
枪林弹雨  qiāng lín dàn yǔ







  • 枪林弹雨模式下,不杀死任何敌人而完成了一整个回合。
    In Firefight, finish a full round without killing a single enemy.

  • 强悍快速的节奏,描述的战场中枪林弹雨危急紧张的气氛。
    The strong and quick rhythms, display a dangerous and nervous atmosphere of intensive fighting in the battlefield.

  • 枪林弹雨模式下,于「战坑」得到200,000分以上。
    Score over 200, 000 points in Firefight on Crater.

  • 我的脑海里依然回荡着枪林弹雨轰然损坏木质障碍物的声音。
    In my mind, I can still hear the barrage of gunfire smashing through our wooden barriers .

  • 她曾遭受敌人的绑架囚禁,也曾活跃在西北战场的枪林弹雨中。
    She 'd ever been kidnapped and imprisoned by the enemy , and also fought in the fierce battles in the northwest China.

  • 他们遭到了波兰军队从预定位置射来的枪林弹雨,放弃了攻击。
    They came under a deadly hail of fire from the prepared positions of the defending Poles, and had to abandon the assault.

  • 已完成「海岸公路」,并解除「最后出口枪林弹雨」任务的锁定。
    Complete Coastal Highway on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new Firefight mission.

  • 枪林弹雨模式下,于「安全区」得到了200,000分以上。
    Score over 200, 000 points in Firefight on Security Zone.

  • 枪林弹雨模式下,于「深渊十境」得到200,000分以上。
    Score over 200, 000 points in Firefight on Chasm Ten.

  • 枪林弹雨之下,大约有400人冒险来到加沙市中心抗议这种暴行。
    With gunfire and shelling as the backdrop, around 400 people have ventured into the center of Gaza city protesting against the violence.

  • 枪林弹雨中约400名群众冒险冲进加沙市中心,抗议这起暴力冲突。
    With the gunfire and shelling as the backdrop, around 400 people have ventured into the center of Gaza city protesting against the violence.

  • 有些人燃起了一线模模糊糊的求生的欲望,他们不愿在这枪林弹雨中束手待毙。
    Then the gloomy love of life awoke once more in some of them. Many, finding themselves under the muzzles of this forest of guns, did not wish to die.

  • 当恶境中的枪林弹雨让我们的身心感到难以承受时,我们会在那里寻求到庇护。
    It is where we seek refuge when the slings and arrows of outrageous1 fortune have become too much for the soul to bear.

  • 奥巴马展现了其魅力,能够从容面对枪林弹雨,深入理解现代政治下权力更替的规则。
    Mr Obama has demonstrated charisma, coolness under fire and an impressive understanding of the transforming power of technology in modern politics.

  • 麦凯恩本人曾经为了这个国家出入枪林弹雨,上过刀山,受过殴打,还两次差点光荣捐躯。
    Mr McCain has been shot at, stabbed, beaten and twice nearly killed for his country.

  • 枪林弹雨,巧手吵作,打造新版《中南海保镖》,亚洲“史泰龙”于荣光2004激情奉献。
    The hail of bullets, the clever artisan does noisyly, making update "Zhongnanhai Bodyguard", Asia "Shi Tailong" to honor 2004 fervor offers.

  • 1958年,阮怀宏参加政府军队前往寮国,当时这枪林弹雨,差点令他打算撕毁他的这些藏书。
    In 1958, Chuc joined the army and went to Laos where he somehow managed to squeeze his books amongst the shells and bullets.

  • 一名日军士兵,在敌军的枪林弹雨中坚守在沙丘上,他并不清楚地了解整个战役,即所谓“全景”。
    The Japanese private, clinging to a sand dune during an enemy artillery barrage, could not have a clear grasp of the overall battle, the socalled "Big Picture, " which retrospect provides.

  • 倾斜的雨点在台板上舞蹈着,制造着微观的枪林弹雨或是海啸,雨水在角落的池子里渐渐聚流成河。
    The rain comes down slanted and dances on the deck surface making microscopic splashes and flea sized tsunamis across the tide pool developing in the corner.

  • 每见论坛上“乌云密布”,聊天室内“枪林弹雨”,无论自己是否陷于祸害,仍然忍不住窃笑……。
    See each forum, the "dark clouds" chat room "hail of bullets", regardless of whether they caught the scourge still could not help laughing …

  • 在最近一次战斗中幸存的那些可怜人,长期面对着枪林弹雨,居无定所,食不果腹和病无良药的窘境,变的极其脆弱。
    Long shelled, shot at and deprived of shelter, food and medicine, the half-starved wretches who have survived the recent battles are exceptionally vulnerable.

  • 申格拉本战役中,他在库尔斯克兵团前面,置身于枪林弹雨之下,沿着耕过的麦田行走时,他心里反而觉得更习惯,更轻快。
    He would have been more at home and at his ease walking over a ploughed field under fire, as he had walked at the head of the Kursk regiment at Schöngraben.

  • 周四,一项独立的研究表示,在经历了伊拉克和阿富汗战争的枪林弹雨后,如今有20%的美军患有抑郁症或伤后精神紧张。
    S. troops who have survived the bombs and other dangers of Iraq and Afghanistan now suffers from major depression or post-traumatic stress, an independent study said Thursday.

  • 我蜷缩在稀泥中、身边是枪林弹雨,弥漫硝烟,我把步枪紧紧地攥在胸前,一颗惶恐不安的心,还是想起了我们出识的那一天。
    Iwould sit huddled into the wet mud, terrified, as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me.

  • 我并不记得听说过关于他的信,考虑到那时候我们躲过的枪林弹雨(原文是其他所有的子弹),可能是我工作人员为我保存了吧。
    I don't remember hearing about his letter, and considering all the other bullets we were dodging then, it's possible that my staff kept it from me.

  • 你穿过枪林弹雨毫无损伤,什么武器都不能让你倒下,什么武器都不能在你的脸上留痕,你会成为我的挚爱,你会成为我的挚爱。
    And as you walk through death's dark veil, The cannon's thunder can't prevail, And those who hunt thee down will fail, And you will be my ain true love, And you will be my ain true love.

  • 直到6年以前,他的经历被第一次世界大战退役军人协会发现,这位曾历经枪林弹雨的老先生,才因他为国家所付出的一切接受表扬。
    Only when tracked down by the World War I Veteran's Association did this old man, who had been shelled, bombed, and shot, receive honor for what he had endured in behalf of his country.

  • 在和平时期,承包商和公务员们可以花上几年时间对某一新武器的设计修修补补,而在士兵们遭受枪林弹雨的状态下人们需要更快地得出结果。
    In peacetime contractors and civil servants can get away with tinkering for years with the design of a new gun, but quicker results are needed when soldiers are getting shot at.

  • 令希拉里女士尴尬的是,这位前第一夫人则需要撤回自己在竞选中夸大描述的一个故事:在1996年访问波斯尼亚时,专机在枪林弹雨中降落。
    To her embarrassment, the former first lady had to retract a story that she had run for cover from sniper fire upon landing when she visited Bosnia in 1996.

  • 但是你为我想过没有,如果战争这样继续下去,当你在枪林弹雨中冲锋陷阵的时候,我只能无助的在通讯频道里听着你的声音,除了帮你祈祷之外我什么事也做不了。
    But I know, too, that if the war rums out that way, I'll be listening to your voice, out there in the Danger Zone, and I won't be able to do a single thing about it but hope and pray.

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