
脚踏两只船  jiǎo tà liǎng zhī chuán







  • 反之,她想两边都挂着,脚踏两只船
    Instead, she likes having both of you dangling on strings.

  • 这家伙真可怜,他女朋友一直在脚踏两只船
    The poor guy, his girlfriend has been two-timing him for a while now!

  • 这家伙真可怜,他女朋友一直在脚踏两只船
    The poor guy, his girlfriend has been two-timing him for a while now!

  • 你知道吗?马丁真是个花花公子,他脚踏两只船
    You know something?Martin is really a playboy, he's dating two girls at the same time.

  • 不能脚踏两只船
    You can't have it both ways.

  • 你知道吗?马丁真是个花花公子,他脚踏两只船
    You know something? Martin is really a playboy, he's dating two girls at the same time.

  • 因为没有人知道银行部门何时再一次脚踏两只船
    No one yet knows when the right moment will come to insist that the banking sector once again stands on its own two feet.

  • 想要脚踏两只船时不要找瓶子,否则最后你会发觉是踏你。
    Wanting the feet steps the hour of two ships do not seek the bottle, you will discover to is a ship to step you otherwise and finally.

  • 那个军火走私者脚踏两只船,同时向阿拉伯人和以色列人出售武器。
    The gun runner has a foot in both camps; he sells arms to both the Arabs and the Israelis.

  • 看上去她对于自己脚踏特殊教育和主流社会两只船并没有感到不适应。
    She seems quite comfortable with one foot in the mainstream world, the other in that of special needs.

  • 这是一笔无把握的买卖,如果我不曾试图脚踏两只船的话,我可能已侥幸成功了。
    It was a dubious deal and I might got away with it if I hadn't tried to play both ends against the middle.

  • 我只是有信仰。我不像你,臭混蛋。你可以脚踏两只船,跟你前女友的最好的朋友乱搞。
    I just have faith bro. I am not like you, prick. You can double date and mess with your ex-girlfriend's best friend.

  • 我们都有责任,我对她不太信任,尽管她坚定的说只有我这一个男朋友,我还是怀疑她脚踏两只船
    We had our share of problems, and I have some trust issues. Near the end, I suspected she was seeing someone else, although she insisted he was just a friend.

  • 嗨,辛说你男朋友已经脚踏两只船了,如今这事地球人都知道,就你一个人被蒙在鼓里,面对现实吧!
    Hi, Xin Shuo your boyfriend already the feet stepped two ship, now this matter the Earth the person all know, you a person be kept in the dark, face the realities!

  • 脚踏两只船,同时也是分道扬镳;分水岭是对终点的渴望,也是对起点的失望。希望与失望同在之地。
    Watershed is aspiration of endings and disappointment of starting point, Watershed is a piece of land combined hope and disappointment.

  • 要是你当真盼望工人掌权,你就不该支持政府关于限制工资而增加雇主利润的计划——你不能脚踏两只船
    If you really want the workers to gain power you should not be supporting the government's plan to limit wages while slowing the profits of the employers to increase-you cannot serve two masters.

  • 不要白白享受着她的照顾和温柔,然后漫不经心地寻找着别的女孩,在找到之后才说我们分手吧,又或者干脆脚踏两只船
    Do not simply enjoy her care and tenderness, and then carelessly looking forward to another girl, found in only after that we Fen Shouba, or simply.

  • 不要白白享受着她的照顾和温柔,然后漫不经心地寻找着别的女孩,在找到之后才说我们分手吧,又或者干脆脚踏两只船
    Waste not to enjoy and take care of her gently, and then casually look for the other girls, in that we found after Breaking up, or simply Foot boat with two.

  • 虽说他现在仍然脚踏两只船,但他肯定更愿意带上财宝和海盗们逃之夭夭,因为他从我们这边得到的最大的希望只是不上绞架。
    He had still a foot in either camp, and there was no doubt he would prefer wealth and freedom with the pirates to a bare escape from hanging, which was the best he had to hope on our side.

  • 脚踏两只船造句相关
