
碍手碍脚  ài shǒu ài jiǎo








  • 孩子们在假日里总是碍手碍脚的。
    Children get in the way during in the holidays.

  • 她的三个孩子老是碍手碍脚
    Her three children are always getting underfoot.

  • 房间里的孩子、宠物和玩具永远总是碍手碍脚
    a house with children and pets and toys always underfoot.

  • 我做饭时不希望你们这些孩子在我这儿碍手碍脚的。
    I don't want you kids under my feet while I'm cooking.

  • 此外,指挥们往往非但不能鼓舞人心,反而碍手碍脚
    On the other hand, conductors often aren't inspiring and just get in the way.

  • 姨夫:唉!你还是去打水吧!别在这里碍手碍脚的!?
    Uncle: Alas! You'd better to fetch water! You are one unnecessary here!

  • 虽然他认为自己是在帮我们做饭,但实际上他碍手碍脚的。
    Although he thought he was helping us prepare the dinner, he was actually in the way.

  • 杜库不需要他的徒弟参与其中,魁刚只会碍手碍脚,他希望单独解决问题。
    Dooku did not need his Padawan. Qui-Gon would only get in his way. He needed to finish this alone.

  • 英国首相布郎情愿不要目前大方的,而选择碍手碍脚的补贴模式,令人奇怪。
    It seems odd that the prime minister has leapt from the over-generosity of the current model to the blunt hand-outs of his preferred one.

  • 我的意思是,你可以自己写嘛,用别人的工具,多少也有点碍手碍脚的感觉。
    I had originally believed that you would write your own version, but your reply really saddened me …

  • 房间里的''。'孩子'。''、''。'宠物'。''和玩具永远总是碍手碍脚
    Most of them say, "no children, pet, or foreigner allow. ""

  • 她补充说:“所有IWC本该一直在进行的积极的保护工作,日本人都在碍手碍脚。”
    They stand in the way of all the positive conservation work that the IWC could be doing, " she added."

  • 她补充说:“所有IWC本该一直在进行的积极的保护工作,日本人都在碍手碍脚。”
    "They stand in the way of all the positive conservation work that the IWC could be doing, " she added.

  • 环顾四周,是否发现家中的物品杂乱无章,不用的时候碍手碍脚,要用了,怎么也找不到。
    Even in a rush and a muddle of Monday morning, you can calmly look like to find the things one is a know-how ingenious design of the wardrobe accessories.

  • 向他示以爱意如同向一位小一点的孩子示好简直是不可能的事,另外他又总是碍手碍脚的。
    It is impossible to shower affection on him as on a little boy; and he is always getting in the way.

  • 她补充说:“所有国际捕鲸委员会本该一直在进行的积极的保护工作,日本人都在碍手碍脚
    "They stand in the way of all the positive conservation work that the IWC could be doing, " she added.

  • 麦琪:本,我已经说了,你就别争了。咱们都在为你忙,你帮不了忙,至少别来碍手碍脚的。
    Maggie: Ben, I said no arguments. We are doing all this for you. If you can't help, you can at least stay out of the way.

  • 目前的法律并不禁止以上两种行为,但是却几乎从未实行过,因为法律的设计让政府碍手碍脚
    Both actions are permitted under the current law but have almost never been exercised; the law makes it cumbersome to do so.

  • 他刚要转身回去告诉主人,忽然发现浴室门口有一块石头,碍手碍脚,也不知是谁把它放在那里的。
    He just wanted face about to go back tell host, suddenly discovery has a rock at the door the bathroom, hinderous, who puts it over also do not know.

  • 男友:“喜欢做菜,喜欢下厨房,喜欢美食,那就勇敢的朝着自己想做的事情去努力,别碍手碍脚。”
    Boyfriend:Like cooking, like under the kitchen, like food, then towards the brave things they want to work hard, do not cumbersome.

  • 男友:“喜欢做菜,喜欢下厨房,喜欢美食,那就勇敢的朝著自己想做的事情去努力,别碍手碍脚。”
    Boyfriend:Like cooking, like under the kitchen, like food, then towards the bravethings they want to work hard, do not cumbersome.

  • 很多当权者不吸取历史教训的原因,倒不是因为他们没有熟读历史,而是历史教训让他们觉得碍手碍脚
    The reason why many regimes do not heed the lessons of history is not because they are not familiar with what had happened in the past, but rather that they find the lessons of history a hindrance.

  • 该忘掉的就应该忘了,该丢的就要丢的了。垃圾不会是古董的,它只会是碍手碍脚的,一文不值的废物。
    It should forget the forgotten, it is necessary to the left of the left. Garbage is not an antique, it will only be in the way it is, worthless waste.

  • 我当然知道这个工作攸关农场的成败,但是佩玲派这个工作给我,更好的理由是把我支开以免我碍手碍脚
    Though I was assured the job was vital to the ultimate success of the farm, I think Peiling assigned it to me to get me out of the way.

  • 我不认为我是个都是。我天生就不是一个优秀的斗士,而且我觉得我只会碍手碍脚(或是只会给你们拖后腿的)
    I think not. I am no great fighter to begin with, and… I am not feeling well. I would only get in your way.

  • 有时我想一个人清静一下,他颇知趣,从不打搅我。我常喜欢自己一人出去了解情况,他从不碍手碍脚地跟随我。
    On the other hand, he seemed to sense when I wanted to be alone and never followed me when I went out exploring by myself, a thing which I often did and in which nobody stopped me.

  • 都怪她他跟老板说什么他一个人就可以搞定,还让老板把自己的那个女同事打发回家去了,说她留下来也只会碍手碍脚
    It was late, after ten, he had told his boss that he could handle things alone and told him to send her home because she would only be in the way.

  • 男友:“喜欢做菜,喜欢下厨房,喜欢美食,那就勇敢的朝着自己想做的事情去努力,别碍手碍脚。”在线观看毛片优酷。
    Boyfriend:Like cooking, like under the kitchen, like food, then towards the brave things they want to work hard, do not cumbers kiss bye 歌词 ome.

  • 要是你们认为小孩子 —— 不管是你自己的小孩子,还是别人的小孩子 —— 是「碍手碍脚」,妨碍你领受更重要的呼召,请三思。
    If any of you looks at children—either your own or those of others—as problems "in the way" of more important callings, please take a second look.

  • 瑞德在打包,孩子们碍手碍脚。一个孩子拿着玩具枪指着瑞德,扣动扳机。瑞德瞪着枪,听着它咔嗒做响,枪中的转轮磨擦着放出火花。
    Bagging groceries. CHILDREN underfoot. One points a toy gun at Red, pumping the trigger. Red focuses on the gun, listening to it CLICKETY-CLACK. Sparky wheel grinding.

  • 碍手碍脚造句相关
