
骑马找马  qí mǎ zhǎo mǎ








  • 我做这份工作是骑马找马;我很希望当演员。
    I'm just marking time in this job ; I'm hoping to become an actor.

  • 我做这份工作是骑马找马;我很希望当演员。
    I'm just marking time in this job; I'm hoping to become an actor.

  • 经过两次骑马后,最好一匹固定的,这样技术会提高的快一些。
    After the two on horseback, the best to find a fixed horse, this technology will improve some of the quick.

  • 刚毕业缺乏工作经验,所以期望值不要太高,好歹先个,骑马找马
    Just graduated from the lack of work experience, so expectations are too high not to, to find something, find a riding horse.

  • 初学者在骑马前最好一些关于的资料,了解一下的习性和品质以及骑马的要领和注意事项。
    At pre-riding the best for beginners to find some information about the horse, learn about the habits and quality of horse and equestrian essentials and attention.

  • 比如人们可以在落矶山脉的山谷里一处宁静的营地,雇上一匹,沿着深山里的河流骑马或远足。
    They can find a camp site in a quiet valley in the Rockies. They hire horses, ride and hike alongside the river, deep into the mountains.

  • 骑马人平静地上了,(骑马)走到下士旁边,说:“下次你的士兵需要帮忙的时候,请派人去总司令。”
    The rider quietly mounted his horse, went to the corporal and said, "The next time your men need help, send for the Commander-in-Chief."

  • 她说,她的朋友认为坦然谈薪事,是有用的工具。有助自己研拟策略,何时该催老闆加薪,何时开始骑马找马
    Her friends, she said, consider frank talk about income a valuable tool. It helps them strategize –when to push for a raise, when to start looking around.

  • 骑马找马造句相关
