
得意之作  dé yì zhī zuò







  • 这音乐是绝对纯粹智力的得意之作
    This music is elated by absolutely pure inteligency.

  • 这项工程是约翰的得意之作
    This project is dear to John's heart.

  • 你最得意之作是什么,说个两到三件?
    What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?

  • 顾先生的得意之作是紧临工厂的佛教式花园。
    Mr Gu's pièce de résistance is the Buddhist garden next to the factory.

  • 图中拙朴、原始的木雕,正是学员的得意之作
    The informal and primitive wood carvings shown here are the pride of their students.

  • 这是我的得意之作
    This is my prided production.

  • 这是我的得意之作
    This is my exultation opus.

  • 就用这架钢琴,那个作曲家创作了他的一些得意之作
    This is the original piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

  • 一进门玄关里那个长长的、充满贵气的柜子也是羽西的得意之作
    one door entrance of the long, the cabinets are filled with Guiqi Yuxi's finest creations.

  • 为自己的得意之作选择一个好的声音,是提高片子效果的重要途径。
    Choosing a good voice for your own satisfactory work is an essential channel to improve the effects of the feature films.

  • 我们希望乐山的房地产开发企业在下次房交会上拿出自己的得意之作
    We hope Leshan real estate development enterprises in the next room to show their finest creations was.

  • 按下打印键,去拿一罐啤酒,听着你的得意之作从机器打印出来的声音。
    You push the print key and go and have a beer and listen to the machine typing your piece exactly the way you want it.

  • 从第二课堂入手,提高学生英语言运用能力,是外国语言学院的得意之作
    Obtains from the second classroom, to sharpen the student UK language utilization ability, is foreign country Language institute's self-satisfied work.

  • 大多数装饰公司向消费者推荐的样板间,基本是展示已经完工的得意之作
    most recommended to consumers decoration company model, the display has been basically completed's finest creations.

  • 他的得意之作:决定资助威灵顿公爵率领那支毫无斗志的军队对抗拿破仑。
    His masterstroke: the decision to finance the ill-fancied army being led by the Duke of Wellington against Napoleon.

  • 所以,最好每有得意之作的时侯就用预设管理器保存下来,存放在专门的文件夹中。
    Therefore, it is better for every piece when it has to be preserved for a preset manager, stored in a special folder.

  • 卧薪尝胆」是他近年来的得意之作,使用小米贝壳在三万粒以上,细致处真有如刺绣。
    He is considered particularly outstanding, because the seashells he uses in his art work are seldom as large as grains of rice. Some of them are even smaller.

  • 江的得意之作(原名《芦荡火种》)《沙家浜》也是经过张十易其稿,成为革命的样板戏。
    Her masterwork, "Spark Amid the Reeds", underwent ten rewrites by Mr Zhang to make it into a thing of revolutionary glory.

  • 其他G8成员国往往借举办峰会宣传得意之作——英国吹嘘对非洲的援助,德国大谈气候变化问题。
    Others in the G8 have used their summits to promote pet projects –Britain trumpeted aid for Africa, Germany climate change.

  • 正当他在欣赏自己的得意之作时,邻居却把他告到了法庭,说他擅自更改房屋结构,影响了房屋的安全。
    appreciate their finest creations in his legitimate, but his neighbors were in court, said he arbitrarily changed the structure of housing, the impact of housing security.

  • 整整一个星期,夫人怨声载道,说我的得意之作让她这位文静的美眉成为频频冲刺卫生间里的短跑运动员。
    During the whole week, my wife was full of complaints, saying that my masterpiece had turned a gentle, quiet beauty into a toilet sprinter.

  • 本期《说东道西》就让我们一起走进羽西的“家”,听听她如何让家变得更完美,看看她亲手设计的得意之作
    Today, let's go into the house of Yue-Sai to hear her opinions on how to make your home more enjoyable and see her idea of the perfect house.

  • 森立之是日本著名考证学大师,一生之中共有180余部著作,《枳园丛考》及《枳园丛考续录》是其得意之作
    Sen Lizhi, a famous Japaneses master on researching ancient books, had edited more than 180 books in his life.

  • 房产网上竞拍的意义已广为人知:上网者可打破时间和空间的限制,并有可能以较低的价格购得开发商得意之作
    property Jingpai significance is already well known : the Internet can break the constraints of time and space, and the possibility of lower prices to developers finest creations.

  • 比亚迪、吉利等国内自主品牌也将带来得意之作,与国际合资品牌同台竞技,彰显出民族自主品牌的魅力和竞争实力。
    BYD, Geely, and other domestic brands will also be brought finest creations, a joint venture with international brands on the same stage, highlights the nation's own brand charisma and strength.

  • 周五并不是一个节日,但烟火仍点亮了柏林的天空。来自世界各地的参赛者,在国际烟火大赛上亮出了自己的得意之作
    Fireworks lit up the skies over Berlin Friday but it wasn't a holiday. Teams across the globe were giving their best shot at an international fireworks competition.

  • 在现代生活中,厨房和餐厅的作用越来越重要,本次推出的两款设计在并不宽敞的空间中兼顾了时尚和实用,是设计师的得意之作
    in modern life, the kitchen and dining an increasingly important role, this was not introduced in two design space into a spacious and practical fashion, the designer's finest creations.

  • 在奇乐公园,我们就可以将你的这个对战信息通过SNS个人动态,向你的好友广播,他们只要鼠标一点,就能看到你的这个得意之作
    Be in strange happy park, we can be opposite yours this war news passes SNS individual trends, to your good friend broadcast, they want a mouse only a bit, can see you this make complacently.

  • 弗兰克,塞萨尔·奥古斯特1822□1890法国风琴手和作曲家。作为老师发挥了很大影响。其最得意之作是《D小调交响曲》(1889年)
    French organist and composer who exerted great influence as a teacher. His most acclaimed work is his Symphony in D minor(1889.

  • 内容的次序亦极重要,是否能抓住听众的注意力,全在于事件的编排方式。所以排在头位的,应是你最想他记得的事情。而这些事情,一般都是你最得意之作。与此同时,可呈上一些有关的作品或纪录增加印像分。
    good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today.

  • 得意之作造句相关
