
怀才不遇  huái cái bū yù








  • 工作上,怀才不遇,又是失意;
    Failure in seeking a job is also a kind of frustration;

  • 我们总是抱怨自己怀才不遇,遇人不淑。
    We always complain about their underappreciated, Yurenbushu.

  • 兰花代表谦虚和怀才不遇
    the orchid symbolizes modesty and misfortune;

  • 高密度夹层系统怀才不遇
    high density spends interlining system to show itself.

  • 是什麽恐惧让你怀才不遇,无法发挥所长?
    What fears are keeping you from breaking out and living up to your full potential?

  • 毕竟,少林足球是一个关于怀才不遇的故事。
    After all, "Shaolin Soccer" is a story for the talented but unnoted.

  • 世上没有怀才不遇,只看你有否百份百争取过。
    Talent never goes unrecognized, through constant endeavour will it be see.

  • 才能不能够取代;没有东西比怀才不遇的人更加普遍了。
    Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.

  • 感谢他的邀请,但我真不敢接受怀才不遇这样的高度评价。
    Thank him for the invitation, but sees their talents wasted and I dare not accept such a high rating.

  • 兴高采烈地将它放在案上,我队报岁兰说:“怀才不遇的人啊!
    Put it to my table again with great happiness, I told the orchid:" The people with genius unrecognised!"

  • 我为自己的怀才不遇而感到伤悲,更为自己的命运乖张而悲哀。
    I just doesn't meet but doesn't feel regretful for own bosom, the owner destiny is perverse and sorrow.

  • 身边常有一些如我一样的年轻人抱怨自己如何怀才不遇或受人压制。
    Quite a few young people like me often complain that they are not fairly treated or their talents are not properly recognized.

  • 是公众多年来无视他的奉献和努力导致他怀才不遇从而害死了他吗?
    Did the public kill him by ignoring his talents for years and not giving him the recognition he deserves?

  • 前几日,一位朋友来电话约我吃饭,电话中称我怀才不遇,要调节调节。
    A few days ago, a friend to call about my dinner, the phone call me sees their talents wasted, it is necessary to adjust adjustment.

  • 其基本内涵就是表现诗人渴望建功立业的宏伟抱负和怀才不遇的愤懑不平。
    Its basic connotation is to express the ambition of poets desire for gaining achievements and the indignation of their unrecognized talents.

  • 涉世不深的少年,处处碰壁,无人理睬,满腹怀才不遇的隐痛,那是孤独。
    Do not juvenile, Yet, no one turned a blind eye, sees their talents wasted a lot of pain, it is lonely.

  • 周琳的弟弟周勇怀才不遇,愤事嫉俗,他在这场绑架中又扮演了什么样的角色呢?
    Zhou Yong Zhou Lin's younger brother sees their talents wasted, envy popular anger thing, he also played in the kidnapping of what kind of role?

  • 要是没有麦雷尔一家赏识的话,弗兰西斯汤普森也许会虚度一生,怀才不遇而死去。
    Francis Thompson might have lived a wasted life and died with his genius unrecognised, had be not been taken up by the Meyrell family.

  • 怀才不遇的意思是胸怀才学但生不逢时,难以施展,不被赏识任用,也就是说不得志。
    Sees their talents wasted talent and learning the meaning of mind but is untimely, it is difficult to play, not to be appreciated by appointment, in other words blossom.

  • 那些所谓怀才不遇的人,实际上还是缺乏能力,如果真有能力,是金子到哪儿都能发光。
    In fact, those who are so-called unsuccessful people with talent are devoid of ability, if they aren't, gold always glitters no matter where it is.

  • 这不仅因为妇女中有大批怀才不遇的杰出人士,而且因为她们给管理层团队带来新的观点。
    Not only do women represent a large untapped7 pool of talent, they also bring an alternative perspective to management teams.

  • 落魄的怀才不遇者,在江南的秀山丽水间罄尽自己的才华,排解心中的郁闷,渴望遇到知音。
    The artists who sees their talents wasted, in the southern inter-Lishui Xiushan their talent, resolve the hearts of the depressed, anxious face of a bosom friend ?

  • 世界上有才的人很多,当中应该有不少仍怀才不遇,有时候是视情况而定吧,或许是真的要说机遇。
    Katharine really needs to step it up next week. The pressure is obviously getting to her and she really needs to relax and relax.

  • 这老大一听哎呀我弟弟太有才华了,我们怎么就考一上呢?于是俩人就抱头痛哭。觉得他们是怀才不遇
    The second meaning of one hearing winner is very good say: "You say eldest brother first sentence, I am received below sentence."

  • 兴高采烈地将它放在案上,我队报岁兰说:“怀才不遇的人啊!只要你秉持志节,默默充实,是不会被埋没的。”
    Put it to my table again with great happiness, I told the orchid:" The people with genius unrecognised!   hold your ambition and keep acumulating, you will be find at last. ""

  • 根据辛弃疾人生道路的三个阶段,辛词用典塑造的自我形象主要为“建功立业”、“怀才不遇”和“退隐闲居”三类。
    Based on the three stages of Xin Qi-ji's life, the ego images, created by Xin Qi-ji's ci, included "Building a solid career", "Having unrecognized talents" and "Leading a quiet life of a recluse".

  • 在那里他们遇到怀才不遇作曲家大卫塞维尔,尽管可怜的房子破坏了第一印象,但花栗鼠们的歌唱天赋还是让大卫眼前一亮。
    Once there, they meet the frustrated songwriter David Seville, and despite a poor house wrecking first impression, they impress him with their singing talent.

  • 有一个自以为是的年轻人,毕业以后一直找不到理想的工作,觉得自己怀才不遇,对社会感到绝望的他来到海边,打算结束生命。
    There once a self-righteous young man failed to find a job since he graduated , supposed he's talent-buried and walked along to the sea-shore despairingly for life-ending.

  • 东方朔的《答客难》与扬雄的《解嘲》初步确立了设论体的文体范式,表达了怀才不遇的主题,提出了士人在大一统中央集权制度下如何自处的问题,包含着强烈的现实批判精神。
    Da Ke Nan by Dong Fang-shuo and Jie Chao by Yang Xiong tentatively establish the paradigm style of set doubt and express the theme of the possessing unrecognized talent.

  • 本文从汉代人的思想观念入手对这篇作品进行了新的解读,说明了三个问题:第一,司马迁把怀才不遇当作为屈原作传的一条主线来写,这说明在此篇作品中包含着作者对屈原的理解;
    It is also the agressive target that some people oppose QU Yuan. This article analyses the ideas of people in Han Dynasty, and has a new understanding on it. The article explains three questions.

  • 怀才不遇造句相关
