
万念俱灰  wàn niàn jù huī







  • 万念俱灰,觉得生活不过是等死。
    He's succumb to despair, thinking life is just a burden to be lived through.

  • 当时是万念俱灰,曾经想离开互联网…
    At that time is to be utterly disheartened, once wanted to leave Internet.

  • 或许万念俱灰只是他情绪波动的一个极端吧。
    Maybe, his apathy signals he is at the negative extremity of a mood swing.

  • 而令我万念俱灰的是,她还真找到了一份工作。
    And to my utter dismay she got a job.

  • 人生两大悲剧:一是万念俱灰,一是踌躇满志
    Two major tragedies in life: One is that all ideas are dashed, one is self-satisfied.

  • 人生两大悲剧:一是万念俱灰、一是踌躇满志。
    There are two tragedies in our life:one is being frustrated, the other is being ambitious.

  • 阿童木被奉行军法管治的史东总统拘捕,令他万念俱灰
    Boy was pursuing martial law the President of Stone arrest, to his despair.

  • 第七句:“人生两大悲剧:一是万念俱灰,一是踌躇满志”。
    Seventh sentence: "Life is two tragedies: One is despair, one puffed up with pride."

  • 囚犯万念俱灰,心想,这世界上再也不会有人相信他了。
    In total despair, the prisoner believed that no one in the world would trust him any more.

  • 史奈德想起,她父亲回到他们在小公寓的家,看起来万念俱灰
    Ms. Snyder recalled her father coming home to their small apartment utterly despondent.

  • 名言是“人生有两出悲剧。一出是万念俱灰;另一出是踌躇满志。”
    There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it.

  • 希姆拉被打败了。万念俱灰的农·阿诺因逃生船坠毁而殒命科洛桑。
    Shimrra was defeated, and Nom Anor, realizing he had no future, died when his escape craft crashed onto Coruscant.

  • 囚犯万念俱灰,心想,这世界上再也不会有人相信他了。晚上,他越狱了。
    In total despair, the prisoner believed that no one in the world would trust him any more. So he escaped from prison that night.

  • 囚犯万念俱灰,心想,这世界上再也不会有人相信他了。晚上,他越狱了。
    In despair , he think no one trust me in the world , so he escaped from the prison .

  • 其实,人到四十,尤其是一个男人一脚才踏进四十,并不是什么万念俱灰的事情。
    In fact, the person to 40, especially before a man entered the 40 foot, despair is not a thing.

  • 周末的时候我可以停止干活好好放松下,可是一想到周一要上班我就万念俱灰/很害怕。
    On the weekend, I can kick back and relax, but I dread going back to work when the weekend is over.

  • 同时,他最深爱的夫人也在久病之后去世,万念俱灰的主人公不久也随着他的这位夫人过世。
    But Genji's royal bride betrays him with another man and when his beloved mistress dies after a long illness, our heartbroken hero follows her swiftly to the grave.

  • 我想知道当你在经过整夜的忧伤、孤寂与万念俱灰之后,你能否按时起床为孩子们准备早餐?
    I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

  • 斯佳丽,正如我们一样,不能承受放弃一个选择的痛苦,但当巴特勒万念俱灰毅然离开的时候。
    Scarlett, like the rest of us, can't bear the pain of giving up an option, but Rhett recognizes the marriage's futility and closes the door with astonishing elan.

  • 小唯万念俱灰地承受着来自武士们射出的弓箭,那种麻木和绝望的神情让人突然生出无比的怜惜。
    Only a small Wannianjuhui to suffer from the warrior's bow and arrow to shoot, kind of numb despair and give birth to all of a sudden people look great pity for.

  • 油灯在争斗中打翻,顿时燃起一场熊熊大火,吞噬了整个葡萄园。人们悲伤地低泣着,万念俱灰
    In the fight, the oil lamp falls down and suddenly a blazing fire sweeps the vineyard, People weep in deep sorrow, in desperation.

  • 「他现在整个人万念俱灰,」赫德警长说,他保证会彻查此事,而且会加派新守卫来防止类似事件重演。
    "He's a broken man right now, " Sheriff Helder said, promising a thorough investigation and new safeguards to prevent a similar occurrence.

  • 而精神上的痛苦,可谓撕心裂肺肝肠寸断,其痛将在心灵深处留下巨大的阴影,令人刻骨铭心万念俱灰
    On the contrary, mental pains may overwhelm the one and meanwhile, the huge shadow will leave in one's deepest heart resulted in great despairs could never get rid of until the end of the life.

  • 万念俱灰地望著由电线、楼房、车辆和垃圾构成的景观说:「埃及人发明农耕,如今竟沦落到这种下场。」
    "The Egyptians invented farming, " he said, peering despairingly at a landscape of electric wires and buildings, traffic and trash. "And this is what it has become.

  • 帕斯金万念俱灰,无法继续在匈牙利待下去,便于数日之后再次启程,徒步偷偷穿越了多个边境,最后到了巴黎。
    A few days later, too heartsick to remain any longer in Hungary, he set out on foot again, stealing across border after border until he reached Paris.

  • 屈原在流放途中,接连听到楚怀王客死和郢都攻破的噩耗后,万念俱灰,仰天长叹一声,投入了滚滚激流的汩罗江。
    Qu Yuan's exile at the way successive heard die-off and break the bad news after and despair, bang, rolling into a torrent of Jiang.

  • 屈原在流放途中,接连听到楚怀王客死和郢城攻破的噩耗后,万念俱灰,仰天长叹一声,投入了滚滚激流的汩罗江。
    Qu Yuan's exile at the way successive heard die-off and break the bad news Ying City, the despair, say, invested rolling rapids of the River.

  • 正不能接受自己再一次伤害珊,再一次面对失去自由的希望,万念俱灰下,欲放弃自己,遭妙阻止,二人展开逃亡。
    Out of a fit of rage, Ching injures Leng. Ching realises that he has once again inflicted injury on Shan and is ready to give himself to the police.

  • 职业生涯的成功意味着有能力克服困难,面对竞争危险能够坚持,适应变化,忍受一无所有后的身心消沉万念俱灰时期。
    Career success signifies an ability to overcome obstacles, to persevere in the face of competitive threats, to adapt to change, and to endure grueling periods of deprivation.

  • 这是一场没有任何征兆,突如其来,暴虐无情的灾难,把我们鲜活的生命连根拔起,取而代之的是痛苦,悲伤,和万念俱灰
    It was an unplanned, unexpected, and unforgiving catastrophe. It uprooted lives, and replaced it with anguish, sorrow, and hopelessness in those affected.

  • 万念俱灰造句相关
