of lofty quality of man and always together with groups of boys while another prefers playing with girls and will even change diaper for toy.

  • 吴克群因改版,再度爬升到第2名,有趣的是,吴克群与麻吉都有一首有关周星驰的歌,看来接下来两组人马不仅撞歌,还会打得火热
    The reason why Wu Ke Qun can managed to get back to Position 2 was because of his new album. Both Wu Ke Qun and Machi wrote a songs about Zhou Xing Chi.

  • 前不久还算“隐退”著书(标题就用《你再也无法在这个小镇上吃到午餐》如此云云)的制片商和跟公司老总闹翻的电影明星们,这些天与一些私募股本公司打得火热,纷纷重操旧业。
    Not so long ago, producers and film stars who fell out with studio bosses might retire to write books with titles like "You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again".

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