
丧尽天良  sàng jìn tiān liáng








  • 那人决不是一个丧尽天良的罪犯。
    That man was not a downright, hard hearted criminal by any means .

  • 看看这几种丧尽天良的人!
    Take a look at this several kinds conscience less person!

  • 宽容不可饶恕的丧尽天良的人,则是放纵。
    The tolerant heartless person that can't forgive , indulge.

  • 欺辱这些手无寸铁的平民,这些人真是丧尽天良
    They are utterly devoid of conscience, they even humiliated these defenseless civilians.

  • 他们都丧尽天良,恣意作恶;行善的人实在找不到一个!
    All have strayed, all are perverted, there is no one who does good.

  • 丧尽天良的歹徒;粗鲁、无耻、不道德的;无耻的说谎者。
    a conscienceless villain; brash, unprincipled, and conscienceless; an unconscionable liar.

  • 这样一来,一些丧尽天良的资本家,就见利忘义,跃跃欲试。
    At the prospect of profits, some conscienceless capitalists forget all moral principles and itch to have a go.

  • 在场的警察不予劝解,群众则对当地官方丧尽天良的做法同声谴责。
    Donot give in the field police console, populace to local officialheartless procedure simultaneous condemnation.

  • 第一次世界大战最初几个月,德军丧尽天良向英国护士行凶的报道甚嚣尘上。
    During the early months of World War I, reports of outrageous behaviour by German troops against British nurses were widespread.

  • 第一次世界大战最初几个月,德军丧尽天良向英国护士行凶的报道甚嚣尘土。
    During the early months of World War I, reports of outrageous behaviour by German troops against British nurses were widespread.

  • 最后,在他杀了人并做尽丧尽天良的坏事之后,他最终良心发现,最后被杀了。
    By the end, after he killed several people and did some pretty horrid stuff, he finds enlightenment and is killed.

  • 可怕的是,牛奶中掺入三聚氰胺这种丧尽天良的行为竟然是整个奶制品行业的潜规则!
    The frightening thing is that milk melamine mixing such behavior utterly devoid of conscience it was the entire dairy industry, the unspoken rules!

  • 这是对那些指望政府和公司领导人能保护他们的家庭而敲响的丧尽天良的挽钟和可耻背叛。
    This is an unconscionable toll and a shameful betrayal of families who relied on their government and corporate leaders to protect them.

  • 那种假统一论,不合理的统一论,形式主义的统一论,乃是亡国的统一论,乃是丧尽天良的统一论。
    The idea of a sham, irrational and formal unification is one which would lead to national subjugation and which is held by persons utterly devoid of conscience.

  • 因为这类坏蛋,已经丧尽天良,当一个民族敌人深入国土的时候,他们还要闹磨擦,闹惨案,闹分裂。
    For they are so utterly devoid of conscience that they are even creating "friction" and perpetrating massacres and splits after our national enemy has penetrated deep into our territory.

  • 因为这类坏蛋,已经丧尽天良,当一个民族敌人深入国土的时候,他们还要闹磨擦,闹惨案,闹分裂。
    For they are so utterly devoid of conscience that they are even creating"friction"and perpetrating massacres and splits after our national enemy has penetrated deep into our territory.

  • 艾力由丧尽天良的流氓以至被洗脑成一等良民的戏剧性历程,为史丹利寇比力克改编自安东尼作吉斯小说的摄人未来版构织出一道耀目光环。
    Alex's journey from amoral punk to brainwashed proper citizen forms the dynamic arc of Stanley Kubrick's future-shock vision of Anthony Burgess' novel.

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