
马革裹尸  mǎ gé guǒ shī







  • 我们赢得战争,要的是让敌方的可怜虫为国捐躯、马革裹尸
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

  • 我要各位记住,我们不是为了马革裹尸,不是为了为国捐躯而参战;
    Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.

  • 对(这场战争)一肚子怀疑的英国公众想知道本国士兵究竟是为何而马革裹尸
    In Britain, a sceptical public wonders what its soldiers are dying for.

  • 男:大丈夫投笔从戎马革裹尸,我去投军打鬼子了,不能耽误你,我走后你找个男人嫁了吧!
    Male: Renounce the pen and join the army of v/arc true man, die on the battle field, I go casting army hit devil, cannot delay you, after I go, you looked for a man to marry!

  • 回过头看,那些马没有一匹不是病马、纸马、劣马、死马,让骑者马失前蹄,人仰马翻,落得个战死沙场,马革裹尸
    With regard to those who did not go is not a disease Ma Ma, paper horses, Liema, Ma died for persons riding horses, everyone, and end up with a battle fought, Mageguoshi.

  • 也许就是从那个时候开始喜欢上中国人民解放军,好男儿,就应该战死沙场,马革裹尸(这个梦想,现在想起来很难实现了)。
    Perhaps is starts to like on the Chinese People's Liberation Army from that time, the good son, should die in battle the sandy plain, died in battle(this dream, thought now very difficult to realize).

  • 后来贝尔登亲眼看到了英、美、中三国军队在缅甸的大溃败(见《跟随史迪威将军撤退》),以及盟军在北非作战和在欧洲登陆的情景(见《马革裹尸仍其时》)。
    Later Belden saw the great Anglo-American-Chinese defeat in Burma (Retreat with Stilwell) and the war in North Africa and the landings in Europe (Still Time to Die).

  • 正如作者所写的,这种曲解还出现在了有关库斯特的影视当中,从拉乌尔•沃尔什拍摄的《马革裹尸还》(1941)中高尚的英雄,到亚瑟•佩恩所摄的《小大人》(1970)中癫狂的疯子。
    This also happens, as the author notes, in films where Custer, a noble hero in Raoul Walsh's "They Died With Their Boots On" (1941), becomes a deranged maniac in Arthur Penn's "Little Big Man" (1970).

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