
成竹在胸  chéng zhú zài xiōng








  • 但表面却异常平静,好像成竹在胸
    But on the surface he looks calm &ready.

  • 但表面却异常平静,好象成竹在胸
    But on the surface he looks calm and ready.

  • 但表面却异常平静,好象成竹在胸
    But on the surface he looks calm &ready.

  • 对于续约一事,你是否一直都成竹在胸
    Were you always confident a deal would be done?

  • 对于绝约一事,你是否一直都成竹在胸
    Were you always confident a deal would be done?

  • 沈司长大概早已成竹在胸,所以心里不急。
    Shen, probably already tell, so they do not need.

  • 对于西雅图一站,他可能已经成竹在胸了。
    He probably already has the Seattle SuperSonics' vote.

  • 莱比道夫成竹在胸地将两人的作品与他们的一生联系起来。
    Mr Lebedoff shows sureness of touch in linking the men's writing and their lives.

  • 作为加拿大移民专家,我们对这些变化以及变化的方向成竹在胸
    As Canadian immigration specialists, we are prepared for further changes to Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Procedures.

  • 要想在课堂上成竹在胸,纵横驰骋,不断读书是一条不错的捷径。
    To be fully confident in the classroom, constantly reading is a good shortcut.

  • 要想在课堂上成竹在胸,纵横驰骋,不断读书是一条不错的捷径。
    Succeed in the classroom-charge, dash, and continuously learn is a good shortcut.

  • 这不是因为场战争进展顺利,或者美国货其他人对如何取胜成竹在胸
    This is not because the war is going well or because America or anyone else has a clear idea of how to win it.

  • 当我们清楚自我及他人的感性及理性层面时,面对困难也就成竹在胸了。
    When we are clear of our own and of others' logical reasoning and emotions, we are a lot more prepared when we encounter difficulties.

  • 专业,是一种气质,是一种独特、从容、含蓄的— —成竹在胸、胜券在握的优雅。
    SPECIALTY is a habitude, a unique, easy and implicative grace—a well-thought-out plan beforehand and confidence in victory.

  • 放眼未来,我们成竹在胸,让我们铭记这段历史,回应我们的命运,再次重塑这个世界。
    With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember thellos hello story and answer our destiny and remake the world once again.

  • 一向快人快语、作风干练的沈爱琴,聊起企业经营之道,总是那么成竹在胸、劲头十足。
    Sharp words of all along fast person, style does experienced Shen Aiqin, have the way that the enterprise runs a little, always so Cheng Zhu is in bosom, strength is very.

  • 它的重要性使分子生物学家对他们的研究课题由开始的成竹在胸到后来的几乎一无所知。
    As important, molecular biologists have gone from thinking that they know roughly what is going on in their subject to suddenly realising that they have barely a clue.

  • 麦克唐纳虽然还没有公开自己的设计方案,不过他表示21世纪的设计理念已经成竹在胸
    Although MacDonald has not yet gone public with his planned design , he says he has a 21st Century concept in mind.

  • 麦克唐纳虽然还没有公开自己的设计计划,不过他表示21世纪的设计理念已经成竹在胸
    Although MacDonald has not yet gone public with his planned design, he says he has a 21st Century concept in mind.

  • 如果一个女人能在纽约单身熬到三十五六的话,那么她必定对如何获得她想要的东西成竹在胸
    If a woman has survived single in New York until her mid-thirties, chances are she knows a thing or two about how to get what she wants.

  • 通过军营中的各种训练,将领们可充分瞭解部队的潜力和战术技能,以便率军迎敌时成竹在胸
    A mustering hall allows commanders to have a good look at potential troops - and their skills - before they have to take to the field in open battle.

  • 在现有格局下,人民党的竞选前景看上去不比国大党好,这可能也说明了它的对手为什么显得如此成竹在胸
    On current form, the BJP's electoral prospects look no better than Congress's, which probably explains why its rival seems oddly chipper.

  • 你对公司情况、公司在衰退中的状况和其他关键因素了解的越多,你就越有把握成竹在胸地回答面试官的问题。
    The more you know about what it does, how it's holding up in the recession and other critical facts, the more equipped you'll be to answer interviewers' questions with poise.

  • 没有严格遵照山水画的“勾、皴、点、染”等“程序”来,而是依照自己“成竹在胸”来抒发激情,追求笔墨意趣;
    Not strictly follow the landscape of the "hook, cracked, point, dye" and "procedures" to, but according to his "enlightened approach" to express the passion, the pursuit of ink Interest;

  • 没有简单地让他和我对立-他是错的,我是对的,可以说我把焦点集中在最终想要的结果上(我是成竹在胸目标明确)。
    Instead of simply pitting him against me — he's wrong and I'm right, so to speak — I focused on the desired end result (start with the end in mind).

  • 在现实中,尽管盖茨的头发总是乱糟糟的,又长着张娃娃脸,不修边幅,他可是个老练的生意人,每走一步都成竹在胸
    In reality, Gates is a smooth operator who, despite his uncombed hair, baby face and disheveled appearance, knew exactly what he was doing every step of the way.

  • 成龙正在艾伯塔拍一部西部喜剧片《上海正午》,人们问他最难的特技是什么,他笑道,“总是讲英语,”答案似已成竹在胸
    Jackie Chan has a ready answer when asked about his toughest stunt in Shanghai Noon, a comic western he is currently filming in Alberta.

  • “我知道我们迟早都会碰上他们,而我们要做的就是将现在我们连胜的气势保持下去。”——谈到明天对活塞的比赛,詹姆斯依旧成竹在胸
    "We always believe we're going to see those guys later in the season, " he said. "We want to continue this momentum and wave that we have.

  • 傲气浮躁,只能增加你前进的阻力,而傲骨却深沉,能帮你把握前进的方向。只有历经风雨、通览全局、成竹在胸而又气定神闲,方能显示你的一身傲骨。
    Arrogance impetuous, only can increase the resistance which you goes forward, but the lofty character is actually deep, can help you to grasp the direction for the advance.

  • 离考试结束虽然还有20多分钟的时间,但考场外接送孩子的家长已陆陆续续到来了,他们大多小心翼翼地交谈着,神色中混合着谨慎与自信,显得成竹在胸
    There were still 20 minutes left before the end of the examination, but the parents who were going to meet their children had arrived one by one.

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