
具体而微  jù tǐ ér wēi







  • 巴黎的野孩,就是具体而微的拉伯雷。
    The gamin of Paris is Rabelais in this youth.

  • 为此,人类本身无疑就是一个具体而微的小宇宙。
    It is no doubt that the body is a universe.

  • 它是战时广东乡村保甲政策在黄冈乡具体而微的体现。
    The model town of Bao-jia system in Huanggang represented Guangdong Bao-jia System at the wartime.

  • 研讨会上,专家们提出的具体而微小的问题和建议值得我们思考。
    Seminar, the experts suggested holding small and deserve our consideration.

  • 原则上,比起笨重的大机器人,具体而微的小机器人有许多优势。
    In principle, lilliputian robots have numerous advantages over their bulkier cousins.

  • 当皮特接电话时,音响系统声音自动降低就是一个具体而微的例子。
    A trivial example occurs when Pete answers his phone and the stereo sound is turned down.

  • 研究人员的结论是,LB1与直立人最像,不过是个具体而微的直立人。
    What LB1 looks like most, the researchers concluded, is a miniature H. erectus.

  • 在台北本来早有人制卖汉堡﹐我也尝试过,我的评语是略为形似,具体而微
    People have been selling hamburgers in Taipei for some time now. I've tried some of them. And my assessment was: Almost, but not quite!

  • 上海乃中国的具体而微,通过勾勒上海的变迁就可看出整个中国社会变迁的轨迹。
    One word, the vicissitude in Shanghai is the track of that in the whole country.

  • 艺术品是宇宙的精华,也是世界的缩影,是自然界的产物,也是自然界具体而微的表现。
    A work of art is an abstract or epitome of the world; it is the result or expression of nature, in miniature.

  • 目前正在打造的是如图所示一个具体而微的1913年份劳斯莱斯「银色魔鬼」的模型。
    Currently being crafted is a scaled-down model of a 1913 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost as shown in this photo.

  • 除了由此瞭解作家作品之外,并希望藉以具体而微地呈现日治时期传统汉诗的传承轨迹。
    In addition to know the poetess's works, this paper hopes to present the dynamics of traditional Chinese poems formed during Japanese colonial period.

  • 鉴于此,本文将以西方接受美学为理论参照,就《史记》在宋代的接受状况作具体而微的研究。
    In view of this, the thesis will make a specific research into the reception of Records of the Historian in the Song Dynasty in the light of western reception aesthetics theory.

  • 一款具体而微的即时战略游戏,建造建筑,收集资源,调动军队,发动战争,一切要素都齐全了。
    A miniature real-time strategy game, build buildings, collect resources, mobilization of the army, waging war, all the elements are full of.

  • 奈米科技的最终目标就是要能够有效地操纵原子与分子,并且以由下而上的方式,建构具体而微的大千世界。
    The ultimate goal of nanotechnology is to manipulate atoms and molecules effectively to build from bottom up a miniature of the grand universe.

  • 最后,我寻找爱,还因为在爱的交融中,神秘而又具体而微地,我看到了圣贤和诗人们想象出的天堂的前景。
    I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven tha saints and poets have imagined.

  • 最后,我寻找爱,还因为在爱的交融中,神秘而又具体而微地,我看到了圣贤和诗人们想象出的天堂的前景。
    finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.

  • 在著名的巴黎大学城中,五千多名来自一百多个国家的留学生济济一堂,是「国际村」理念具体而微的实践。
    More than 5, 000 overseas students from a hundred-some nations live together in the Cite universitaire, which embodies the spirit of a "global village. ""

  • 最后,我寻找爱,还因为在爱的交融中,神秘而又具体而微地,我看到了圣贤和诗人们想象出的天堂的前景。
    I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saint and poethave imagined.

  • 最后,我寻找爱,还因为在爱的交融中,神秘而又具体而微地,我看到了圣贤和诗人们想象出的天堂的前景。
    I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.

  • 具体而微的经验研究为基础,对个体与社会、微观与宏观之间的关系进行理论阐释,这是本文的新意所在。
    The advantage and freshness of this paper exists in the explaining the relations between individual and society, micro and macro on the basis of concrete experience research.

  • 手机游戏介绍:一款具体而微的即时战略游戏,建造建筑,收集资源,调动军队,发动战争,一切要素都齐全了。
    A miniature real-time strategy game, build buildings, collect resources, mobilization of the army, waging war, all the elements are full of.

  • 我寻找爱,因为在爱的结合中,我看到了一个神秘的具体而微小的世界,这是圣人与诗人想象中的天堂景象的预示。
    I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.

  • 警察派出所’可说是警察组织‘具体而微’的表征,有如人体中的手足,透过它才能使警察工作顺利的推展与落实。
    It could be said that just as ones' body, hands and feet are vital in human functionalism the 'police sub-station' is also a small but vital feature within the police structure.

  • 因为阅读本身即一种意识流动的旅行经验之外,逛书店更是一种具体而微的探索,因此笔者结合两者作为设计的主要论题。
    Since reading itself is also a form of traveling, and rambling around in bookstore is another, it is the reason why I combine both as my main topic in this thesis design.

  • 狄更斯的跨文类网络提供了一个具体而微的模型,足以检视媒体整合的历史演进,以及科技重拾人类自然沟通模式的不同阶段。
    Dickens's transgeneric network provides a model to observe the transition of media hybridization when the modern technology restores the human natural communication.

  • 然而,〈系辞传〉虽不乏有《黄老帛书》实现治道所提出的执六柄或审三名的治术,却不如《黄老帛书》的完整性及具体而微弱可操作性。
    While containing some techniques from A Silk Book of Huang Lao to fulfill the way of governance, "Xi Ci Zhuan" is not as integrated and easy to manipulate as A Silk Book of Huang Lao.

  • 在屋内的空间和外面的世界的交界处,玄关是一块缓冲之地,是具体而微的一个缩影,是乐曲的前奏、散文的序言,亦是风、阳光和温情的通道。
    In the flat space and the outside world junction, the entrance is a piece of the buffer, is a microcosm of man is the prelude music, prose preamble is wind, sun and warmth corridors.

  • 狄更斯小说的跨文类网络提供了一个具体而微的跨媒体网络模型,透过此模型,我们可以更清楚地观察媒体整合与演进的历程,并观察其不断回归的螺悬。
    The transformation of Dickens's works into so many genres forms a transgeneric network that could help envision the hybridization of media in the literary history.

  • 最后,我寻找爱,还因为在爱的交融中,神秘而又具体而微地,我看到了圣贤和诗人们想象出的天堂的前景。这就是我所寻找的,而且,虽然对人生来说似乎过于美妙,这也是我终于找到了的。
    I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.

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