
过街老鼠  guò jiē lǎo shǔ






  • 方向已经确定,唱多成了过街老鼠
    direction has been established, more than a singing rats.

  • 情人节快成了过街老鼠
    Valentine's Day, a rat crossing the street?

  • 一时间温州鞋成了过街老鼠———人人喊打。
    For a short while lukewarm city shoe had become street mice -- , everybody cries dozen.

  • 贱人丑女汉奸四眼田鸡王千源,过街老鼠人人喊打。
    Ugly woman wangqianyuan, All like a rat running across the street.

  • 贱人丑女汉奸四眼田鸡王千源,过街老鼠人人喊打。
    Description: Ugly woman wangqianyuan, All like a rat running across the street.

  • 让腐败分子无藏身之地,成为过街老鼠,人人喊打。
    Let the corrupt member not hide the place, becomes the target of universal detestation, everybody shouted hits.

  • 他们已变成过街老鼠,纵使拥有巨额财富,又有何用?
    They have turned into the street rat, even though huge amounts of wealth owned, what is the use?

  • 呵呵,现在房地产开发商的名声简直有如“过街老鼠”。
    Ha-ha, the name is now property developers are like "rats".

  • __贱人丑女汉奸四眼田鸡王千源,过街老鼠人人喊打。
    Ugly woman wangqianyuan, All like a rat running across the street.

  • 自古小三就是被人们所鄙视,就如过街老鼠那样,人人喊打。
    Since ancient times, Xiao San is to be despised by people, like rats crossing the street, as obnoxious to everyone.

  • 这时巷子里的群众自发进行围堵,歹徒成了过街老鼠,人人喊打。
    At this time of the alley where the masses to carry out self-containment, who had become a hated enemies.

  • 在城市,如今假冒伪劣商品成了人人喊打的“过街老鼠”,常被曝光显丑。
    In the city, fake nowadays commodity became everybody to cry hit " mice crossing a street " , often be shown by exposure ugly.

  • 一旦被她们发现则人人喊打,小刘成了过街老鼠,好几次抱头鼠窜,狼狈不堪
    Found everyone cries 'kill it', the person hated by everyone of little Liu Cheng, scurry off like a frightened rat several times by them, in a dilemma.

  • 原本具有神圣意义的奥运圣火,却被中国搞得像过街老鼠,中国,污辱了圣火。
    This blessed Olympic torch has been running around the streets to avoid protesters like a rat. China government stigmatizes the Olympic torch.

  • 在深深怀念真诚朴素的善良情感的同时,假冒伪劣越来越像过街老鼠,人人喊打。
    Greatly missed at simple kind sincere emotion at the same time more and more like a fake street rat enemies.

  • 脚踏实地余进华文/周文温州皮鞋曾一度声名狼藉,颇有些象过街老鼠,人人喊打。
    Ceng Yi of leather shoes of lukewarm city of article of article / week spends hardheaded Yu Jinhua arrant, quite some of elephant crosses street mice, everybody cries dozen.

  • 就在消费者的节日“三一五”到来的前夕,“假冒伪劣”产品又一次成为过街老鼠
    With respect to the festival in consumer " 315 " incoming eve, "Fake " the product has become street mice again.

  • 在假冒伪劣产品犹如过街老鼠的时代,进出口领域的“赝品”也成为重点监控的对象。
    Be in fake the times that the product has been just as street mice, the " counterfeit " of domain of imports and exports also becomes the target of key monitoring.

  • 肯尼迪机场被人脱衣服搜身,对你们这里的人来说,我就像是过街老鼠一样,人人喊打。
    Kennedy Airport, apparently to you people, I look like someone who's got a balloon full of cocaine stuffed up their bum.

  • 只要把这些问号能够拉直,相信“形象工程”就不会再是公众的“靶子”、过街老鼠
    As long as these doubts can be straightened believe "image projects" to the public would not "target", the crossing of rats.

  • 银行家、骗子、掠夺性保险公司这些致全球衰退的罪魁祸首目前已成过街老鼠、人人喊打。
    BANKERS, frauds, predatory insurers: there has been a stampede to punish the villains of the global meltdown.

  • 他很可能是对的:自我管理在各行各业已成为过街老鼠,最近在议会发生的事也令人沮丧。
    He is probably right in this: self-regulation is on the run in most walks of life, and recent experience of it in Parliament is dispiriting.

  • 帖子三:公众场合遭遇小偷,如果我方占优势,可以适度反抗,可对扒手形成过街老鼠人人喊打的局面。
    Card 3: Public circumstance encounters thief, if we are dominant, can revolt moderately, can have formed street mice everybody to call hit situation to thief.

  • 幸亏当时还不知道非典,不然的话,村民肯定会以一种对待过街老鼠的态度把我隔离起来,让我吃尽苦头。
    At that time, no SARS, if not, villages would definitely separate me and send me in suffering like treating a rat crossing the street.

  • “威望”号没有了威望,单壳油轮已然成为“过街老鼠”,频繁的漏油事故催生着全球油轮市场的全新变局。
    "Mana " date did not have mana, simple case tanker is become already " mice crossing a street " , of frequent leakage oily accident is ecbolic global tanker market brand-new change bureau.

  • 这些天,打开网络,翻开报纸,造成奶粉事件的三聚氰胺被各大媒体炒得沸沸扬扬,成了人人喊打的过街老鼠
    These days, open networks, read newspapers, milk powder incident caused by the major media melamine was a lot of heated discussions, has become the common enemies of hatred.

  • 既然是合法的,从根本上就没有必要视其为过街老鼠,适当地批评是可以的,但也应该心平气和,而不是视为眼中钉,肉中刺。
    Since it is a legitimate and fundamentally there is no need as rats, can be appropriately criticized, but it should also be calm and not as nails in the eye and thorns in the flesh.

  • 一个月前,尹中立先生在全国首次提出了“温州炒房团”的概念,引来全国各传媒的注意,温州民间资本几乎成了“过街老鼠”。
    A month ago, first introduced in the National Yinzhongli President "Wenzhou Real Mission" concept, attracted national media attention, Wenzhou, private capital seems to have become the "rats.

  • 在记者进行的现场采访中,不少老总并没有掩饰自己内心的尴尬,“现在开发商的名声就像过街老鼠,人人喊打,这种现状必须得改变一下了”。
    At the news of live interviews, many mister did not conceal their inner embarrassment, "now the name developers like rats, obnoxious to everyone that the status quo must be changed to."

  • 过街老鼠造句相关
