
天下独步  tiān xià dú bù








  • 说“我爱你”它堪称天下独步
    Nothing else says "I love you" the way that flowers do.

  • 真人发声电脑辞典,独步天下,事业成功好帮手。
    The computerized talking dictionary, unparalleled in the world, is a good assistant for your successful career.

  • 帝国十大女性杀手之夜,菊花残独步天下,让你知道花儿为什么这么红!
    A night of imperial ten female gun, the chrysanthemum hundred awe-stricken looks were still not but actually red!

  • 禅宗是主张坐禅的,而少林却将武术化进了禅的境界,一张一弛,文武独步天下
    Zen meditation are advocated, and the Shaolin martial arts, however, and into the realm of Zen, a Yichi, Wenwu anywhere the world!

  • 秀绝天下的峨眉山自然环境造就了峨眉武术独步武林的独特魅力,内外兼修,动静结合,刚柔相济,招式分明。
    Emei. The special natural environment provide Emei Martial Art with its unique charm, combining strength and tenderness, peace and actions.

  • 到了宋代(公元960~1279年),蜀绣的发展达到鼎盛时期,绣品在工艺、产销量和精美程度上都独步天下
    Shu embroidery experienced its peak development in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), ranking first in both production and excellence.

  • 没错,永远要有新的东西给歌迷,永远要突破自己———梅姑就是这样一个代表,独步天下,所以总让人好生欢喜。
    Correct, must always have new things for the fans, always have to breakthrough oneself. Mui Koo well represents such kind of singers. She is unique, that is why people likes her forever.

  • 众所周知,随着微软推出了自己的IE浏览器,并通过在操作系统中捆绑,最终独步天下,市场份额一度超过90%。
    Well-known, rolled out oneself IE browser as Microsoft, bind through be in the operating system, be without a rival finally, market share exceeds 90% for a time.

  • 鲜花是爱的完美表述,当你思念你最珍爱、最重视的人时,鲜花是表达思念的特殊礼物,说“我爱你”它堪称天下独步
    Flowers are the ultimate expression to show love, Flowers are the special gift when you are thinking of Someone who is precious and means all the world to you.

  • 在诸多新西兰美食中,新西兰的乳制品更是全球闻名,新西兰冰淇淋同样也是独步天下,做冰淇淋的原料都是一样的,但是原料的等级就有差异了。
    Among these, dairy products of New Zealand is most famous, and so is ice cream of New Zealand. The material of ice cream is the same, but the grade of the material is different.

  • 不仅如此,阿什利-科尔还表示温格独有的执教方式可谓“独步天下”,在怎样调教球员团结一致迎战“外敌”方面他的确非常有一套,而在这方面他也比埃里克森要强。
    Cole not only admitted he has often played better for his club than his country, but also that the national side must improve their passing to hold on to leads.

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