
引人入胜  yǐn rén rù shèng








  • 这本书的风格本身就会引人入胜
    The very style of the book is fascinating.

  • 一年四季,景色各异,引人入胜
    Throughout the year scenery respectively different fascinating.

  • 其间植被茂盛、景观奇特、引人入胜
    During the vegetation lush, exotic landscapes and attractive.

  • 水下的世界真是引人入胜
    The underwater world is really fascinating.

  • 现在想像他们与本书一样引人入胜是困难的。
    It is hard to imagine them being this riveting.

  • 这是货真价实的中国﹐古老久长﹐引人入胜
    It was the real thing, old China, and it was fascinating.

  • 什么方式启动一个引人入胜和丰富多彩的旅程。
    What a way to start a fascinating and colorful journey.

  • 谈了许多地方许多人,大多是低微的,但没有一个不引人入胜
    They were rich with places and people, most of them lowly, all of them magnificent.

  • 两个有情人在一种引人入胜的静默中实现这种美妙的心灵感应。
    The famous telepathy between two people who have strong feelings for each other happens in a compelling silence.

  • 此书读来引人入胜,该副标题正是萨利赫本人对自己生存技巧的描述。
    The subtitle of this riveting book is Mr Saleh's own description of his survival technique.

  • 碳素需要的这种异乎寻常的变异是微生物学中最引人入胜的生理学现象。
    This extraordinary variation with respect to carbon requirements is one of the most fascinating physiological aspects of microbiology.

  • 我应声望去,看见一个英俊的男人正在给他的朋友讲一个引人入胜的故事。
    I watched as a handsome man captured the attention of his friends with his engaging story.

  • 对每一个问题,总有这样一个解答:直接了当,引人入胜,然而谬以千里。
    For every problem, there is always a solution, which is so quick, so appealing, and so wrong.

  • 这类装饰的其中一个最引人入胜的例子就陈列在英国伦敦博物馆的第一层。
    Some of the most spectacular examples of this type of decoration are displayed on the ground floor of the British Museum, in London, England.

  • 他们基本上就是制作各种手段让电影更好看,更有趣,在视觉上更引人入胜
    And they are basically creating the means to make movies better and more interesting and more visually spectacular.

  • 在当今社会,打造一个引人入胜的外表已经变得比外表下的真实内容更加重要了。
    Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image.

  • 这些沉淀物每年可聚积一英尺(30厘米)之多,形成了这片引人入胜并变幻莫测的风景。
    These deposits, which can accumulate at up to a foot (30 centimeters) per year, create a spectacular and constantly changing landscape.

  • 人生最引人入胜之处,就在没有任何「人」知道人生的真假,只能根据事件的连续性猜测判断。
    The most fascinating thing about human life is that no one "person" can distinguish between what is real and what is illusory in life.

  • 虽然明亮的霓虹灯和巨大的人造风景引人入胜,可他还是无法接受一次又一次地去同一个地方度假。
    Although the bright neon lights and massive resorts were compelling enough, he couldn't imagine vacationing in the same spot over and over again.

  • 克拉克说,“居住在当今的中国,就像是在观看一部引人入胜的影片,很难让人在中途起身离开”。
    "Living in China today, " he said, "is like watching a gripping film-it's just too hard to get up and leave half-way.

  • 一个引人入胜的研究,100栋建筑,其中一些已经消失,另一些则根本不存在,从远古时代到最近。
    A fascinating study of 100 buildings, some of which have vanished and some which never existed, from ancient times to the recent past.

  • 玛雅文明的突变式发展和倏然消失至今仍是难以破解的谜题,这使得她成为最引人入胜的古代文明之一。
    Mayan civilization and the development of mutations Shuran disappear is still difficult to crack the puzzles, which makes her the most fascinating one of the ancient civilization.

  • 这支球队没有引人入胜的比赛,但是我认为,我们能在任何地方取得任何结果,即使输掉比赛,如果我们没有正确的决心。
    This team does not have a spectacular game, but I think that it can obtain a result anywhere, just like losing, if we don't have the right determination.

  • 但是,这项工作引人入胜的方面在于:迄今为止,大多数研究人员都把研究的焦点聚集在基因组中负责蛋白质编码的区域。
    But an intriguing facet of this work is that, until now, most researchers had focused their hunt for differences on the protein-coding stretches of the genome.

  • 对于任何文体的引人入胜、语义复杂的文本—包括大多数值得在另一种语言中表达出来的东西---非得由人进行翻译不可。
    Human translators will always be necessary for any text that is stylistically appealing and semantically complex – which includes most of what is worth communicating in another language.

  • 天上的云引人入胜。一年四季的云,千姿百态,似乎每一片云都有无穷无尽的美,令人赞叹不已。我最喜欢的云,是夏天的云。
    Sky clouds fascinating. Throughout the year clouds, strange things, it seems that every cloud has a endless beauty, absolutely amazing. My favorite cloud is a summer cloud.

  • 教育工作者的作用在于引起学生的好奇心,启发他们,教育他们用新的视角认识世界,引导他们提出与众不同的引人入胜的问题。
    The educator's role is to draw our students' curiosity, to inspire them, to make them see the world with fresh perspectives, and to lead them to ask different and interesting questions.

  • 另一些录像片概述了建在南美的世界最大的射电望远镜的发展历史及其成就,并探讨是否有天外来客光临地球这类引人入胜的话题。
    Other videos outline the history and achievements of the world's largest radio telescope in South America and discuss the intriguing questions of whether the earth has had visitors from outer space.

  • 尽管《见证中国》不像《中国好女人们》那样新颖,而且偶尔还夹杂着多愁善感的语言,但是这仍旧是一本引人入胜且很有打动力的书。
    Although "China Witness" lacks the stark novelty of "The Good Women of China", and occasionally lapses into slightly sentimental language, it is still an engaging and affecting book.

  • 试想一下,如果网络页面不再只是罗列平平无奇的超级链接,而是像真正的虚拟空间那样推开门便进入到另一个界面,那将是多么引人入胜
    Imagine an Internet that is not just flat pages connected with hyper links but a real cyber space where a door in one Web Site leads to a different Web Site.

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