
大吹大擂  dà chuī dà léi








  • 他总是大吹大擂他过去的记录。
    He always brage about his past record.

  • 尽管他大吹大擂,但其实是个胆小鬼。
    With all his boasting, he is a coward.

  • 迈克:在朋友面前,你真为我大吹大擂了。
    Mike: So you really were bragging to all your friends about me?

  • 你和马德琳扬头侧脸,卖弄风情,大吹大擂
    You and Madeleine were tossing your heads, coquetting, bragging .

  • 外面那样大吹大擂的目的无非是要鼓舞一下民心。
    The purpose of all the hoopla out there is to boost civilian morale.

  • 外面那样大吹大擂的目的无非是要鼓舞一下民心。
    of all the hoopla out there is to boost civilian morale.

  • 她有一份小小的财产,已经大吹大擂地捐给一个宗教团体了。
    She had a small property, which she bequeathed with much ostentation to a religious community.

  • 他们赢了一个实力比他们弱很多的队,没有什么值得大吹大擂的。
    Their victory over a team considerably inferior to their own was nothing to make a song about.

  • 我们打赢一个实力比我们差得远的足球队,是没有什么好大吹大擂的。
    Our victory over a football team considerably inferior to our own was nothing to make a song and dance about.

  • 公众很少听到三周前如此大吹大擂地宣布的新的国家安全委员会体制。
    The public heard little of the new NSC system that had been announced triumphantly three weeks earlier.

  • 因为商人们加入的议会都是些无权的劳什子,对这些变化大吹大擂是不对的。
    Since the parliaments the businessmen are joining are pretty toothless affairs, it would be wrong to make extravagant claims for changes like this.

  • 所以他赶早开展宣传为本人大吹大擂,尽力募集竞选资金并寻觅支持他的团体。
    So he's out early beating the drums for himself, trying to raise campaign cash and search assembles to support him.

  • 所以他赶早开展宣传为自己大吹大擂,尽力募集竞选资金并寻觅支持他的团体。
    So he's out early beating the drums for himself, trying to raise campaign money and find groups to support him.

  • 我认为你在学习上取得的进步是微不足道的,没有任何理由值得这样大吹大擂
    I don't see any ground for you to crow your heads off like that when the achievement in your studies is negligible.

  • 他们为这件事大吹大擂,并且在他们破靴子许可的条件下,大摇大摆,高视阔步。
    They boasted about it and assumed as much swagger in their gait as their broken boots permitted.

  • 刚被提升为副总裁的丈夫向妻子大吹大擂,妻子终于反驳道:“副总裁一毛钱买一打。
    A man who had just been promoted to vice-president boasted so much about it to his wife that she finally retorted, "Vice-presidents are a dozen a dime."

  • 释文刚被提升为副总裁的丈夫向妻子大吹大擂,妻子终于反驳道:“副总裁一毛钱买一打。
    Vice-president A man who had just been promoted to vice-president boasted so much about it to his wife that she finally retorted, "Vice-presidents are a dozen a dime."

  • 赒济穷人的时候,不要大吹大擂,像那些伪君子一样,在大庭广众自我宣传,博取人家的称赞。
    Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men.

  • 副总裁 刚被提升为副总裁的丈夫向妻子大吹大擂,妻子终于反驳道:“副总裁一毛钱买一打。
    Vice-president A man who had just been promoted to vice-president boasted so much about it to his wife that she finally retorted, "Vice-presidents are a dozen a dime."

  • 但是在39个州一些甚至全部法官必须面对竞选和改选,这通常伴随着与法官身份不相称的大吹大擂
    In America federal judges are as well. But in 39 states some or all judges must face election and re-election, often with unbecoming hoopla.

  • 一直以来,当有名人和“第一夫人”穿戴某些品牌的服装和配饰时,这些品牌的商家肯定会对此大吹大擂
    Fashion firms have long boasted when celebrities and first ladies wore their clothing and accessories, of course.

  • 他们说,所有这些大吹大擂宣传的只不过是服用安慰剂的临床表现:人们希望自己的记忆力好转,结果真的好转了。
    All the hoopla, they say is a case of the placebo effect: people want their memories to get better, so they do.

  • 他可真是困难重重,因为人们都不怎么喜欢他。所以他赶早开展宣传为自己大吹大擂,尽力募集竞选资金并寻觅支持他的团体。
    He's in real trouble; people don't like him much. So he's out early beating the drums for himself, trying to raise campaign money and find groups to support him.

  • 那些空洞的口号当然一向是由学术界、教育界、舆论界以及意识形态领域的其它方面大吹大擂的,其目的是为了安抚国内民心。
    The idealistic slogans are, of course, to be constantly trumpeted by scholarship, the schools, the media, and the rest of the ideological system in order to pacify the domestic population.

  • 而媒体却“理所当然”的夸大了肯扬声明中的“雄心”部分,并配以醒目的大标题:肯扬大吹大擂,声称到2014年,切尔西世界最强。
    The papers then conveniently overlook the bit about ambition and print headlines in the vein of, 'We will be the biggest in the world by 2014, boasts Kenyon.

  • 在美国,联邦法官也是如此,但在三十九个州内,各州的部分或是全部法官则必须面对选举(竞选)和改选,而这通常伴随着有失体统的大吹大擂
    In America federal judges are as well. But in 39 states some or all judges must face election and re-election, often with unbecoming hoopla.

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