
一团漆黑  yī tuán qī hēi







  • 周围一团漆黑,她找不到条道路。
    In the inky blackness she could find no way around it.

  • 他的生活暧昧不明,他的结局一团漆黑
    His life had been all shadows, his end was night.

  • 次日午时将届,冰库中无昼无夜,一团漆黑
    At noon the following day, it was bright outside, but the ice cellar was as dark as night.

  • 灵魂被烧得一团漆黑
    burning the soul to coal.

  • 幸运的是,关于爱滋病的报道并非一团漆黑
    Fortunately, the AIDS story has not been all gloom and doom.

  • 四周一团漆黑,熄掉电筒,连脚下都不易看清。
    I could not even see things near my feet clearly if I turned off the lamp.

  • 一团漆黑中我看到了家晚间便利店的灯光。
    A block away I could see the lights of a late-night convenience store.

  • 外面一团漆黑,天空好像被层黑幕遮住了似的。
    It is very dark outside, and the sky is covered, as it were, with a black curtain.

  • 缺点、错误要进行严肃的批评,但决不能说得一团漆黑
    I could never get next to him to find out what he was really like.

  • 缺点、错误要进行严肃的批评,但决不能说得一团漆黑
    Shortcomings and mistakes should be seriously criticized, but we must never paint a picture that is all black.

  • 紧靠他背后有一团漆黑东西蠕动着。发出呼噜呼噜的声音。
    A black mass close behind him stirred with a heavy grunting sound.

  • 你可以戴条亮色的丝巾。这样就不会看起来一团漆黑了。
    You can add a bright colored scarf, so you won't look too deadly black.

  • 紧靠他背后有一团漆黑东西蠕动着。发出呼噜呼噜的声音。
    close behind him stirred with a heavy grunting sound.

  • 紧靠他背后有一团漆黑东西 蠕动 着。发出呼噜呼噜的声音。
    A black mass close behind him stirred with a heavy grunting sound.

  • 整个世界对他们来说是一团漆黑的,有太阳,他们也看不到光明;
    The entire world is pitch-dark to them. They see no light with the sun shining;

  • 我们听到令人毛骨悚然的声尖叫从城堡废墟里的一团漆黑中传出。
    We heard a weird shriek from the darkness of the ruined castle.

  • 你该做的是创造个安静舒适,一团漆黑有助于你睡眠的“防护“环境。
    The easiest way to find out if an afternoon nap will work to help you get the best rest is to try napping over a weekend and see how you feel afterward.

  • 之后,又是一团漆黑,几个孩子吓得抱成一团,几颗大雨点噼哩啪啦砸在树叶上。
    They clung together in terror, in the thick gloom that followed. A few big rain-drops fell pattering upon the leaves.

  • 我这次做梦时也是这样:我不感到痛,但觉得枪把全身都震撼了,切都顿时消失,四周一团漆黑
    I did not feel any pain, but it seemed as though with my shot everything within me was shaken and everything was suddenly dimmed, and it grew horribly black around me.

  • 那个地下室就是每个人的灵魂,没有灯,一团漆黑,自己在那里鼓鼓捣捣,之后关好门,写出了部又部作品。
    That everyone is in the basement of the soul, there is no light, dark, where his drum Gudao trace, and then close the door, and a write a work.

  • 饭虽然简单,但别有番风味,物外一团漆黑,穿过松林的风发出如火车的轰鸣声,我们在摇曳不定的煤油灯下豪强地与老人干杯。
    The meal was simple but special, and it was dark outside. The wind was thundering through the pinewood like a train, and we drank cheerful toasts with the old man.

  • 他们这时候已经滑出了融雪不多形成的溪床,来到另条冰河上,河两岸布满了树枝交错的高大冷杉和铁杉,树影遮住了月光,冰河上空似乎一团漆黑
    Now they had skated out the bed of brook and arrive at another glacier, banks of the glacier were full of interlaced tall firs and hemlocks, the shade covered the moonlight, the sky was pitch-black.

  • 虽然人的肉眼只看到一团漆黑,但只要借助太空望远镜——台当今的太空望远镜已经足够——你就可以在黑暗的“星系际空间”的深处看到无数璀璨的星体。
    But all you've got to do is take a telescope, even one of present day design, look out and you'll see the same galaxies as we do from here.

  • 一团漆黑造句相关
