
南来北往  nán lái běi wǎng







  • 南来北往的交通十分方便快捷。
    Nanlaibeiwang the traffic is very convenient.

  • 这种改变正是吸引南来北往游人的重要理由。
    This change is important for attracting visitors coming.

  • 他们是东海岸线上的常客,经常沿着水路南来北往
    They have made many trips traveling both north and south on the eastern intercoastal waterway.

  • 许多南来北往路径德州的旅客,都慕名品尝德州扒鸡。
    Nanlaibeiwang the path of many Texas visitors are attracted braised chicken taste of Texas.

  • 祠虽无存,然南来北往船民和一些善男信女供奉祠神仍心切。
    Temple is no deposit, but Nanlaibeiwang Shannanxinnv boat people and some are still anxious to worship God Temple.

  • 南来北往!东走西逛!相聚是缘!阜阳地区无限欢迎你的加盟!
    Travel frequently and extensively! West east walks strolls! Gathers is the reason! The Fuyang area infinite welcome you the alliance!

  • 此后十余年,尤智表居士南来北往,服务于军界,又经营工业。
    In the following more than 10 years time, he serviced in the military and ran the industry business in China from north to south.

  • 南来北往的客运车辆,使南京长江大桥加重负载,交通压力重重。
    The passenger transport car that north goes to comes south, make accentuation of big bridge of Nanjing the Yangtse River laden, traffic pressure is heavy.

  • 她们用史诗般的飞翔来追逐这种生存空间,南来北往是她们的天性。
    They with is it chase these kind of living space to hovering like the epic, it is their natural instincts to be always on the move.

  • 届时,南来北往的旅游者、投资者,可在海口置办到称心如意的房产。
    By then, the tourists coming, investors may extend to the acquisition of real estate in Haikou.

  • 扬州,地处南北大运河与长江交汇点,水陆交通便利,是南来北往的枢纽。
    Yangzhou that is situated at the intersection of North-south Grant Canal and the Changjiang River with the advantage of land and water traffic is the hinge of north and south.

  • 由于千百年间南来北往的客家人都要在这里落脚,于是渐渐有了现在的规模。
    Since coming years between the Hakkas to locate here, then gradually with the current scale.

  • 他必须骑自行车穿过由急匆匆南来北往的逢行车组成的沸腾的海洋赶到那里。
    His bicycle must get him there through through a boiling sea of other bicycles hurrying in all directions.

  • 这麽多年来,宜兰市一直是兰阳平原的经政文教重心,也是南来北往的交通要道。
    The cultural, educational, and administrative heart of the Lanyang Plain is Yilan City, which is also a major hub for traffic along the northeast coast.

  • 武汉位于京广线中段,南来北往的列车大多在这里停靠,每天停靠的列车有30余列。
    Located in the middle of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Wuhan sees 30 passenger trains stationed in everyday.

  • 在《勇气ol》的周城内,有一家“镇威”镖局,这些年来一直承揽南来北往的镖行生意。
    In the "courage ol" the city of weeks, there is a "town of Granville, " Biaoju, in recent years has been the contract Nanlaibeiwang Biaohang business.

  • 龙城的自由贸易吸引了众多小商家和小顾客,东奔西跑、南来北往的玩家都愿选择在龙城歇脚。
    Longcheng free trade attracted a large number of small businesses and small customers, around, the players are willing to choose Longcheng rest.

  • 银白色的河水静静地向南流着,河上一队队一列列的顶推驳船南来北往,呈现出一派繁忙的景象。
    Silvery quietly south of the river water flow in rivers, on the teams out of a barge Nanlaibeiwang pushers, showing a faction of the busy scene.

  • 水上乡地处嘉义县的几何中心点,与交通动脉紧紧相扣,公路层层叠叠,南来北往的交通在此汇集。
    This area land transportation contain Zhueng Shan superhighway, fast road, north-south highway, north-south railway and163 County Road etc.

  • 普通房干净整洁、宽敞明亮,是接待领导,召开会议,商务洽谈,南来北往宾客下榻休息的理想场所。
    ordinary room clean, bright and spacious, is the leading hospitality and conferences, business negotiations, guests stayingnan lai bei wang ideal place to rest.

  • 这里青岩壁立,绿树庇荫,芳草葱郁,怪石成趣,曲径通幽……奇妙的景致,陶醉了多少南来北往的游客。
    Qingyan, stand like a wall here, the tree shelter, verdant Grass, rock formations into a fun, winding streets …

  • 随着长城的南移和北移,中国的文化地理也相应地出现了变化,各种文化的交流也呈现南来北往的反复过程。
    Chinese cultural geography varied, and miscellaneous cultures intercommunicated in a to and fro way between north and south.

  • 从交通功能看,曹家渡向来是南来北往车辆交通的中心城区交汇点,所以交通发达是中心城区中较为少见的。
    from the transport function of view, has been going Caojiedu Center City vehicular traffic intersection, so traffic is developed urban centres more rare.

  • 那清澈的眼睛如海水,光洁的皮肤如绢丝,高挑的身材玉树临风,着实让南来北往的人们赞叹之余,又暗生妒意。
    That's eyes as clear water, clean the skin such as silk, Gaotiao body Yushulinfeng, indeed for the people praise Nanlaibeiwang while Youan Health Duyi.

  • 目前,景观设计风格层出不穷,香港的、新加坡的、深圳的、广州的,南来北往,最后不知道到底是哪里的风格。
    Currently, the landscape design style emerged in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, south, and finally do not know exactly where is the style.

  • 每当华灯初上,远眺窗外,南来北往、川流不息的车辆形成一片灯的海洋,冬天湖畔的美景与天上的星斗相映生辉。
    Whenever the evening, look afar window, going, float continuously vehicles forming a marine lights, the beauty winter lakes of the foundation form a contrast with the sky globe as tall.

  • 村里和南来北往的人每从桥上走过,就会想到王婆婆的贤德聪慧,尊老爱幼,纷纷追随效仿,好人一生平安,长命百岁。
    Nanlaibeiwang village and every personTraversed the bridge, will think of the mother-in-law Wang Xiande intelligence, Zunlaoaiyou, have to follow to follow, the good life of peace and longevity.

  • 进京出京、南来北往,地产版的《围城》故事标志着北京市场更上层楼,北京这个标签,也初步具备了类似深圳、上海的整体品牌效果。
    Go to the capital of Beijing, south, the property issue of the "siege" stories that Beijing market further, Beijing label, but also have a similar initial Shenzhen, Shanghai's overall brand effect.

  • 在两岸民间交流、互动的过程中,除了探亲、投资、观光的人潮络绎于途,另有一批扛著沉重机器,赴大陆的电视工作人员,南来北往、上山下海地抢镜头。
    But there's been another type of visitor: TV crews carrying cameras over their shoulders filming north to south, mountains to sea.

  • 驻马店市位于河南省中南部,古为交通要冲,素有“豫州之腹地,天下之最中”之称。驻马店盛产苎麻,驻马店原称苎麻,后因设立驿站,因历史上南来北往的信使、宦官在此驻驿歇马而得名。
    Located in central south part of Henan Province, later it was established post and get its present name, Zhumadian (a place for resting horses), since many postmen and officials rest horses here.

  • 南来北往造句相关
