
生不逢时  shēng bù féng shí




《诗·大雅·桑柔》 :“我生不辰,逢天僤怒。”



  • 中国的新文化运动的确生不逢时
    China's New Culture Movement is indeed untimely.

  • 所以我说:中国的性革命生不逢时
    So I said: China's sexual revolution Shengbufengshi.

  • 他们是朋友么?或仅仅他们生不逢时?
    HBO: Were they friends, or because of the times it just was not a possibility?

  • 那么这些并购仅仅是生不逢时的好决定?
    So were these acquisitions fundamentally sound decisions cursed by poor timing?

  • 倘若如此,或许他们只能怪自己生不逢时
    If so, perhaps they can blame the times that produced them.

  • 他们怨天尤人,大叹生不逢时,缺少机遇。
    They complained all the time about their bad luck and not being favored by chances.

  • 一个奢华的,自我膨胀的新的总部大楼建得生不逢时
    Building an expensive, self-indulgent new headquarters building just in time for the collapse?

  • 她认为,AOL此次进入中国市场有点“生不逢时”。
    She thinks, AOL enters Chinese market this to have a place " when be born not to meet " .

  • 生不逢时的人常常套用阿Q的话说:先前我比你阔多了。
    Unlucky person usually set use Q of the words say:In times before my ratio your Kuo many.

  • 人们往往相信自己生不逢时,要么出生太早,要么出生太晚。
    People sometimes believe that they were born too late or too early.

  • 好吧,我会用我的人类声音去吸引敌人的我真是生不逢时呀,生不逢时
    i'll attract the enemy with my human call: i'm so wasted, i'm so wasted!

  • 好吧。我会用我的人类声音去吸引敌人的--我真是生不逢时呀。生不逢时
    I'll attract the enemy with my human call: I'm so wasted. I'm so wasted!

  • 上市生不逢时,从25元一直调整至8元方见底,与近期走强的大东南相似。
    Listing untimely has been adjusted from 25 to 8 yuan to the bottom, with the recent strength is similar to a large south-east.

  • 但奇怪的是,那些造成牛仔们生不逢时的人们似乎十分渴望听到他们的信息。
    Strangely, the people who have displaced the cowboys seem eager to hear that message.

  • 这一首是说一位胸怀豪情的侠士,自叹生不逢时,尽管眼前金樽玉盘,却壮志难伸。
    The song told of a bold gallant who laments being born too late. Though gold cup and jade plate were set before him, momentous deeds were never his.

  • 怀才不遇的意思是胸怀才学但生不逢时,难以施展,不被赏识任用,也就是说不得志。
    Sees their talents wasted talent and learning the meaning of mind but is untimely, it is difficult to play, not to be appreciated by appointment, in other words blossom.

  • 但是因为探索福利改革只有时机恰当才合适,政府不能抱怨最近更彻底的努力生不逢时
    But having pursued welfare reform only fitfully when times were good, the government can hardly complain that its latest, more radical efforts have fallen on bad ones.

  • 就因为艾滋病,中国不单单是性革命生不逢时,中国的伦理改革,文化改革都将望而却步。
    Because of AIDS, China is not just sexual revolution Shengbufengshi, China's reform and ethics, cultural reform will be discouraged.

  • 有的人能够正视困难,而有的人却在困难面前垂头丧气,怨天怨地,大叹生不逢时,缺少机遇。
    Some persons can face a difficulty, but some persons look down in the mouth in the difficult in front, hatred day hatred ground, greatly sigh unlucky, be in need of opportunity.

  • 有的人能够正视困难,而有的人却在困难面前垂头丧气,怨天怨地,大叹生不逢时,缺少机遇。
    Some people can confront the difficulties, while some others lose their spirits, complains about everything, not living in the right time and lack of opportunities.

  • 然而,生不逢时,尚处启动期的乌鲁木齐别墅市场,使本该销售火爆的地产项目,有名气无人气。
    However, untimely merely a period Urumqi villa market for the sale of the property unpopular project without good reputation.

  • 事实是你没有?更清楚。?如果您的金融投资失败吗?敢打赌它生不逢时?大明智的投资开始的时候。
    The truth is you did ?know better. ? If your financial investment failed I?ll bet it wasn?t a smart investment to begin with.

  • 二来,台北近年令人兴奋的发展,虽老叫我有生不逢时之慨,但要责备求全起来,也是几十部牛车载不完的。
    Secondly, Taiwan's development in recent years has been very exciting, and it is a shame I was not there. But if you want me to judge it, then there is still a lot that is not yet perfect.

  • 我们会怨天尤人,我们会慨叹生不逢时,我们心情郁闷,变得尖刻乖戾,我们觉得整个世界都在和自己过不去。
    We might complain, wondering why we're not born at the right time. When we feel depressed, we become poignancy and warp, and feel the whole world is against us.

  • 我们会怨天尤人,我们会慨叹生不逢时,我们心情郁闷,变得尖刻乖戾,我们觉得整个世界都在和自己过不去。
    We might complain, wondering why we're not born at the right time. When we feel depressed, we will become poignancy and warp, and feel the whole world is against us.

  • 一名一线交警认为首个“无车日”有点“生不逢时”,“在广州,每周星期一和星期五都是交通最繁忙的日子”。
    A traffic police line that the first "car-free day" a bit "untimely" and "in Guangzhou a week Monday and Friday are the busiest days.

  • 我有点生不逢时,错过了国家航天局的阿波罗计划,生在了宇宙飞船时代——一个人类仍被禁锢在低地轨道上的时代。
    By a fluke of timing, I missed out on NASA's Apollo program and instead was born into the space shuttle era in which humans remained locked in low Earth orbit.

  • 生不逢时,但是在当代批评语境下,却受到了多种理论话语的青睐。造成坡小说文本众说纷纭的一个重要原因,即是坡小说的叙事修辞。
    He was born in a wrong era, but now he got much attention of many theory discourses in modern critic theory context.

  • 然而,“豪斯登堡”生不逢时,刚刚建成开业就遇上了泡沫经济破灭,不仅大量的高级别墅未能售出,而且来这里旅游渡假的游客也逐年减少。
    However, "Haosidengbu" untimely encounter just built up on the bubble economy collapsed, not only a large number of senior villa unsold, but here tourism resort visitors also been reduced.

  • 恐惧外国人的法国银行董事:HjalmerSchacht,德国国家银行主席,一个暴躁的普鲁士人,如果不是生不逢时,准会与纳粹狼狈为奸
    and Hjalmer Schacht, the president of Germany's Reichsbank, a Prussian by temperament, if not by birth, whose sensibilities led to a flirtation with the Nazis.

  • 生不逢时造句相关
