
南征北战  nán zhēng běi zhàn








  • 这是一支抗日战争中经过南征北战的英雄连队。
    This is a heroic company which fought on many fronts in the Anti-Japanese War.

  • 朱元璋参加了红巾军,他南征北战
    Dollar the 璋 attended a red towel soldier, his south advertised for a north war.

  • 随父南征北战,攻重庆,陷删丹,屡立战功。
    nan zheng bei zhan father attack Chongqing, Dan cut depression, repeated Li exploits.

  • 这个部队曾南征北战
    The troops fought north and south on many fronts.

  • 这是一支解放战争中经过南征北战的英雄连队。
    This is a heroic company which fought on many fronts in the Liberation War.

  • 老子南征北战,枪林弹雨都走过来了,几时怕过死!
    I Nanzhengbeizhan, Qianglindanyu have come over, Jishi afraid of death!

  • 你很高兴自己入选冠军杯阵容和球队一起南征北战吗?
    Have you enjoyed being involved in the Champions League squad and travelling with the team?

  • 在军队时期,这支队伍南征北战,谱写了灿烂的历史篇章。
    In the military period, the team Nanzhengbeizhan write a glorious chapter in history.

  • 这些兵马俑和马再现了他率领军队在前线南征北战的壮丽图景。
    These terra cotta warriors and horses reproduce the grand picture of his leading the army, fighting north and south on many fronts.

  • 你现在34岁了,仍然在一家顶级俱乐部效力并且为阿根廷队南征北战
    You are 34 years old and still playing for a top club team and internationally for Argentina.

  • 另一类是移动式,走村串户进行烘干作业,亦可配合“南征北战’”开展服务。
    Another kind is movable type, walk along a village to string together door undertake stoving works, yi Ke cooperates " fight north and south on many fronts ' " begin a service.

  • “我们今天大踏步地后退,就是为了明天大踏步地前进!”——《南征北战》。
    The reason we take a big step backward today is that take a big step forward tomorrow!

  • 之后,肖福禄南征北战,先后历任宁夏、巴里坤、直隶、宣化、宜昌等镇总兵。
    After Fulunan zheng bei zhan Shaw has served Ningxia, Barkol, Zhili, Xuanhua, Ichangzong bing towns.

  • 在眼下局部房地产热的大背景下,温州炒房团的南征北战无疑构成了抢眼的一景。
    local real estate hot in the immediate backdrop, the fight up and down the country Wenzhou Real undoubtedly constitute a conspicuous and eye-catching King.

  • 近期,各式各样的鞋类展览会峰涌而至,许多鞋业厂商为此南征北战,耗资巨大;
    The near future, sundry shoe kind exhibition peak emerges and come, a lot of shoe estate firms are this fight north and south on many fronts, cost tremendous;

  • 他既不能统率大军南征北战,又不能制订宏伟的政治纲领,也不能提倡任何重大改革。
    He could neither unite broad masses of troops in great sweeping maneuvers, make bold political plans, nor create any major reforms.

  • 迫于京、沪、深、穗等大城市房地产竞争白热化,南征北战式的异地开发在国内大量涌动。
    Under Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other big cities real estate intense competition, fight up and down the country-style development in the country while large numbers of English.

  • 迫于京、沪、深、穗等大城市房地产竞争白炽化,南征北战式的异地开发在国内大量涌动。
    Under Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other big cities competition incandescence of the real estate, land development in the domestic fight up and down the country-style large black.

  • 此后的10多年里,许荣茂南征北战,不管房地产形势是高峰,还是低谷,他的事业总能蒸蒸日上。
    Since then 10 years Xurongmao fight up and down the country, regardless of the property situation is the peak or low, and his career total to success.

  • 他治军有方,勇敢善战,为人正直,严于律己,不久晋升为第四旅旅长,跟随冯玉祥南征北战,屡立战功。
    Well, he armed forces, shan zhan courage, integrity, discipline, promoted to the rank of the near Brigade fourth, followednan zheng bei zhan Feng Yuxiang, Li repeated military exploits.

  • 当前位置: 首页 >> 地方版块 >> 上海 >> 动用“民间资金” 温州炒房团为啥南征北战
    Using "private funds" Wenzhou Real Mission Critical fight up and down the country?

  • 我父亲的父亲,即是我们的祖父在南征北战中都随身带着这样东西……”她依旧没有从女式手提包里取出她手里拿着的东西。
    The father of my father, our grandfather, always wore it in all his wars …" She still did not take out what she was holding in her reticule."

  • 理查之所以成为了一代天骄,正因为他以国王的万金之躯在外南征北战,他的英雄虎胆和独具慧眼,使他敢于在千钧一发之际做出殊死一搏。
    Richard was a superstar precisely because he was an absentee warrior king. He had the dash and flair to risk all on the most slender of odds.

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