
造谣中伤  zào yáo zhòng shāng







  • 欧文背后造谣中伤他的朋友麦克斯。
    Owen stabbed his friend Max in the back by telling lies about him.

  • 欧文背后造谣中伤他的朋友麦克斯。
    Owen stabbed his friend Max in the back by tell ing lies about him.

  • 从来没有人对他造谣中伤
    The breath of slander never touched him.

  • 他声称报纸对他造谣中伤
    He claims he has been libeled in the press.

  • 除了撒谎欺骗德国公众,就是造谣中伤
    Apart from Germany lie to deceive the public, that is slander!

  • 你绝不会让这种造谣中伤的言论披露见报的吧。
    You surely won't print (ie publish, esp in a newspaper) such a scandalous allegation.

  • 你绝不会让这种造谣中伤的言论披露见报的吧。
    You surely won't print (ie publish, esp in a newspaper) such a scandalous allegation .

  • 他不在乎流言蜚语,诽谤,中伤造谣,诬蔑。
    He doesn't care about  scandals, slanders, calumnies, aspersions, or defamation.

  • 他们的整个政治生活中一直面临着种种造谣中伤
    Their whole political life has been about a rough and tumble campaign, " she said."

  • 孩子们应该放弃这些习惯:邋遢、粗鲁、懒散、撒谎、偷窃和造谣中伤
    Among the habits which children should shun are slovenliness, rudeness, laziness, lying, stealing and slandering.

  • 昨日,奇虎对于瑞星的指责发表“紧急声明”,暗指对方“造谣中伤”。
    Yesterday, the odd tiger blamed for the rising of a "declaration of emergency", alluding each other "scandalous matters.

  • 虽然对手向他展开大规模抹黑行动,他还是不肯做那揭丑闻、造谣中伤的事。
    While his opponent started a huge smear campaign against him, he refused to engage in muckraking and mudslinging.

  • 一个有智慧的人应该是真诚的,不傲慢,不欺骗,不会造谣中伤,也不会令人讨厌。
    A person of wisdom should be truthful, without arrogance, without deceit, not slanderous and not hateful.

  • 我们需要通过运用充分证明科学方法来服务于公众,而不是通过虚假事件及中伤造谣
    The public is best served by a reasoned scientific approach, not by disinformation that stirs up emotions and false fears.

  • 这位客人是老光棍,伯爵夫人的堂兄,莫斯科的沙龙中常常议论他,都说他是个造谣中伤的人。
    This was an old bachelor, Shinshin, a cousin of the countess's, famed in Moscow drawing-rooms for his biting wit.

  • 还有许多事情我不便于说,也不值得说,可是他对于彭伯里府上造谣中伤的事实,真是数说不尽。
    And there are other circumstances which I am not at liberty —— which it is not worth while to relate;

  • 还有许多事情我不便于说,也不值得说,可是他对于彭伯里府上造谣中伤的事实,真是数说不尽。
    And there are other circumstances which I am not at liberty —— which it is not worth while to relate; but his lies about the whole Pemberley family are endless.

  • 我确信,任何职业性观察力从没出过毛病的人的眼睛都是雪亮的,绝不会受(造谣中伤者所)蒙骗。
    I'm satisfied that the eyes of a man whose professional powers of observation have never been at fault would not have been deceived.

  • 明尼苏达州通过一项类似于其他州的法律,准许将“恶意、造谣中伤或诬蔑性的”刊物作为公害予以禁止。
    The state of Minnesota had passed a law, similar to laws in other states, that authorized the suppression as a public nuisance of any "malicious, scandalous or defamatory" publications.

  • 在斗争中,任何条约和协议对自己均无丝毫的约束力,可以撒弥天大谎,可以造谣中伤,甚至允许犯罪作恶。
    it considers itself in no way bound by the terms of any compact that it may conclude with opponents, and it deems any crime, any lie, and any calumny permissible in carrying on its struggle.

  • 英国保守党集体要求戈登布朗就造谣诽谤事件道歉,由于布朗的诬陷中伤,保守党失去了一位最亲密的伙伴。
    The Tories demanded a personal apology from Gordon Brown today over planned smear stories that forced one of his closest aides to quit.

  • 造谣中伤造句相关
