
积习难改  jī xí nán gǎi







  • 人们常说“积习难改”。我确认为不尽然。
    People always say " Old habits die hard", I could hardly agree.

  • 他通过给我们讲故事来阐明积习难改的事实。
    He told us a story to illustrate the fact that bad habits die hard.

  • 真的,我发现自己在“秩序”方面实在积习难改
    In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to order.

  • 老狗学不了新把戏(朽木不可雕也;积习难改)。
    You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

  • 那些老迈的政客们积习难改,无法了解这些新观念的重要性。
    The older politicians are too set in their ways to understand the importance of these new ideas.

  • 那些老迈的政客们积习难改,无法了解这些新观念的重要性。
    The older politician is too set in their way to understand the importance of these new idea.

  • 约翰遗传下来的这些嗜好众所周知,连爱德华最小的弟弟也是积习难改
    John's inheritance of these propensities was notorious, and his youngest brother's became equally so.

  • 他又开始抽烟了,之前他已经戒烟大约一年多了,可是可能是积习难改吧。
    He's taken up smoking again. You know he had quit for about a year, but I guess old habits die hard.

  • 因为她同他在一起的时光,他不过是偶尔闹闹酒,还不是一个积习难改的醉鬼。
    for in her time with him he had been given to bouts only, and was not a habitual drunkard.

  • 然而,危害已经造成了,由于先入为主形成的习惯,瀑布模型思想已经根深蒂固、积习难改
    However, the damage was done, and a strong mindset with a bias toward Waterfall development had become ingrained.

  • 最近在巴西外海发现的新油田的收益不会很快拿到,用来救援下一任总统脱离这个积习难改的问题。
    Revenue from the recently discovered oilfields off Brazil's coast will not come in quickly enough to rescue the new president from this inherited problem.

  • 更糟糕的是,德国现在可能被一个惯例所困,按照瑞格林先生的解释,是由于“低增长预期…积习难改。”
    Worse, Germany may now be stuck in a rut, because, as Mr Regling explained: "Low growth expectations…have become entrenched."

  • 另一方面则不遗余力地关注进城之乡下人的生存状态,揭示了他们积习难改的粗鄙观念和魂系乡土的流浪情怀。
    On the other hand, it does utmost to notice survival state of countrymen entered into city , and also discovers incorrigible vulgarity and yearning to country of them.

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