
互为因果  hù wéi yīn guò






  • 它们之间相互联系、相互影响、互为因果
    They connect each other, influence each other and make cause and effect each other.

  • 它们之间相互联系、相互影响、互为因果
    They connect with each other, influence with each other and make cause and effect with each other.

  • 三者可相互影响,互为因果,造成郁而不达。
    The three factors may affect one another, leading to sexual anxiety.

  • 资源利用与环境改变、资源再生与环境净化互为因果
    Utilizing resources and changing environment, as well as resource regeneration and environment purification, are mutually causalities.

  • 地下开采-覆岩移动-地表沉陷之间存在着互为因果的链动关系。
    There exists a cause-effect chain among underground mining, rock movement and surface subsidence.

  • 同时他的生命哲学、文艺观和文学创作这三者互为因果,互相渗透。
    Meanwhile, his life philosophy, literary view and literary creation are mutually infiltrated.

  • 创新教育与教学管理是密切联系,互为因果的,同时又是相辅相成的。
    Innovative education and teaching management are closely linked, cause-and-effect, supplement each other again.

  • 土地退化是全球环境变化的主要表现之一,而且与贫困问题互为因果
    Land degrades is one of main show that global environment changes, and it is cause and effect with impoverished problem each other.

  • 社会的焦躁风气与个体的浮躁心理,在社会互动中相互强化、互为因果
    Social anxious atmosphere and individual anxious mind interact with each other.

  • 生物的生与死是互为因果的,当事物发展到一定极限时,它就会改变方向。
    Life and death are causal. When thing develops to the highest point, it changes direction.

  • 火车和飞机、电报和电话,所有这些把人们带进同一个互为因果关系的空间。
    Trains and planes, telegraph and telephone, all brought many people into the same causal space.

  • 通过它们之间的相互联系,相互制约,互为因果的方式共同完成一定的功能。
    Through interrelationship, interactions and inter-causalities of these factors, certain functions are realized.

  • 媒介受众观的衍变伴随着媒介发展和变革的过程,两者相互作用,又互为因果
    The change of audience value goes with the development and reform of media, and they interact on each other and affect with each other.

  • 然而,气的失常既为痰、瘀之病理基础,又为痰瘀同病之继发病变,互为因果
    Disorder of Qi activity is not only the common origin basis of phlegm and stasis but also the secondary to the disorder of phlegm and stasis, which are interdetermined.

  • 它们互相作用,甚至互为因果,最终导致绿色贸易壁垒的成因多元化与复杂化。
    They interact each other, even as both cause and effect, which cause the diversification and the complication of the green trade barrier.

  • 结果初中生的学习成绩与心理健康状况之间关系密切,两者相互影响,互为因果
    Results There was close relationship between learning achievement and mental health status.

  • 油气幕式运移与地流体的幕式流动都与地壳的幕式构造活动相辅相成、互为因果
    The episodic flow of hydrocarbon migration and all geofluid and the episodic action of crust structure are complementary to each other and mutually determined.

  • 几种情况往往互为因果,不能截然分开,只不过是某一阶段以某一证型为主而已。
    A few kinds of circumstances often each other is cause and effect, cannot part completely, just be some phase with some card model give priority to just.

  • 我在这篇文章的开头,就说了,它们互为因果,这是我想澄清的(最少是广义上的)。
    I mentioned at the beginning that they are reciprocally cause and effect, and that is what I want to clarify, at least broadly.

  • 心力衰竭与心律失常可互为因果,相互共存,心律失常加重心力衰竭病情并影响预后。
    Heart failure and arrhythmias often coexist in the same patient, because each of them can directly lead to the other.

  • 事物运动的品度、尺度、时度是互为因果、互相作用的,起核心作用的当是品度±J值。
    The object motion's "character degree", space scale and time scale are interaction and reciprocal causation, and the core role should be the character degree ±J value.

  • 最后从民营企业和民间金融相辅相成、互为因果的关系来分析当前民间金融所面临的问题。
    At last it analyzes the problem facing private finance at present from the coexistent relationship between private economy and private finance.

  • 多数所见到的事件\现象和这个宇宙其他无数的方方面面都是互相关联,互为因果,以及互相影响的。
    Most events and phenomena are connected, caused by, and interacting with a huge number of other pieces of a complex universal puzzle.

  • 港口的发展带动城市的发展,反过来,城市的兴盛也将促进港口的繁荣,两者之间相辅相成,互为因果
    The development of the port will bring along the development of the city where it exists. On the contrary, the prosperity of the coast city will also improve the prosperity of the port.

  • 企业家成长与文化环境之间,不是一种单向的、被动的关系,而是一种“相互影响、相互作用、互为因果”的关系。
    Their growth itself is a culture phenomenon. And the relation between entrepreneur and culture environment is interaction and mutual causal rather than unidirectional and negative.

  • 在某种意义上可以说,教师的行为与教师管理的制度是互为因果的:有什么样的教师行为就会有什么样的教师管理制度。
    In a sense, it can be said that the teacher's behavior and teacher management system are cause and effect of each other, i. e. like the teacher behavior, like the teacher management system.

  • 痰瘀在疾病形成过程中,不仅有共同来源,而且互为因果,在致病上相互为用,故在临床治疗中应见痰勿忘瘀,见瘀勿忘痰。
    Therefore, in the course of treatment, eliminating phlegm and removing blood stasis must be applied together. They are related closely.

  • 提出痰热是复合致病因素的概念,痰因于热而弥结,热依于痰而不散,痰与热常互相依附,互为因果,是脑病多出现疑难怪症,缠绵难愈的重要原因;
    Putting forward the febrible due to phlegm is a compound concept was caused of disease. The phlegm is different with heat source. Phlegm often depends on each other with heat.

  • 它们所具有的那种混乱的、递归式的因果关系,各个部分之间互为因果的关系,使得系统中的任何一个部分都难以按照线性的方式去推断其未来的行为。
    Their messy, recursive field of causality, of every part being both cause and effect, makes it difficult for any part of the system to make routine linear extrapolations into the future.

  • 格兰杰因果关系检验结果表明在短期内外商直接投资与经济增长之间没有因果关系,而在中长期,外商直接投资是我省经济增长的原因,我省经济增长也是外商直接投资增长的原因,二者互为因果关系;
    And in short term there is no Causality between FDI and economic growth, but FDI is the cause of growth in China, the economic growth is also the cause of FDI inflow to China in the long-run.

  • 互为因果造句相关
