
鱼目混珠  yú mù hùn zhū








  • 这些事实证明他们是在打算鱼目混珠
    These facts prove that they are trying to pass fish eyes for pearls.

  • 他们使用了鱼目混珠的伎俩。
    They resorted to the trick of passing off fish-eyes as pearls.

  • 业内人士告诉他:大部分都是鱼目混珠
    Industry told him : most of them are covered.

  • 其他都是小地方,都不是太好,很多鱼目混珠
    other are small, not very good, a lot of weeding.

  • 其中有真正的绿色产品,鱼目混珠的也不在少数。
    Which truly green products, fish are far from a minority.

  • 四是房地产中介机构鱼目混珠,虚假信息充斥市场;
    Fourth, the real estate intermediary fish, false information flooding the market;

  • 二是各类奖牌、证书真假难辨,鱼目混珠,欺骗消费者。
    Second, various medals, certificates real ones, fish, deceive consumers.

  • 一只体型硕大、嘴部黄色的大白鹭,鱼目混珠在小白鹭鸶群里。
    A yellow-beaked Eastern white egret mixes with a flock of the little egrets.

  • 任何乔装打扮、鱼目混珠的东西,在科学实验室里都会原形毕露。
    Any disguised or fake things will show their true features when they are put to the test in the laboratory.

  • 市场上强化复合地板出现产品种类繁多,质量参差不齐,鱼目混珠的局面。
    Laminated Flooring market a wide range of emerging products, variable quality of the situation of weeding.

  • 据某地板厂家的负责人透露:“这其中的诀窍就是张冠李戴,鱼目混珠。”
    Occupy the controller of some floor manufacturer to divulge: "This among them hang is confuse one thing with another, pass away the sham as the genuine."

  • 有市民接到深圳朋友送赠的年货,怀疑不法商家鱼目混珠,将兔仔耳冒充花胶。
    A citizen has received from her Shenzhen friend a gift of dried fish maw, which is actually dried rabbit ears.

  • 育苗技术和设备落后,苗种市场鱼目混珠,造成了品种自然退化和近亲繁殖变异。
    Grow seedlings technology and equipment are backward, the seedling is planted market pass away the sham as the genuine, caused breed nature to degrade to mutate with inbreeding.

  • 这样的宝石竞赛,使得检验实验室必须发明更精密的仪器以预防合成宝石鱼目混珠
    The gems race has forced detection labs to invent more sophisticated instruments to prevent fraud.

  • 另外建材市场培育还处于初始阶段,装修企业鱼目混珠,在某种程度上搞乱了市场。
    Also building materials market, also in the initial phase, renovation of enterprises trying, to some extent disturb the market.

  • 选择浴缸一定要找信誉好的厂商,以避免鱼目混珠的情形出现,非凡要注重一些细节。
    Choice bath crock must seek the firm with good reputation, appear in order to avoid the state of pass away the sham as the genuine, should notice a few detail particularly.

  • 由于外贸服装多半物美价廉,行情不错,市面上也就出现了“鱼目混珠”的假外贸服装。
    most inexpensive clothing because of foreign trade, and business is good, the market also appeared in "fish in" pseudo-trade clothing.

  • 以前,开发商圈地都是先签合同再付土地出让金,导致一些并无多少资金的开发商鱼目混珠
    Previously, developers are urged to pay land leasing contract first, the number of funds does not lead to some developers off.

  • 当前,国内外理论界针对企业信息化问题研究较多,从这些研究文献表面看,似乎是鱼目混珠
    There is much document of Enterprises Informatization(EI) in home and abroad theory presently, it seems hybrid from these document.

  • 我国教育界尚存在对休闲教育认识不足、休闲教育体系不完善、社会培训机构鱼目混珠等问题。
    There are the problems such as neglecting the leisure education, incomplete system of leisure education and the training institution of mixing the fictitious with the genuine.

  • 而现在物业公司鱼目混珠,一些有名气的大物业公司也因小区居民的要求标准不一服务标准各异。
    Now property companies try some famous big property companies also differ from area residents required standard of service standards vary.

  • 目前,家装建材市场“鱼目混珠”现象屡见不鲜,对公众生命以及国家财产安全造成了严重的威胁。
    Nowadays, the faking activities in the market of building materials for home decoration happen from time to time, threatening the life of the consumers and the loss of state property.

  • 很多家庭为了省钱,就托熟人或亲戚找工人,有的甚至自己动手,这就给有毒材料鱼目混珠的机会。
    Many families to save money on Tuoshouren or relatives to find workers, and even their own work, and this opportunity to toxic materials released.

  • 房屋中介市场鱼目混珠,相关投诉有增无减,存在口头承诺不兑现、房租押金难退回和黑中介泛滥的问题。
    housing intermediary market successfully, the relevant complaints unabated, the existence of an oral Chengnuobuduixian, rental deposit is returned and black intermediary proliferation issues.

  • 高盛认为,花旗的财报中其实有一些是属于一次性项目,有“鱼目混珠”之嫌,真正的获利能力还是受到质疑。
    S. dollars per share. Goldman Sachs believes that the United States results in a matter of fact, some are one-time items, the "weeding" suspect, the real profitability is still being questioned.

  • 房地产中介服务机构中从业人员鱼目混珠、行为不规范、信誉度不高,是该行业中存在的最为严重的问题之一。
    Real estate intermediary service institutions, practitioners try, behavior was not standardized, credibility degrees is not high, the industry is the presence of one of the most serious problems.

  • 本来萝卜青菜各有所爱,别墅产品的多元化并不是一件坏事,但多元化不是鱼目混珠,自然也不能抹杀别墅产品的差异性。
    have some love the radish Chinese cabbage, the diversity of products is not a bad thing villa, but pluralism is not covered, natural products can not be denied villa differences.

  • 红木泛滥―――有的厂商将普通木材放进化学药品里浸泡,经过浸泡的木质变硬、变红、还发亮,可以跟真正的红木鱼目混珠
    mahogany wood into ordinary chemicals soak in, after soak the wood stiffen, redden, also illuminated, with genuine mahogany fish.

  • 鑑于现今太多营养补充品、草本产品充斥市场,而它们的质素甚为参差,甚至有鱼目混珠滥竽充数的情况,纯属靠明星、广告或顺应潮流而己。
    There are too many supplements and herbal products in the markets. No one knows their real quality, some even just for profit-making through advertisement and trend.

  • 两名十几岁的女孩利用DNA条码技术来检测部分在纽约贩售的鱼寿司是否遭到商人鱼目混珠,用较便宜的鱼种来替代较高级的以获取更高的获利。
    NEW YORK (CNN) -- Two teenage girls used DNA bar coding to determine that some sushi on New York dinner plates was mislabeled with cheaper fish being passed off as a more expensive species.

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