
一切众生  yī qiè zhòng shēng







  • 一切众生,皆有佛性,皆堪作佛。
    All living beings have the Buddha-nature; all can become Buddhas.

  • 他更应当对一切众生,长养无量慈心。
    Even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.

  • 是故佛说一切众生皆依食住。
    Therefore, the Buddha said that all living beings must eat to live.

  • 佛教把一切众生看作是过去世的父母。
    In Buddhism, we consider all living beings to be our parents from past lives.

  • 接着它教导我们应该平等爱护一切众生
    Furthermore, it teaches us to love all sentient beings equally.

  • 最幸福的人就是能宽容与悲悯一切众生的人。
    A person with a generous heart and compassion for all beings leads the most blessed life.

  • 须菩提!菩萨为利益一切众生故,应如是布施。
    Subhuti, all Bodhisattvas should thus make offerings for the welfare of all living beings.

  • 最重要的是,我会忏悔,以及救助世上一切众生
    The most important duty is to repent and to save all in the world.

  • 自爱爱人,爱一切众生;自救救人,救一切众生
    Love yourself others and all sentient beings; rescue yourself others and all sentient beings.

  • 将自己的所有善根全部回向于一切众生的广大利益。
    Dedicate all your virtuous deeds to the universal benefit of all beings.

  • 最幸福的人生,就是能宽容与悲悯一切众生的人生。
    A person with a generous, heart and compassion for all being leads the most blessed life.

  • 或者他的心扩展到一切众生,这种感触会有一种逍遥自在的摆。
    The heart that perhaps loves him expands to all love all living creature, this kind of feeling will have a kind of freeing freely.

  • 祈愿所有的孩子都能身心清净地成长,并且慈眼看待一切众生
    May all children grow up having a pure mind and being compassionate to all sentient beings.

  • 「慈」接纳一切众生,不论其大小、远近,在陆地、水里或空中。
    Love, embracing all beings: small and great, far and near, be it on earth, in the water or in the air.

  • 塔,是诸佛菩萨心意之所依。诸佛菩萨的心意就是利益一切众生
    Stupas represent the mind of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, which is to benefit all sentient beings.

  • 基于对一切众生的爱,愿我们在新的一年,能够携手同心,共同合作。
    For the love of all sentient beings, may we work hand in hand and heart with heart in this new year.

  • 乔达摩的弟子们心常醒觉,不论昼夜皆乐于培育(对一切众生的慈爱)。
    Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily whose minds by day and night delight in the practice of meditation.

  • 就像母亲即使自己在危难时都保护独子一样,对一切众生怀著无限爱心。
    Just as a mother would protect her only child even at the risk of her own life, even so let one cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings.

  • 他们做到珍惜物梦的理想,不只要爱一切众生,还要让一切众生都能爱人。
    They achieve the dream to cherish substances not only by love for all being, but having all beings to love human.

  • 回少向多:以芥子般少许的功德,发广大欢喜心,回向法界一切众生,普获利益。
    From minimum to multitude: With joy and a broad mind, one dedicates merits minute as a mustard seed to all sentient beings in hope that all could be benefited.

  • 一切众生平等说法,以随顺佛法,不多不少,乃至非常喜欢法的人,也不与其多说。
    Even to those who show a profound love for the Dharma one should not on that account preach at greater length.

  • 接著它教导我们应该要平等的去爱护一切众生,要亲近仁慈、有德行的人,向他们学习。
    Furthermore, it teaches us to love all equally, and to be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion.

  • 接着它教导你应该平等的爱护一切众生,以及要亲近仁慈和有德行的人,并向他们学习。
    Furthermore, it teaches you to love equally, and to be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion.

  • 接着它知道我们应该要平等的去爱护一切众生,要亲近仁慈、有德行的人,向他们学习。
    Furthermore, it teaches us to love all equally, and to be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion.

  • 一切众生都害怕刑罚,都害怕死亡。推己及人,人们不应杀害他人,或唆使他人杀害生命。
    All tremble at violence; all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.

  • 如果你能发展宽恕的胸怀,这些品质将会帮助你战胜痛苦,并对一切众生生起仁爱的态度。
    If you develop space to forgive then this quality will help you overcome suffering and develop a loving attitude to all.

  • 人不要杀生。因为一切众生在无量劫以来,和我是亲戚,或是朋友,或是父母祖先也不一定的。
    People must not kill, because all living beings have either been our relatives or friends, or even parents or ancestors, throughout limitless eons.

  • 一切众生都害怕刑罚,都爱惜自己的生命。推己及人,人们不应杀害他人,或唆使他人杀害生命。
    All tremble at violence; life is dear to all. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.

  • 同时,知道这一点也许会有所帮助,那就是在我们修学之初,仅仅是发愿要帮助一切众生都会带来一定的利益。
    If we really want to help every single sentient being then we can't just use or two methods.

  • 进一步,透过「忏悔、祈请、发愿、与迴向」等四种过程,将一切善行与功德,迴向给一切众生,而成就无上佛果。
    Furthermore, through four processes as confession, praying, taking vows and dedication, we could dedicate good deeds and merits to all sentient beings as resulting in the achievement of Buddhahood.

  • 一切众生造句相关
