
见风使舵  jiàn fēng shǐ duò








  • 政客们都是见风使舵的墙头草。
    Politicians are a fickle lot.

  • 这商人狡猾得很,当然知道见风使舵
    The merchant is crafty enough to change like a weather-cock.

  • 管它谁做国王呢,我都会见风使舵的。
    Let who will be king, I will be vicar of Bray still.

  • 他总是见风使舵,因而不受同学喜欢。
    He is always temporize and be dislike by his classmate.

  • 管他谁做国王呢,我都会见风使舵的。
    Let who will be king , i will be vicar of bray still.

  • 他总是见风使舵,因而不受同学喜欢。
    He is always temporizing and is disliked by his classmates.

  • 他总是见风使舵, 因而不受同学喜欢。
    He is always temporize and be dislike by his classmate.

  • 顺风使帆。/见风使舵
    To trim one's sails to the wind.

  • 这种模式有时叫见风使舵,船舶位置由PME控制。
    In this mode, the position of the vessel is controlled by a PME.

  • 汤姆在辩论中是个见风使舵者,他经常支持人多的一方。
    Tom was a typical fence sitter in the debate-he was always up with those who had more supporters.

  • 不利的方面是,议员常常看了显示屏后再投票,见风使舵
    The disadvantage is that members often display looked after the vote, Jianfengshiduo.

  • 见风使舵,他得以渡过危机(主动去做,表示为人机灵)。
    Training the sails, he tided over the crisis.

  • 几个不让步的人,可是他们在竞选的最后阶段也见风使舵了。
    There were a few holdouts, but they also jumped on the bandwagon toward the end of the campaign.

  • 汤姆在辩论中就知道见风使舵,他总是站在支持者多的一边。
    Tom was a typical fence sitter in the debate—he was always up with those who had more supporters.

  • 也许不久后,见风使舵的萨科奇先生就得重读亚当·史密斯了。
    It may not be long before the fickle Mr Sarkozy is re-reading his Adam Smith.

  • 本来有几个不让步的人,可是他们在竞选的最后阶段也见风使舵了。
    There were a few holdouts, but they also jumped on the bandwagon toward the end of the campaign.

  • 这个机灵的年轻人懂得如何见风使舵,他会在适当的时机叫泪水涌出眼眶。
    He knew how to make the tears come to his eyes at the right moment;

  • 上海人:不会就学嘛,要学会见风使舵,五*四新文化运动是你们搞的吧?
    Person in Shanghai:Can't study, the academic association see breeze make rudder, five*four new culture sport is you to make of?

  • 这样的转变,回到文章开头的话题,到底是算见机行事呢还是见风使舵呢?
    Such changes, and return to the topic at the beginning of the article, whether it be acting or wind?

  • 我的小妹妹懂得见风使舵,不过别的孩子全都愚蠢得以为他能够像成年人那样讲道理。
    My youngest sister simply tells him what he wants to hear, but the rest of us have all made the stupid mistake of trying to reason with him as adults.

  • 投资银行家变得更加势利,更加见风使舵,更加不在乎是否真正提出高质量的投资建议。
    Investment bankers even more snobbish, Jianfengshiduo more and more do not care whether the proposed high-quality investment advice.

  • 立即见风使舵,工作重点唰地转移过来:“一般来说,先生注意大局,小姐更注重内部结构。”
    Immediately wind, transferred to focus Shua : "In general, Mr. attention to the overall situation, focusing more on the internal structure of Miss."

  • 民主党人士也相当聪明,他们见风使舵扮演中间派角色,而此时的共和党人开始走向极右的惨败之路。
    The Democrats were clever enough to tack to the centre at a time when the Republicans appeared to have lurched to the extreme right.

  • 平素招人喜欢,时而透着精明,更善于见风使舵,为人浅薄的希拉克无疑是近年来法国最幸运的政治家之一。
    Mr. Chirac, usually charming, sometimes shrewd but too often opportunistic and shallow, is certainly one of France's luckiest politicians of recent times.

  • 据了解,从去年开始望京地区就出现二次置业潮,而有的开发商也“见风使舵”,直接把二次置业者定位为目标客户。
    It is understood that since the beginning of last year on a second home ceremony region flows, and some developers are "genuine", the second home buyers as a direct target customers.

  • 乘冰帆更好玩,它既能顺风飞驰,又能逆风返回,舵手可以随心所欲,“见风使舵”,较之水上泛舟,另有一番乐趣。
    Just as interesting and exciting is sailing on ice. Manipulating the sail, one can drift with the wind or sail against it. To many, this is even more interesting than sailing in the water.

  • 见风使舵造句相关
