
默默无言  mò mò wú yán







  • 达西默默无言地听取了她的指责。
    Darcy listens to her accusations in silence.

  • 默默无言的爱是抵达心灵的最快途径。
    To let true love remain unspoken is the quickest route to a heavy heart.

  • 后来他们默默无言,彼此对望了一会。
    Then they looked at each other for a moment without speaking.

  • 这时,我依然在那儿默默无言地等待着。
    then, i am still and wait here in the silence.

  • 那一刻我默默无言,只说了声“再见”。
    I gave no answer but a good-bye to accompany your flight.

  • 当他默默无言时,你的心也不会停止倾听他的心;
    And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart;

  • 要是史蒂文·泰勒是导师的话那他肯定默默无言了。
    Paula:If Steven Tyler was the mentor, he'd be speechless.

  • 在生活中,有很多像叶子默默无言的奉献自己的人。
    In life, there are many silent words, like the leaves of the dedication of themselves.

  • 夜色如山,深沉厚重的山,默默无言的山,而我如竹。
    Night, such as mountains, deep heavy mountain, silent hill, and I like bamboo.

  • 我在埃及的尘土里躺了很久,默默无言,不晓季节的变换。
    Long did I lie in the dust of Egypt, silent and unaware of the seasons.

  • 老师默默无言地抱住玛妮雅,吻了吻她。玛妮雅的眼里噙着泪水。
    Without a word, the teacher put her arms around Manya and kissed her. Manya was in tears.

  • 你莞尔微笑,对我默默无言;可我觉得,我为此情此境,已经等待。
    You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting longs.

  • 啊,大自然,你每隔一段时间就要用你的默默无言来教诲我们净化自己!
    Ah, Nature, you always teach us to clean ourselves in your silence words at regular intervals!

  • 有时候大伙儿站了起来走开了,只剩下未婚夫妇二人,他们也默默无言
    Sometimes the others got up and went away, and the engaged pair were still as mute when they were left alone.

  • 如果它是痛苦,它最深刻的苦痛也会随着清澈的泪水一同流淌,默默无言地融化。
    If it were merely a pain it would melt in limpid tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word.

  • 上校默默无言地望望侍从武官,望望肥胖的校官,又望望热尔科夫,就皱起眉头。
    The colonel looked dumbly at the officer of the suite, at the stout staff-officer, at Zherkov, and scowled.

  • 最后他好象已经无话可说,默默无言地站了几分钟,突然又定了一下心,告辞而去。
    At length, every idea seemed to fail him; and, after standing a few moments without saying a word, he suddenly recollected himself, and took leave.

  • 唐太斯默默无言地呆立了许久。最后,他终于说,“那么你完全放弃逃走的希望了吗?”
    Dantès remained for a short time mute and motionless; at length he said, --"Then you abandon all hope of escape?""

  • 达西一时摸不着头脑,只得含含糊糊说了些慰问的话,默默无言地望着她,心里很是同情。
    Darcy, in wretched suspense, could only say something indistinctly of his concern, and observe her in compassionate silence.

  • 有时经过一个特殊的大楼或角落时她会让我放慢车速,她会坐在那里瞪着夜空,默默无言
    Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

  • 海利和那陌生人默默无言地吸了一会儿烟,好象谁都不愿先提这笔生意中最伤脑筋的问题。
    Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence, neither seeming willing to broach the test question of the business.

  • 阿茉瑞斯“咯咯”地笑起来,伸手指了指中间一个抽水马桶,阿纳金默默无言地走进盥洗室。
    Ameris giggled and pointed to the middle fixture and Anakin wordlessly made his way into the fresher.

  • 索尼娅默默无言,低垂着眼帘,谛听伯爵夫人的残酷的话语,她不明白到底对她有什么要求。
    Sonya, with downcast eyes, listened in silence to the countess's cruel words, and did not understand what was expected of her.

  • 这种不可能的爱情虽让她忍不住失眠和瘦削,但在这种默默无言的情绪里,她是快乐而纯洁的。
    Although this impossible love for her could not sleep and thin, but in such a quiet speechless emotions, she is happy and pure.

  • 在金色的天幕下两人并肩而行,默默无言。宿命听见了她静静的叹息,然后感觉到她稍稍放松下来了。
    They walked along together in silence under the golden sky. Destiny heard her sigh, quietly, and felt her relax.

  • “臭臭-绝地……”卢克说着,很高兴地伸手去拽大师的长耳朵。奥比万默默无言地把娃娃抱了过去。
    "Booger-Jedi…" said Luke, happily reaching for the Master's ears. Obi-Wan took the infant wordlessly.

  • 老师默默无言,不求回报,任凭粉尘染白发,任凭讲台留身影,师者如故,一年又一年,一代又一代。
    Teacher silent, not asking for anything left to dust dyed hair, left to the podium to stay shadow, teachers are just as before, year after year, generation after generation.

  • 甚至跟红妮在一起时,他也是没有自信,默默无言,虽然他和红妮有过默契:明年秋天他继承了财产以后,他们就结婚。
    Even with Honey, with whom he had an unspoken understanding of marriage when he came into his property next fall, he was diffident and silent.

  • 舅父母这才走到她跟前,说他的仪表叫他们很是仰慕,伊丽莎白满怀心事,一个字也没听进去,只是默默无言地跟着他们走。
    The others then joined her, and expressed their admiration of his figure; but Elizabeth heard not a word, and, wholly engrossed by her own feelings, followed them in silence.

  • 无论如何,我会在你身边,一起分享每天的话题,哪怕只是默默无言,只想呆在你身边,不愿你放弃我,这是我真的期望,多年以后,是否依旧如愿?
    Really?I am not kidding, you know, do not leave me down. Once you said: "whenever and wherever you are, you will always accompany me !"

  • 默默无言造句相关
