
鹿死谁手  lù sǐ shuí shǒu








  • 俄罗斯国家杜马选举:鹿死谁手?
    Election of Russian State Duma: Who Will Win?

  • 冲锋之势已经形成,鹿死谁手还看明朝!
    Emergency force has been formed, and also to see the outcome of the Ming dynasty!

  • 所有这些变数对于决定鹿死谁手至关重要。
    All these variables are crucial that can decide who is victor or not.

  • 中国市场,究竟鹿死谁手,我们将拭目以待
    Chinese market, after all who will win, we wait and see what happens.

  • 三鹿事件到底“鹿死谁手”,国人拭目以待。
    Sanlu incident in the end, "the outcome, " people will wait and see.

  • 让我们看看鹿死谁手
    Let's see where the dice fall.

  • 皮肉俱佳的鹿实在难得,鹿死谁手谁就成了英雄。
    Trilingual deer skin is rare, the outcome will become a hero.

  • 我们将保持信心,战斗到最后一刻,看究竟鹿死谁手
    We will keep believing until the end and see what happens.

  • 退党分子陈水扁向民进党主席蔡英文叫板,鹿死谁手,颇费猜疑。
    Chen Shui-bian to quit the party to challenge the Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Tsai Ing-wen, the outcome, a lot of suspicion.

  • 此地块正如“游龙”一样,蕴藏无穷变数,鹿死谁手,还未可知。
    As the land mass "unit", among the endless variables, director, but also no knowing.

  • 周二,印第安纳州和北卡罗来纳州的选民将决定这次较量鹿死谁手
    Democrats are getting in some last-minute campaigning before their next major match-up on Tuesday when voters in Indiana and North Carolina hit the polls.

  • ‘未知鹿死谁手’,只不过未知是谁来杀了这头鹿,这头鹿,却是死定了的。
    It may be uncertain who will kill the deer, but the deer gets killed all right. There's no uncertainty about that.

  • 在新车密集上市阶段,老车型有可能再次密集降价应对,届时鹿死谁手还未尝可知。
    Listed in the new phase of intensive, old-model prices may once again respond to, the outcome will also never know.

  • 事实上,因为没有一个政党能够保证在新一次的选举中表现更加突出,鹿死谁手还未可知。
    In fact, since no party can be sure of emerging stronger from a fresh vote, it may not be quite yet.

  • 世界杯:力挽颓势的财神? 不管大力神杯鹿死谁手,韩国和日本都会是笑到最后的赢家。
    World cup: Frequency of ν Yan scabbard is sought dregs of rice? no matter energetically divine cup who will win, korea and Japan can be laugh to win the home finally.

  • 此后也有多家企业表达了参与收购的意向,但究竟“鹿死谁手”,尚待审批通过并正式签约。
    Since then, companies have expressed their intention to participate in the acquisition, but whether the "winner", to be vetting and through the formal signing.

  • 就我来说,冠军宝座鹿死谁手仍是未知。而如果弗爵爷认为一切都结束了,那他要遇到麻烦了。
    If I can say that, it's more than open. If Sir Alex thinks it's over, he's in trouble.

  • 因为那儿社会已经订立底线契约,既承认天下并非必将鹿死谁手的猎物,又圈定了政治与社会的界限。
    there because the community Has entered into contracts bottom line, not only to recognize the world is certainly not the outcome of the game, and the delineation of political and social boundaries.

  • 我们已经向人们展现了球队的特点以及成熟度,如果我们能够继续相信自己,那么联赛冠军鹿死谁手谁都说不好。
    The team has shown its character and its maturity in recent games and if we keep believing in ourselves then you never know what could happen.

  • 根据赛程安排,小组赛中,朝鲜女足还将迎战德国队和巴西队。在这支“死亡之组”的较量中,鹿死谁手很难确定。
    According to the schedule, the group won, the Korean women's football team will also face Germany and Brazil.

  • 鹿死谁手:势均力敌的双方对峙,鹿死谁手还不知道,先观察敌方的情境,不贸然动手,缓慢的靠近敌方,然后愈来愈接近…
    Who would die: two parties standing by for fighting without knowing who die; to observe the other party first and close to the party slowly then closer and closer.

  • 瑞士银行的分析人士利用数学模型对今年南非世界杯鹿死谁手进行了预测-并且称,英格兰队和西班牙队仅有4%的夺冠几率。
    UBS bankers have used a mathematical model to predict the champions of the South Africa 2010 World Cup – and say England and Spain have just 4pc chance of winning.

  • 在下一个“攸关生死”的对决前,民主党人正争分夺秒的进行拉票。周二,印第安纳州和北卡罗来纳州的选民将决定这次较量鹿死谁手
    Democrats are getting in some last-minute campaigning before their next major match-up on Tuesday when voters in Indiana and North Carolina hit the polls.

  • 鹿死谁手造句相关
