
舍己为人  shě jǐ wèi rén







  • 在这些事物中循环的真谛就是舍己为人的爱。
    Cycle in these things is the essence of self-sacrificing love.

  • 你可以做不到舍己为人,但你不能损人利己;
    You can can not do it to sacrifice, but you can't profit oneself at the expense of others;

  • 他就是愿意舍己为人
    He is to would like to sacrifice.

  • 中国社会现在还是追求“舍己为人”,“大无畏”的奉献精神。
    we should help others, and make others happer. it is not right to think yourself only.

  • 诗意体验本身是非道德的、超道德的:“初无舍己为人之意”。
    Poetic experience, is a non-moral, ultra-moral: "The first meaning no self-sacrifice."

  • 为了表扬他舍己为人的精神,学校校刊发了专刊报导他的事迹。
    The school published a special report with a whole page about his deeds, to praise his spirit of sacrifice for the sake of others.

  • 她说:“孩子们能都舍己为人真是勇敢。是上帝给了她们勇气。”
    "It was very courageous of the girls to offer themselves, " Rhoads said. "God was really present to give the girls that kind of courage. "

  • 上帝恩典的福音具有舍己为人的精神,永不能和属世的精神相协调。
    The gospel of the grace of God, with its spirit of self-abnegation, can never be in harmony with the spirit of the world.

  • 今天,就让我们来看看这位舍己为人的英雄----“春蚕”的一生吧!
    Today, let us take a look at the heroic self-sacrifice human ----" "life of it!

  • 于是耶稣对他的门徒解释︰他舍己为人的生活,是他们应遵循的生活榜样。
    Jesus now explained to His disciples that His own life of self-abnegation was an example of what theirs should be.

  • 如果我捐赠了所有的财富,并舍己为人,会感到自豪,但没有爱,我就一无所获。
    If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

  • “忠心良善”的员工是企业竞争的利器,对于强调舍己为人的非营利组织更显重要。
    The features of loyalty and sacrifice are emphasized by non-profit organizations which stress on giving up the personal interests for others.

  • 这才是值得欣赏的生命:一种无私、舍己为人的生命,这正是现在我们中学生所缺少的!
    This is worthy of appreciation of life: a selfless, Sheji human life, this is now our secondary school students by the lack of!

  • 显然詹姆知道自己赢不了,所以他选择战斗以让家人赢得逃跑时间,这其实也是舍己为人
    Apparently James knew he had no fighting chance, so choosing to fight in order to give time to his family to flee, was in fact choosing to die for them.

  • 其它全没有吃,全留他们烧吃了,因为东西不够吃。舍己为人了。没有办法谁叫我们是组长…
    Anger 'disease and despair, People hide these were all on as normal, are all innocent people just set out. No one is innocent.

  • 就算我拿所有的财物周济穷人,就算我能做出舍己为人的壮举,但如果没有爱,我仍将一无所有。
    If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient; love is kind;

  • 即使我捐出我的所有财产,移交我的身躯(舍己为人),我会很自豪。但,没有爱,(那么)我一无所获。
    If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

  • 第二章阐明史柯比并非舍己为人的圣徒而是一个软弱的人有著多项性格弱点:自我中心、骄傲、悲观及懦弱。
    Chapter Two is to illustrate that Scobie is not a saint who sacrifice his life to save people but a weak man with various character flaws, i. e. egotism, pride, pessimism and cowardice.

  • 我欣赏这样一种生命:它有着坚强的意志,聪慧的头脑,勤奋的双手,更有不畏艰险,舍己为人的奉献精神。
    I enjoy such a life: it has a strong will, intelligence-minded, hard-working hands, more Buweijianxian, Sheji human spirit of dedication.

  • 其中最感人的是他为寻找治病的良药而一一品尝各种草药,曾经在一日之内中毒70次,实在是舍己为人的典范。
    In order to test the effects and efficacy of herbs, he once poisoned himself 70 times within a single day.

  • 市场经济条件下,道德与人追求自我满足的本性具有一致性,道德并不必定是“舍己为人”,其最高表现应是“利己利人”。
    Under market economy, morals don"t certainly mean "one for others", because the highest standard should be "benefits both oneself and others".

  • 我国各民族的幻想故事中,蕴含着极丰富的人生理想,既有以追求丰衣足食为主题的生活理想,以颂扬舍己为人的道德品质和不畏强暴的英雄人格的道德理想,也有以赞美劳动为主要内容的原始职业理想和社会理想。
    The folk tales of the Chinese nationalities embody all kinds of idealism:such as Some tales show the idea of hunting a rich life, the sacrificing spirit and the heroic morality in combating tyranny.

  • 舍己为人造句相关
