
处心积虑  chǔ xīn jī lǜ








  • 当你终日处心积虑、忙乱匆促之时。
    When you worry and hurry through your day.

  • 但同样是因为塔伦蒂诺先生处心积虑地将所有同情都全部抹杀。
    But it is also because Mr Tarantino, although he kills off goodies as well as baddies, works hard to efface sympathy for all of them.

  • 在随之而来的权力真空期,维戈们处心积虑地瓜分这个犯罪帝国。
    In the resulting power vacuum, the Vigos desperately sought to carve up the criminal empire.

  • 军官们贪污、狂暴与无能,处心积虑地盗窃给战士们分发的粮食。
    The officers are venal, violent and incompetent, systematically pilfering the soldiers' rations.

  • 在东京,一个情报人员正处心积虑的琢磨所有的这一切意味着什么。
    And in Tokyo, an intelligence agent tries to understand what it all means.

  • 经验清楚表明,现行法律程序不可能消除这种系统的处心积虑的歧视。
    Experience has clearly shown that the existing process of law cannot overcome systematic and ingenious discrimination.

  • 怎样才能迅速的增长文明度与资源一直是众多玩家处心积虑思考的问题!
    How can the rapid growth plane of civilization and the resources be plays the family to deliberately plan numerously the ponder question!

  • 与此同时,兽民也在为了生存处心积虑的策划着侵略,以扩大他们的领土。
    At the same time, the animal is to survive the systematic planning of the invasion, to expand their territory.

  • 别琢磨如何成为天才。别处心积虑地想变得聪明。要相信勤奋、毅力和意志。
    Don't bother about genius. Don't worry about being clever. Trust hard work, perseverance, and determination.

  • 综上所述事实,由于美国为了“遏制”、拖垮中国,处心积虑操纵抬高石油价格。
    In summary fact, because US in order to "the containment", burns out , deliberately plans the operation run-up petroleum price.

  • 粤商与浙商,在本质上是相通的―――处心积虑、绞尽脑汁地完成原始资本积累;
    Cantonese traders and Zheshang, essentially interlinked -- using, their brains to complete the original capital accumulation;

  • 我们不怀疑你们的忠诚。”他说,一小部分人一直在处心积虑地破坏巴基斯坦的和平。
    An official in Khyber agency said some 250 people had gathered for Friday prayers, when the bomber triggered a massive blast that devastated the mosque.

  • 《天龙八部》里的萧峰的爸爸萧远一辈子都处心积虑地要杀死慕荣博,以报杀妻之仇。
    "Dragon" Xiao Feng's father's life are deliberately planned to kill Bo to report his wife's revenge.

  • 敌人处心积虑无所不用;我们也是。敌人无时不设法伤害我国与国人;我们也无时不然。
    Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we ; they never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

  • 一次又一次,当其它球员还在处心积虑为赛后晚宴选择最佳球星的时候,杰拉德已经成为当然的老大。
    Again and again, while other players are mentally choosing a starter for their post-match meal, he pulls an ace out at the death.

  • 雍正一直深信,有人处心积虑想杀掉他,所以雍正下手也绝不留情,其中还有三位雍正自已的亲兄弟。
    He has been convinced for years that people want to kill him, and he has ordered the killing of many in return, including three of his own brothers.

  • 如果处心积虑干涉台湾人民之民主体制与打压台湾人民追求国际生活之空间,则所得结果,将适得其反。
    If you deliberately interfere in the Taiwan people's democratic institutions and suppressed the people of Taiwan to pursue international living space, then the result will be counter-productive.

  • 我这一辈子还从未听到过像这样在法律上玩世不恭,这样冷酷地,处心积虑地妄图破坏和逃避法律的行为。
    Never in my life have I heard such sheer legal cynicism, such a cold-blooded and calculated attempt to bedevil and evade the law in my life!

  • 尤希奇恩克先生指责该政党处心积虑地要改变选举结果,并坚持说目前正确的回应措施是进行一次新的选举。
    Mr Yushchenko accuses the party of trying to alter the result of the election and insists that the right response was to call a new election.

  • 复仇本身给了我力量与沉着,我变得感情麻木,冷静和善于处心积虑,要不然好多次我可能已经疯了或是死了。
    revenge alone endowed me with strength and composure; it moulded my feelings, and allowed me to be calculating and calm, at periods when otherwise delirium or death would have been my portion.

  • 一位修行完备的人,他不会担心、用心、处心积虑在个人的物质生活上,四周环境有什麽他就吃什麽、接受什麽。
    He who practice perfectly never worries nor intends and devotes about the life of materials. He accepts peacefully what is in surroundings.

  • 正如关税的历史所提醒的那样,特殊利益,总能驱使受惠的人处心积虑,去说服众人为什么他们应该得到特殊待遇。
    SPECIAL INTERESTS, as the history of tariffs reminds us, can think of the most ingenious reasons why they should be the objects of special solicitude.

  • 其面部肌肉运作在一种非自然而是为一种低下的、处心积虑的抽搐下,表面绷得紧紧的,给人一种极不愉快的感觉。
    The muscles, not spontaneously moved, but moved by a low usurping wilfulness, grow tight about the outline of the face with the most disagreeable sensation.

  • 但是他们的父亲在晚年迷上了另外一个女人,这个女人处心积虑想让自己的儿子当上晋国的国王,于是晋国发生了长时期的内乱。
    But their father in his old age fell in love with a woman who tried all means to pave the way for her own son to inherit the dukedom.

  • 否则他将作为最差劲的那一种政治失败者退出历史舞台,所谓的失败者就是指那种处心积虑的成为首相,可上台后却无计可施的草包。
    Otherwise, he will go down in history as the worst sort of political failure: the sort who schemes to get a job and then has no idea what to do with it.

  • 如果你整日处心积虑图谋报复,这将使你无法专注于那些本该用心的事务,这么一来,你将离成功更远,你再一次给了对手以可趁之机。
    If your focus on revenge distracts you from the real focus of your business, then your nemesis has just won a second time by making you less successful.

  • 北京夏季奥运会处心积虑地想让我们忘记这个极权国家的国家机器,但是正如一个联合国人权报告所提醒的一样,这些国家机器依然存在。
    The police-state apparatus that the Summer Olympics in Beijing was designed to make people forget is still very much in existence, as a United Nations report reminds us.

  • 对这个问题,现代史不是处心积虑地说拿破仑是一个了不起的天才,就是说路易十四狂妄,刚愎自用,再不然就例举有哪些作者撰写了哪些书。
    To meet this question modern history carefully relates that Napoleon was a very great genius, and that Louis XIV. was very haughty, or that certain writers wrote certain books.

  • 毋庸置疑,如果不是拉瓦伊阿克①刺杀亨利四世,就不会有拉瓦伊阿克案件的卷宗存放在司法宫档案室里,也不会有他的同谋犯处心积虑要把本案的卷宗毁掉;
    Assuredly if Ravaillac had not assassinated Henri IV there would have been no documents relating to his trial to be deposited in the Record office of the Palais de Justice;

  • 他说:“我们期待我们的部落兄弟的全面合作,因为他们是爱国的巴基斯坦人。我们不怀疑你们的忠诚。”他说,一小部分人一直在处心积虑地破坏巴基斯坦的和平。
    "We expect our tribal brothers will fully cooperate because they are patriotic Pakistanis and we don't doubt their loyalty, " he said. "A small minority are bent on destroying Pakistan's peace. "

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