
营私舞弊  yíng sī wǔ bì







  • 营私舞弊, 已经被撤职查办。
    He has been removed from office and prosecuted on a charge of embezzlement.

  • 这家美国公司营私舞弊极为严重。
    This American company is steeped in fraud up the armpits.

  • 这就是我们现有政治体制中营私舞弊的核心。
    For this is the core of the corruption in our present system of government.

  • 营私舞弊,与买方串通低价转让国有资产、产权的;
    Malpractice, collusion with the buyer-transfer state-owned assets, property rights;

  • 严重失职,营私舞弊,给用人单位造成重大损害的;
    Commits serious dereliction of duty or practices graft, causing substantial damage to the Employer;

  • 美国最近依据海外营私舞弊法案起诉了一位政府公务员。
    America recently prosecuted one of its own public officials under the FCPA.

  • 严峻失职,营私舞弊,对用人单位利益造成重大损害的;
    to cause great losses to the employing unit due to serious dereliction of duty or engagement in malpractice for selfish ends;

  • 严重失职,营私舞弊,对用人单位利益造成重大损害的;
    to cause great losses to the employing unit due to serious dereliction of duty or engagement in malpractice for selfish ends;

  • 俄罗斯长期以来批评欧洲安全与合作组织竟敢公然在选举时营私舞弊
    Russia has long criticised the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe for daring to highlight election malpractice.

  • 以上人员由营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会决议,可随时解聘。
    If any of the above personnel commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, the board of directors may decide to dismiss him at any time.

  • 以上人员有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会决议,可随时解聘。
    If any of the above personnel commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, the board of directors may decide to dismiss him at any time.

  • 以上人员如有营私舞弊或严重失职行为的,经董事会决议,可随时解聘。
    In case any one of the above-mentioned persons conduct graft or serious dereliction of duty, they may be dismissed at any time upon the decision of the Board.

  • 这些主流政党,自1990年代掌权以来,以营私舞弊和不良治理而闻名。
    These parties, when they had power in the 1990s, became known mainly for feathering their own nests and for bungling.

  • 总经理、副总经理有营私舞弊或严重失职的,经董事会会议决议可随时撤换。
    In case of graft or serious dereliction of duty on the part of the general manager and deputy general managers, the Board of directors shall have the power to dismiss them at any time.

  • 他决心不利用职权谋取私利。他向乡亲们宣布,他是新型的官员,决不营私舞弊
    Determined not to use his position for personal profit, he announced to his neighbors that he was a new type of official and incorruptible.

  • 尽管海外营私舞弊法案于1977年通过,但是直到最近其实施道路可谓历尽坎坷。
    Although the FCPA was enacted in 1977, enforcement was patchy until recently.

  • 我授权给你,目的只有一个:把权力交还能罗马人民,并消除削弱罗马的营私舞弊
    I will empower you to one end alone: to give power back to the people of Rome, and end the corruption that has crippled it.

  • 第三十二条总经理、副总经理有营私舞弊或严重失职的,经董事会议决:可随时撤换。
    Board of Directors may from time to time remove the President or Vice President(s) by resolution where President or Vice President(s) corrupt(s) or severely neglect(s) his/their duties.

  • 以上人员如有营私舞弊或严重失职行为的,不能胜任工作的,经董事会决定可随时撤换。
    In case any one of the above-mentioned persons conduct graft or serious dereliction of duty, they may be dismissed at any time upon the decision of the borad.

  • 直言敢谏,曾多次向朝廷上书,陈述应兴应革建议,揭发营私舞弊官吏,引起朝廷重视。
    Jian dare say, has a letter to the court, the statement should be leather-hing suggested that exposed official corruption, caused great importance to the imperial court.

  • 体育竞赛的组织者和运动员、教练员、裁判员应当遵守体育道德,不得弄虚作假、营私舞弊
    Sports organizers and athletes, coaches, referees should abide by the sportsmanship, not to fraud, corruption.

  • 政治家收受贿赂并利用职务之便营私舞弊的腐败现象在世界各国都时有发生,这在日本也不例外。
    Bribery, misconduct and malfeasance occur in politicians from time to time in the countries all over the world . and Japan is not exceptional.

  • 不是行政部门主导的学术行政化、大学官本位,哪里会有如此多的大学教授道德堕落、营私舞弊
    Not the executive branch led by Chief Academic and University officials as the foundation, where there will be so many university professors and moral degeneration, corruption?

  • 蒋介石的文武官员在东北如此大搞营私舞弊、敲诈勒索和强制压迫,能有几个满洲人喜欢他们呢?
    All the nepotism, extortion and oppression practiced by Chiang's officials and army officers in the Northeast had endeared them to few Manchurians.

  • 总经理、副总经理及其他高级管理人员有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会决议可以随时解聘。
    If the general manager, a deputy general manager or other officer commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, the board of directors may adopt a resolution to dismiss him at any time.

  • 腐败,营私舞弊。看起来人们对此已经习以为常,这令我十分忧心。另外,飞涨的物价令我大吃一惊。
    Manu: The corruption. It seems people have become accustomed and that worries me. The rising prices also surprised me.

  • 总经理、副总经理及其他高级管理人员有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会决议可以随时解聘。
    The general manager, deputy general manager or other officer commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, the board of directors may adopt a resolution to dismiss him at any time.

  • 夏天,有一次他派人把顶替博古恰罗沃已故村长德龙的新村长叫来,因为有人控告他营私舞弊、玩忽职守。
    One summer day he had sent for the village elder who had taken control at Bogutcharovo on the death of Dron. The man was accused of various acts of fraud and neglect.

  • 确切地说,这样的“营私舞弊”是现有体制诱使国会议案的得益人募集并捐赠金钱给国会让其提出相应议案。
    Rather, "corruption" in the sense that the system induces the beneficiaries of Congress's acts to raise and give money to Congress to induce it to act.

  • 银行和商业界的所作所为往往使人们对他们的神圣托付蒙上麻木不仁和营私舞弊的耻辱。这种作为必须终止。
    and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing.

  • 营私舞弊造句相关
