
硕大无朋  shuò dà wú péng








  • 整个地球可以想像为一块硕大无朋的磁石。
    The earth may be thought of as a gigantic magnet.

  • 人物的眼睛和手都硕大无朋
    Character's hand and eyes are huge.

  • 整个地球可以想象为一块硕大无朋的磁石。
    The earth may be thought of as a gigantic magnet.

  • 整个地球可以想像为一块硕大无朋的磁石。
    The earth may be thought of as a gigantic magnet.

  • 尽管大钟硕大无朋,走时却很准确,误差几乎从未超出一秒。
    In spite of its huge size, Big Ben is a very good timekeeper and almost never gets more than a second off time.

  • 不管公债要涨价与否,伦敦总之已变成一块硕大无朋的产业了!
    Whether Consols were going up or not, London had become a terrific property.

  • 系统和他们的公司变得硕大无朋,套装软件支配着真正的程序员。
    The Systems and their Corporations had grown large and bulky, and Suits ruled over true Engineers.

  • 门开了一条小缝,出现了一个硕大无朋的鼻子,那是一个奇丑无比的老太婆。
    Then a small grating opened, and there appeared the tip of a huge nose, which belonged to the ugliest old woman that ever was seen.

  • 那是一个硕大无朋的命运之轮,一个记忆的旋转木马,一个智慧的滚动圆球。
    He pulled a lever and made his mind revolve about him, a monstrous wheel of fortune, a merry-go-round of memory, a revolving sphere of wisdom.

  • 在这个硕大无朋的空壳子里,人们象干果核一样在走廊里发出哗啷哗啷的声音。
    Inside that massive frame the human being rattled in the corridors like a dry kernel.

  • 在这个硕大无朋的空壳子里,人们象干果核一样在走廊里发出哗啷哗啷的声音。
    Inside that massive frame the human being rattled in the corridors like a dry kernel .

  • 那太阳如同一只硕大无朋的火球,燃烧着、闪亮着,它如此之雄美,如此之灿烂。
    The sun was like a huge burning ball, flaring and shinning, it was so glorious and so brilliant.

  • “没有没有,”瑞克心虚的回答,而勒荣转动了那硕大无朋的轮子让船进入既定航线。
    "No-no-no, " Rick responded weakly, as Lron spun the gargantuan wheel and the ship took up its approach.

  • 窗户旁边那张硕大无朋的床已经整理完毕,铺了破旧的毛毯,还有个没遮盖的长枕头。
    Beside the window the enormous bed was made up, with ragged blankets and a cover less bolster .

  • 根据英国卫报报导,科学家认为像鸟一样的肺部,可能是让恐龙硕大无朋的最大帮手。
    Bird-like lungs could have helped the biggest dinosaurs reach their astonishing size, say scientists.

  • 我没有时间讲感情,也没有机会,小姐,我这一辈子就是在转动着一个硕大无朋的金钱机器。
    Feelings I have no time for them, no chance of them. I pass my whole life, miss, in turning an immense pecuniary Mangle .

  • 这双眼睛不是从一张脸上向外看,而是从架在一个不存在的鼻子上的一副硕大无朋的黄色眼镜向外看。
    They look out of no face, but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose.

  • 摆在它们面前的是一座硕大无朋的金矿。对于罗氏制药公司来说,这是一场波澜壮阔、影响深远的革命。
    To company of pharmacy of collect family name, this is a surging forward with great momentum, far-reaching revolution.

  • 有时呼呼吹过的风,也好象是一个硕大无朋、伤感凄楚的灵魂,和宇宙一样大,和天地一样老,在那儿叹息。
    The occasional heave of the wind became the sigh of some immense sad soul, conterminous with the universe in space, and with history in time.

  • 门外还有一块硕大无朋的斗龙竞技场,在这里,哈利和他三强争霸赛中的对手们将试着从那些高飞的动物爪下抢走金蛋。
    And a massive Dragon Arena sits outdoors, where Harry and other contestants in the Triwizard Tournament will try to procure eggs from the flying beasts.

  • 说得通俗一点,这种网络电脑已相当于一个盘踞在太阳系中、硕大无朋的生物,每一个携带微机的人,都是它的触角、感官和肢体。
    In everyday language, this Network Computer is like a gigantic creature crouched in the solar system. Every person carrying an AI computer serves as its antenna, sense organs, and limbs.

  • 较之后来的翻拍片,实际上我更认可文森特·普雷斯在1958年经典版中的表现,在片中这位伟大男演员项上栖着一颗硕大无朋的俊俏蝇头。
    I actually prefer the great Vincent Price effort of 1958, in which a cheesy fly head is perched on a human body.

  • 一个船长从破艇头抓起割缆绳的刀子刺向白鲸,就像一个阿肯色人决斗刺向自己的对手,盲目地用一把六吋长的小刀就像结果那硕大无朋的生命。
    one captain, seizing the line-knife from his broken prow, had dashed at the whale, as an Arkansas duellist at his foe, blindly seeking with a six inch blade to reach the fathom-deep life of the whale.

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